Dreams are strange and they represent part of our psyche. I used to have a lot of dreams about Tom before I started dating him but now I was dreaming of all my friends but him. The particular dream that had shaken me contained a lot of sex. It was not with Tom but it was with Peter.
Why Peter of all people? Why Peter and not some sexy actor? I didn’t know.
I think I missed my friend. Since we both were dating now we weren’t hanging out and we rarely saw each other. The closest friend I had at the moment was my boss and that’s fucking disgusting!
That dream had me in a Chinese restaurant with Peter and my other friends. We had a circular table and I was listening to how Luz had spent her time in New York. Luz wasn’t in New York and I am sure she has never been but…my imaginative brain had done that.
The food was mouldy and horrible when they brought it. Suddenly, I was alone with Peter. He looked at me and started crying. He held my hand and told me that he found out that Andreina had sex with Matt.
“How did you find out!?” I said impressed.
“I left for the supermarket and when I came back they were fucking in some car. My heart was completely shattered.” My friend started crying.
“So you’re no longer together,” I said.
“We’re together but she doesn’t know I know. I will just pretend I didn’t see anything. It was a mistake. I want to marry her you know. I want to…” and I kissed Peter. I couldn’t deny that he loved another woman but I just wanted to make him feel better.
“A kiss from you…” said Peter “I was not expecting it. There was so little chance of us that…all I can say now is for you to kiss me one more time.” I kiss him again and we start eating each other.
Our tongues massaging each other. Our bodies melting onto an ocean of a thousand emotions. I kissed him hard, not thinking about it too much. Peter just put my hand in his penis and said: touch me, Annie. Touch me. We kissed hard. I touched him. He touched me. His skin was shimmering with the sun. He was so beautiful…like a…God.
“Annie,” said Tom, I looked at him and he was crying. “How could you!?” he said. I just showed my middle finger to him and put Peter inside me.
That’s when I woke up. Sweaty and slightly worried. Why the hell was I dreaming of cheating!? Why had I dreamt of Peter of all people?
I think I could analyse it as me worried to break Tom’s heart somehow. I have said many times before that I was no cheater but…maybe that was no longer the case. My morality had been tainted when I slept with Nikolaus and…I think maybe I could consider an open relationship. The thought of sharing just made me ill. I was more ill than I thought. I moved from my bed and I went straight to the toilet. Vomiting everything inside. Fucking hell. I am never having Chinese again.
“Are you okay?” said Tom, worried. He went to the bathroom and held my hair while I vomited more. “Tell me you’re not pregnant please…” he said and I just wanted to murder him. I was not. I used protection every time and…fuck you, Tom.
“Of course not. I was feeling a bit ill last night…I think it was the food. I had a sleeping pill and I think that’s what kept me from not vomiting” I said angrily.
“Don’t be angry… take a joke,” he said with a laugh. “I told you that sandwich didn’t look very good…” he added.
“Oh well. I guess I learnt my lesson.” I went back to the toilet and vomited a little bit more.
Of course, I got myself intoxicated with food the day that I was meant to introduce Tom to my brother and his family. I texted my brother and he said he was going to come to London instead. Keane and Tina were his children and he had promised them his auntie. He wasn’t going to break his promise and his kids had never really visited London. He was going to spend the day out doing tourism and then they were staying over at my place.
Tom was sat on my bed with my laptop and he was googling jokes to tell to my nice and nephew. He hated children but said he was going to make an effort for me. I had the kind Thomas version today. You know. I was starting to forget why I hated him so much at the start and why I didn’t date him any sooner. The doorbell rang and my brother and his two kids entered.
“I heard about you a lot,” he said. He had brought a cake with him and everything. The doorbell rang again and we looked at each other confused. Tom opened the door and I see this woman kiss him on the lips, Tom pushes her away. What the fuck!? I tell my brother and his kids to go to the living room and I rush towards the door.
“Tom!” I yelled. He looked at me, completely ashamed.
“It’s not what you think…” he said. I slapped him.
“What the fucking fuck!?” I whispered. The woman just smiled at me.
“Feisty one you’re…” she said. I wanted to murder her. FEISTY. Was she fucking joking? This woman was reciting something the dude from the Inbetweeners would say. Was this a joke. How did she know I lived here!? She was a redhead, she was the same height and she was also skinny.
“This is Alice…”Tom said. The woman smiled broadly.
“Hi, hi…I thought this was a family reunion…” she said with her stupid french accent. She entered my home. I couldn’t cause a scene. This was my home but…I had visited.
“She is…Tobias soon to be wife.” Tom said. “my twin brother…” Tom added. Tom had a twin!? I mean I knew he had another brother but I had no idea it was a copy of him.
“What is she doing here Tom?” I asked, still a bit annoyed.
“He invited me…” said Alice, then she inspected me. “I mean. I didn’t know Matt had an actual taste…you’re gorgeous…” said Alice, she then approached me and kissed me too. What!?
I pulled her away.
“Alice is…very…okay. Do you guys want to go to the living-room?” asked Tom. My brother came out of the living room and looked at us.
“I put a film on. Do you want to join us?” asked Javier. I nodded and I left Tom there. “who is that?” my brother added.
“It’s Tom’s sister in law…she is french…I think…” I said mortified.
“You look very angry though.” Said my brother with a laugh.
We watched films, had dinner and then Alice left. She was a fucking weirdo but she wasn’t a bad person. I learnt the story about Tobias and her and I found it super dramatic but with a happy ending.
When Tobias was fifteen he fell in love with Alice. She was in high school with him as an exchange student from Paris. He fell for her but Tom’s mother didn’t accept her. They would have massive arguments about the girl in the house and then…everything went worse. Tom’s mother had declared war on Alice and she even paid her a lot of money to break up with her son because she didn’t want them to be together. Alice said no and Tom’s mother slapped her. Alice had to endure months of abuse from Tom’s mum and she then got pregnant at 16 by accident. Tom’s mother when she found out she gave her parsley oil to abort her baby, and she didn’t know and she almost got killed. The baby died of course and Alice went back to France, absolutely broken and lost and then…Tobias left everything to be with her. They have been dating since then and they were engaged.
My nice stat on my legs and looked at Tom while he played the Wii with her brother. She smiled. I caressed her hair.
“Auntie…Tom is very handsome,” she said with a smile. “How did you meet him?” I smiled at her and started with my story. 377Please respect copyright.PENANAxr6lTY7wEJ
Three years ago Tom was my enemy. We always competed for our grades at university and he was always very mean to me. I don’t know when that changed but…I guess from hate comes love. I looked at him one day and knew I was in love with him. Might sound weird but I just wanted to give him kisses you know…” I told her. She blushed.
“So romantic…!” she said.
“Annie didn’t want anything to do with me at the start. I tried so hard to get her but she thought I was evil. She started dating some other dude and I was jealous. I decided to steal her away and…I guess I kind of achieved it.” continued Tom. My brother looked at the two of us.
“I think you guys do a good couple. You’re very similar to each other,” he said.
“Do you think so?” Tom asked. “I think Annie is very different than me really…” said Tom, he then got beat up by my nephew. “Oh you’re good at this,” he said. 377Please respect copyright.PENANAEJd8MA6YIL
We went to bed at 2 am and Tom stayed with me. At the middle of the night, he woke me up.
“Your family is amazing…” he said. “I hope one day I get to meet your parents,” he said. “Also Annie…I have a question for you. Do you want to be my girlfriend?” I gave him a little kiss.
“I thought I already was”