It smelled of bacon. I pulled myself up the sofa and I went to the kitchen. Emily was sat with some breakfast on the table. Bacon, scrambled egg and toast. Emily smiled at me.
“I picked up a letter from your house this morning…” Emily said. “Drake told me to leave it, but it was from Mark!”
I looked at the girl and smiled. Mark! My fiancé is alive after all. I popped the letter open.
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“April, 4th
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Dear Annie.
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It’s been a week since I had the chance to call you, and I am not sure how to start this letter. I realised I miss you and I can’t wait to see you again. Right now I am sat by a centenary tree while listening to the birds and breathing the air of this strange nation.
I hope things are good with you and that your studies are going well. When we spoke on the phone it seemed like everything was on track.
How is Andreina? I hope her heart is starting to fill up with new emotions.
If I had to describe our camp, it is nothing like you see in films. Everyone is super busy and there is not a lot of time to rest. I think I am enjoying the change of pace. I can also see why a lot of people don’t come over to these parts of the world. It is what you’d expect. Bad leaders, corruption, war and sickness.
In my tent I am currently living Mr.White, a 36 year old man who used to live with his mother with a cat from Maryland USA.
As to the mode of our travelling to town, I want to go in a donkey, but Mr. White will not let me. I am looking forwards to be able to call you and hear your precious voice.
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Love, Mark.”
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I put the letter back on the table. He is alive and well. He misses me. That is all I need to know.
How was I going to explain my past two days at a stranger’s house? Probably because I had a stalker and I was undecided wether I should get a restraining order? I swill keep that information hidden from him. Why cause a headache when I am currently well.
I bit onto the toast and passed the letter for Emily to read. The little girl smiled big, she loved Mark. Drake joined us after his shower. He wore a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was wet. He had a muscular body. A six pack and all that deal. I was getting used to see him like this.
“Ladies…” he said taking a seat by my side. He looked at the letter. “I see you gave her the letter!”
“He’s alive and well…”I said with a smile, and I add “Thanks for picking up some stuff…did you see Felix?”
“Unfortunately no. However, I have the feeling that your stalker won’t show up for a while…” Drake said. By now you can imagine I told him all the story of our toxic relationship. From hate to love and back to hate for me. I felt strange when Drake told me that Tom wouldn’t show up. This meant I had probably overstayed my welcome, but , I could tell by the expression of his face that he regretted immediately what he said.
We finished breakfast without saying another word. Emily broke the tension.
“So…if the mean guy isn’t there, does that mean that Annie has to leave?”
I stood up and walked towards the sink with my plate. I turned towards her.
“I need to leave at some point…” I laughed. I dropped my plate in the sink as I felt Drake’s eyes on my neck.
“I mean, it could still be dangerous for you to go back still…”
I nodded and a dropped the plate in a bowl of water. Tom was everything, but not a sociopath. He wouldn’t harm a fly. He was only a player. I started washing the dishes. Drake suddenly stepped behind me and whispered in my ear with a sweet voice.
“Come on, let me do them.” For a second I thought he said “Come on, let me do you…” and I turned around with my wet hands. His body hard and my nipples even harder.
“If you move aside I can finish them…” Drake said, almost blushing. The little space between us made my pussy pulsate. I didn’t act on it though. I walked to the side and let him go to the sink. Emily was looking at her phone, distracted. I stood still behind him looking at his ass. I wondered how the skin looked underneath that towel.
“Thanks for everything you’re doing for me Drake. I am a stranger, still, I feel we’ve known each other for years.” I said.
“We are not strangers anymore.” Drake said, turning towards me. “Now, no one will be able to pull us apart.” he added in a friendly way. We looked at each other eyes and smiled at each other. We were friends. Friends.
“My mum is telling me to call her…” said Emily. “I’ll be in the backyard if you need me..” Emily left us alone.
I dropped some more plates in the sink.
“I like your pyjamas by the way.” Drake said. I looked at my outfit silk shirt, silk pants , very pink. I immediately blush, but before I can say anything my cellphone rung. Maybe it was Mark! I excitedly put my hand in my pocket and picked it up.
“Hi Annie!” I recognised Luz voice immediately. What did she want now…
“Hooola, how are you? It’s been a while.” I smiled at Drake and walked towards the chair I was sitting on before and sat there.
“Are you still in your retreat in Switzerland?” she asked. “I want you to come to England to party!!!”
Fuck, I missed partying with Luz. University and partying together was the best and being single was too. I missed feeling free and not even thinking about Tom, or dealing with all the drama. Good old parties and being unrestrained.
“Still in Switzerland…until the end of summer probably.” I told my friend.
“Bah, so boring. Anyways, things are good with Mark? You together still?”
“He escaped me and went to some place in Africa to be a doctor. I think he had enough of my bullshit.” I laughed.
“So you’re no longer together?” my friend asked, confused.
“Can we talk about you instead?” I laughed “we are marrying…I think.”
“Well, congrats! I know relationships are bumpy…David and me for example…” ah she’s bringing up my ex again. “Well…I really have no complains, but he is soo immature sometimes. I don’t know how he is surviving the tour…
“and how’s work?”
“It’s fine, same as always…I am thinking of leaving it and travelling the world.” I was not surprised.
“Good luck…” I said with a smile.
“Annie, I miss you! I don’t know what happened to us, but we barely talk! I didn’t even have your cellphone number.”
“I know…” Drake looked at me. “Sorry, Drake looks like wants to ask me something… wait a sec.
“Who’s Drake!” my friend yells.
“It’s almost 8am…” Drake mouths, pointing at the clock. Shit! work. I had to meet Richard at 8:30 am.
“Luz. I have to leave you…I have work!” I hung up and moved from the seat rapidly. I my toe got tangled with the chair and I held onto Drake’s towel trying not to fall. I dragged it with me to the floor leaving him naked.
“Are you alright!?” He yelled while not noticing his beautiful nakedness. I didn’t know what to say and I just said.
“Nice penis.” Drake and I started laughing and he helped me get up.
“It’s my fault for washing the dishes naked…” he joked.
“You were wearing a towel…” I said cheekily. We were now facing each other.
“Weren’t you in a hurry?” Drake asked pushing me with his naked body against the kitchen drawer. Okay that’s it. I am going home…but my body reacted differently. I grabbed his ass and we kissed.
I am not sure for how long we kissed but I felt dizzy with excitement when we pulled away from each other. I looked at the clock, and only five minutes passed. I didn’t say anything to him. I returned him the towel to hide his massive boner.
“I need to go to change my clothes…” I said quickly while leaving the kitchen and started walking towards Emily’s bedroom where I was staying. Drake followed me inside.
“I said I need to change…” I repeated, horny. Drake dropped the towel and walked towards me slowly. I put his hand on my breast and we kissed again.
“They are real alright…” he comments while pinching on my nipple. We looked at each other, and he started making me naked. His fingers moved rapidly and end up travelling towards my clit, moving with care, but with a passionate fierceness.
He was surprised with my naked body. He looked at my body like no man has ever looked at it. My whole self was steaming with a crazy sensation that only Tom managed to acquire in the past. This sensation with Drake felt even stronger, powerful. It was as if Drake was that person I needed to regain myself or to become a worse. I didn’t care.
He placed his body on top of mine and I smelled him. He had a lovely camomile and deodorant scent. I wanted him and all my body trembled with the idea of having this stranger inside me.
“I like you a lot…”
His American accent caressed my ears, we kissed again.
“There’s condoms in my purse…” I said when we could breathe again. Drake nodded and approached his hand towards it. He found it quickly, put it on and our skins clashed against one another. Emotion all over. My pelvis crashes against his erection. Our lips kissing and biting each other as if eating the forbidden fruit. He penetrated me. I was completely at his mercy. Our bodies moving with certainty and wetness. I couldn’t say stop. I was kissing and tasting his skin. He was doing exactly the same…nothing like a nice morning suck on the neck. I couldn’t stop myself from moaning as he thrived touching me and making me moist. I looked at his blue eyes and for fuck sakes, this was a gorgeous man on top of me. No fucking regrets. I wrapped my legs around his legs pushing him closer to my body and kissing him on the lips. I heard a knock on the door and we ignored it, continuing with what we were doing, moving around in the single bed. My cellphone started ringing… Drake tried to reach it and we accidentally slid from the bed to the floor. I laughed a little and he laughed too, still on top of me.
“We should …” I said.275Please respect copyright.PENANAoghdbAZcBu
“Yes, move…” he completed. “Did you hit your head?”
“I don’t think so…” I said. Drake left my body and lies next to me on the floor. His boner still rock hard. Me: wet. I stood up and he held my knee before I grabbed my phone, which was ringing for the second time.
“Where are you going babe?” He asked.
“I need to work…”
“What if you work on me instead…” Drake joked. I pulled my tongue out and managed to get loose. Drake stood up immediately and held me in his strong arms.
“Stay…” he said, then started kissing my neck and I considered it again…no, work was more important than me getting an orgasm. Drake turned me towards him and kissed me fully.
“We will continue this after I come back…” I said in between lips. Drake looked defeated.
“…could I come to work with you? Be like bring Drake to work day?”
I started getting dressed again, but this time with regular jeans and a white spring jumper.
“You will have to sit around and wait for hours while I work on those documents. Don’t you need to work today?” Drake shrugged.
“The place is mine…I can do what I please with it.”
If you’re wondering about Emily, when we got out of the room she was looking at the TV with very high volume looking distracted. I hoped she didn’t know what went on that room.
“Do you think she knows?” I asked Drake. He smiled.
“Shh, house has ears.” Drake sneaks into his bedroom, dragging me with him.
Now what? I was already late for work and I smelled of sex.
I had never been inside his bedroom. He had good taste and there were nice paintings on the walls. I noticed a saxophone on top of his desk. I then looked at Drake getting dressed.
“So…you play the saxophone?”I asked. Drake buttoned his nice grey shirt and put his jeans on.
“Yeah…I will have to play for you soon.” He responded happily.
We go out of the bedroom and Drake told Emily he was dropping me at work and coming back immediately after. Of course I was going to be at least 15 minutes late for work but I didn’t care. I no longer cared about anything.
I pulled the engagement ring out of my finger and put it inside my bag. I was not marrying Mark Grant anymore. I decided just there I was single again and that I was going to be shagging whoever I wanted.
“You have a great ass, did you know that?” Drake said while driving. He was no different either. He also had a great ass.
“Why thank you…”
We then turned the music on and we drove in peaceful quietness. We arrived at the office where I had to pick up the documents my boss had sent for me to review and sign and then we drove back to my house where I was meant to pick my computer and finish whatever I was doing.
“So…are you going back to my house after…you finish?” Drake asked when we reached my house. Of course I was going back. We had to finish what we started. I nod and I gave him a peck.
Outside of course was my neighbour. We looked at each other and he runs inside his house, I didn’t panic. I had nothing to explain to him. Felix came out of the house and opened my door. He was furious.
“Oh no Annie, you are not doing this again…”He dragged me out of the car. Was this slut shaming? I started laughing. “You psycho!” my friend yelled. Drake looked at us.
“I will call you…” I told him as I left the car and Drake nodded, escaping the wrath of another American. Felix took me inside his house for a well needed intervention.
“I don’t know what kind of choices you make, but they don’t seem very clever…don’t you get tired? You are the worst!” Felix said angrily.
“I need to get to work.” I explained.
“Oh, I am not an idiot honey…I know you are not wearing your ring. However, you’re going to marry that man Annie! You are going to marry Mark and that is it!” I denied and Felix slapped me good.
I held my face impressed and…yep. I knew even I slept with Drake I couldn’t stop thinking about my fate. “I will…marry Mark.” I said defeated. “I will not continue to sleep with other men…” that was a lie.
My cellphone started ringing again and…this time it is not a number I knew. I picked up, trying not to look at Felix.
“Annie…” said Tom. “You don’t need to escape anymore…I promise I will let you be, only if you listen to me one more time. No funny business. You and me, face to face. Come to the city centre after you finish work and we can…end this well.” He was giving up on me? I sighed. It was for the best. It was the best for my sanity as well.
“I will meet you. It is fine.” I hung up. This was going to be the moment where we end things properly. We never broke up properly…and always end up dragging each other closer and closer. This relationship was volatile, and I couldn’t be normal until it was finally over.
The day went by very calmly and my boss had not even noticed I was late for work. Being a music producer assistant was repetitive and busy (sometimes). I hoped to apply for a more senior role in two years where I would be able to scout new talent and deal with artists.
Drake picked me up and gave me a ride to the city centre when I was supposed to meet Tom. My ring was back, but Drake didn’t seem to mind that I had it on.
I mean, I was wondering what was going on in this man’s head after our sexy session in the morning. He looked amazing while I was just me. I didn’t even have makeup on. We parked on the street and Drake decided it was safer if he was there with me. I mean I knew Tom was not dangerous and that he was just a prick, but I couldn’t say no to Drake. He was just very charming.
We stared at Tom on the other side of the street and I waved at him. Tom waved back, he looked side to side to the empty road and he attempted to cross the street. We didn’t see it, he didn’t see it, but from the other corner there was a van that had lost its control and hit a pole that broke and fell down onto Tom’s body on the middle of the road.
My whole body felt weak at that moment, people on the street were yelling and there was a lot of blood. Drake looked surprised and worried. He looked at me as if asking “what should we do now?” I ran out onto the street. I didn’t care if I died at that moment because if Tom was dead it meant I needed to die…Drake ran across and dragged my arm and we crossed safely where the accident had happened. People were surrounding the area, and I noticed Tom. He was alive and his arm was caught under the pole, broken. I started crying like I had never cried before. Just the thought of losing Tom was like the thought of losing a limb. I think I was crying because I felt grateful his demonic presence was continuing to roam the world free.
The ambulance arrived and they pulled him in. Drake held my back as I continued to cry and he gave me a little kiss on the forehead.
“Maybe you want to go in the ambulance with him?” Drake asked. “I will go and pick you up later…” he added.
Did he really mean that? I thank him and I entered the ambulance. Tom was unconscious, but the paramedic told me he fainted from the pain. It felt weird to see him like that!
When we arrived to the hospital they took him in for surgery and I contemplated my life choices.
Just that morning I was having sex with a new man when I…Drake arrived at the hospital and he was holding the box of his saxophone with him. The nurses and the hospital staff knew him.
“Does everyone knows you in Bern?”I asked with a smile. He didn’t respond to that.
“How’s Tom?” Drake asked.
“They took him in for surgery…”
“How are you…?” Drake asked. I shrugged.
“I have no idea of how to feel…”
“You can feel sad, confused, in love, angry…however you want to feel.” “I know that you love him…Tom. I would react just the same way if something like that happened to someone I really care about.” Drake said.
“I shouldn’t do…you know. I just feel so…lost you know. None of my choices are right and…I keep making the same mistakes.”
“That reminds me of a melody I’ve played in the past…”
He pulled out his saxophone and started playing a very (describe melody here) and I closed my eyes listening to his music. It was the language of music that defined my feelings of life at that moment. Drake and I were just starting to know each other but with his music I could feel he understood me better than anyone else in the whole world. His music calmed me down and I focused on him.
“So…maybe I should explain who Tom is really for me…” I said. Drake denied.
“You don’t need to explain anything. I am no one to ask you about this man…”he smiled. “I am not a jealous person…” he added that and I felt butterflies in my belly.
“This morning…” I said.
“This morning we discovered we can’t be friends…”Drake said. He was right and I knew couldn’t ask him to stop now. Drake smiled and continued playing a couple more melodies in the saxophone.
Destiny had made me meet Drake and I wasn’t going to leave it go to waste. Inside me I knew I wanted to marry Mark, but just the idea of someone else where I could run away with…
The nurse came to looked for us around four hour later and we were walked towards his hospital room. We came in and Tom was wide awake, looking as if nothing had happened to him. Gorgeous.
“Hi Tom…”I said walking towards him. Drake waited by the door. I then noticed Tom was actually in pain. I caressed his face. “How are you feeling?”
“What is he doing here?” he asked, looking towards Drake.
“I am here with her…” Drake said with a smile. “My name is Drake, nice to meet you. Sorry about your broken arm. Looks like it hurt a lot.” Tom looked at me confused.
“Do you love him?” Drake and I looked at each other. It was way too early to consider love.
“I am marrying Mark, Tom.” Tom looked even more confused. Drake smiled at us.
“I am going to get some coffee, do you want anything?” Drake asked. We both denied. Drake left.
I sat in Tom’s hospital bed and I caressed his hair for a while.
“Where will I be in your mind?” Tom asked and my lip trembled while considering what to tell him. Did I still love Tom? Did I hate him? I didn’t know. I couldn’t forget my hidden heartbreak and the fact that I was not going to take him back because I was so angry that he allowed Mark to snatch me like that.
“I don’t know…” I said. I sighed and lied by him in the bed, hugging him on the side. We didn’t speak. There was nothing to be said. “I decided I will marry in five months…” I told him.
“Why even bother with Drake, then?” he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. Although I was thinking better him than you. “You slept with him, didn’t you?”
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Drake came back later with the coffee. Tom and I fell asleep by each other.
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