Two months after my short escapade with Tom, I was back in Switzerland handing in one of my final projects at University. I continued to wonder why the hell I had decided to go to Switzerland to finish my academic career. I guess because my job paid for it! The music industry there was barely existing, so I was basing my research project around that topic.
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Yeah, I might be a dumb bitch in relationships, but I was good at my studies. I mean, going back to England and my time there as a student, I barely had a life then. Everything started going to hell after graduation.
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“Annie,” said Felix when I stopped by my door to open it. It was a fucking freezing cold, so I really didn’t want to stop and talk to him.
“Nice to see you, Felix!” I replied. The door was taking fucking long to open!
“Do you want to come in and say hi to the baby?” my friend asked with an enormous smile. I nodded because I knew already I didn’t have another option.
Felix’s place was adorned by baseball memorabilia, and he had a massive poster of his baseball hero Joe DiMaggio.
“How’s your hubby?” I asked while I scanned the room with my eyes for the baby. Felix smiled and I noticed the baby in his arms.
“He is fine thank you…he’s at work. I took some days off because Pearl is not feeling very well.” Pearl babbled at me, and she was just too cute. The baby looked healthy to me…I reckoned it was Felix that didn’t feel like leaving his precious baby in the hands of a stranger.
“She’s grown a lot since I last saw her,” I said while walking towards the couch.
“ Well, the best Christmas present…” my friend joked. They spent the past 7 years trying to adopt a baby, and they had finally succeeded.
I stayed with Felix until it was around six and then entered home. I need to admit that Mark and I weren't on the best terms since arriving home, but we were still engaged! I decided to go to the supermarket, so I didn’t have to see Mark yet.
The supermarket was a bit empty, and the people around me went on in their days like normally. I loved the Switz vanilla ice cream, and damn the vegetables were also fresh!
“Annie!” I hear a girl yell. I stopped in my tracks and tried not to look too surprised when she come up to me. Who the hell was her?
The girl smiles big and hugs me immediately. “Annie! I can’t believe it's you ” said the girl. I mean she was speaking in American English, and she seemed familiar. She noticed my confusion and blushed. “You don’t remember me!?” she said, almost offended.
“I am Emily!” she yelled, and I sighed. The girl of the aeroplane, now I remembered.
“Hey Emily, how are you?”
“I am good, I am very good! I told you I was going to come hereeee” she said. “Would you like to follow me and I will introduce you to my brother?”
“Sorry…I wish I could hang out with you but…I have to head home now!” I replied while also grabbing some cabbage and two onions. I didn’t know what I needed them for. “Oh…where do you live?” Emily asked…my place was just two buildings away.
“Two buildings away from here…”
“Can we go visit you! Ohhhh it would be amazing!!” she yells, I hear someone call her by her name but she ignored the voice. “Can I have your phone number? We will go after dinner!” said the intrepid girl.
“Sure…” I was tired, and I hated to say no…what can I say.
I returned home half an hour later and I was happy that Mark had not arrived yet. I wasn’t sure our relationship was going to survive for much longer. I sat by the couch just thinking of nothing and just waiting for another possible fight. The doorbell rings. I stood and went towards the door and I opened it.
I need to admit I had a starstruck moment. I believed the man in front of me was fucking Ryan Gosling. If he wasn’t Ryan Gosling then he was his fucking missing brother or something I came to be convinced that doppelgängers were real and this beautiful man was Ryan Gosling.
“Hi, is Annie here?” asked the man. Was he going to…fuck me…because it sounded like a good…
“She is Annie silly!” yells Emily by his side. I hadn’t noticed her at all because I was too busy eating the poor man with my eyes.
“Oh…I just thought Annie would be ten like you!!” said her brother. He smiled “not that there’s anything wrong with you…” he said awkwardly. You know I just thought he was going to say hey I am Ryan Gosling…the amazing actor!
Drake was amazingly handsome, do I really need to describe him? He was taken out of a movie. I think he was probably the most handsome man I had ever seen apart from Barry. I wondered if he had modelled at some point as he was dressed in style and he…okay I was eating him too much with my eyes. I invited them in and they went to my living room with me.
“So Emily was telling me everything about you…” said her brother, “something about a prince or something you were going to see in Belgium…” oh no I didn’t want to talk about Tom.
“Yeah, something like that…”
“I see it paid off!” she yelled looking at my ring. “Look at her ring Drake…” right his name is Drake, not Ryan. Did he know he looked exactly… I noticed that Drake looked at my ring and then his eyes went straight for my boobs. Shit. He noticed I noticed and blushed a little.
“My sister was telling me that here in Switzerland she was not going to miss the opportunity to meet you again…she says is fate.” Drake winks. “Do you believe in fate?’
I nod.
“I also believe in fate…” were we bonding already? damn. “It is crazy because Emily was not supposed to come and see me until next month. So…yeah it is kinda faithful that you guys met in the supermarket today.” oh fuck his voice was also sexy as hell.
“He’s such a dreamer Annie…don’t pay attention to him!” she giggled. “did you know that your birthdays are also on the same day!”
“When is your birthday?” we almost said at the same time.
“September 28. I will be 25 this year” Drake says. Me fucking too.
It was super strange that this was fucking happening you know! It felt almost fictional. Maybe Drake and I were meant to meet like this.
“My birthday is on the same day!” I yell excitedly, shaking his shoulders. Maybe I was more excited than a regular person would be. I noticed then my hands were still on him. “Sorry Drake!” Drake’s eyes also shined in excitement, were we just children vibing in the same way?
“Drake likes you!” his sister said breaking the moment, I pull myself away from him and Drake blushes like a little boy that’s been caught stealing cookies. Emily continues. “I am sorry Drake but you will never be with Annie. As you can see from her ring she found her prince and she doesn’t need you! You’re also too ugly for her anyways!” Emily said.
This was really awkward. I smiled at Drake.
“Would you guys like something to drink?” I said changing the topic.
“Some coke pleeeease!” said Emily.
“I will help you,” said Drake.
“Emily, feel free to turn on the TV and watch something…” I said.
Drake and I went to the kitchen together and I pulled some cups out of the cupboard. Drake helped me pour the coke into the cups.
“Sorry about my sister…she has ADHD, she can’t help it but blurt out the most random things…”
“Don’t worry I was like her when I was her age and even worse! and I didn’t have ADHD!” I laughed. It felt nice to speak about something else than…you know fucking Mark.
But I needed to tell him…
“I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about two years…we just got engaged. We are marrying in five years though, maybe Emily would be interested to be one of my maid of honour” I jokingly said. Drake smiles.
“Five years is a very long time…what if you change your mind?” Drake asked and I also asked myself that. I mean a diamond ring was cool and all but after my adventure with Tom and our constant fighting for nothing…I was not sure we should stay together.
“Should we get back to Emily now mate?” Drake nods and we walked together to the living room. Emily had made herself feel at home watching some Sponge Bob Squarepants. She had also taken her shoes off.
“Here’s your drink darling…” I said passing the coke to her. The little blonde girl drank it in two seconds.
“You know Drake has no TV! What kind of grown-up doesn’t have a TV I don’t get it!” Emily said, she then continued to put the volume up. Drake and I sit by each other on the couch watching some of the show with her. It wasn’t long until she actually got bored and fell asleep on top of my leg.
“She’s such an angel…” Drake mouths, I smile.
“Yep, it seems like she’s just fallen off the sky”
“Like you?” Drake said with a wink. Was he being flirtatious? damn.
“You know I hear that all the time…Emily and I belong to that group of amazing beings…” I realised I was not whispering anymore.
Drake and I stared at each other for a second, fuck, was he feeling this as well? I look at the wall clock and Mark was probably not long to be absent from work anymore.
“You need to come to my bar sometime, I’ll treat you…” Drake said.
Oh Jesus! He was actually flirting with a damn taken woman! I look at him straight in the eye. Shit man, he was sooo attractive.
The front door opens suddenly and I went back to reality…right Mark. I am engaged!
“Are you fucking kidding me, Annie!?” Mark said while looking at Drake. He didn’t notice Emily with her head in my lap. Mark takes his hat off and puts it in the coat hanger by the door. “Every single fucking time a new person! What’s wrong with you!”
Emily opened her eyes but Mark left again before he even meeting her. Emily rose from the couch.
“Can I use your bathroom please?” she said shyly. I tell her where it is and Drake and I are left alone.
“Problems in paradise?” he said.
How did he fucking know! Ha, I’m joking. Mark had just been an absolute wanker, but I kind of deserve it. I had lost his entire trust and probably love when I left him and all that he had for me now was hate.
“Call me if you need me…” Drake added while noting down his phone number on a piece of paper. I was just in shock.
I walked them both to the front door and they left. I need to admit that meeting Drake had made my fucking day. He was so…handsome!
Mark comes back a few minutes later absolutely ashamed.
“I met them both…I am so sorry Annie!” Mark said walking up to me. “I don’t know what I thought I was such a wanker! I’ve not been myself for the past two weeks…I am so sorry…”
Me just thinking “let us just break up and continue with our lives bruv” but I didn’t say anything.
“I don’t know what to say to you, Mark… How was your day at work?” Mark breakdown in my arms.
“It was alright…but I’ve had enough you know! Enough of Tom and all that crap, but he keeps reappearing! He is a nightmare. I DON’T KNOW! I am so tired Annie…please…”
His strange humour was because of Tom? Of course, it was…
“What did Tom do this time?” I asked Mark. He sighed and showed me his phone. Felicity had changed her relationship status on Facebook and Tom was her boyfriend now. Say what? I looked at it with nothing else to say. I knew she was the one in Paris! I was not crazy! Facebook status? Who in hell uses Facebook anymore honestly!
I was actually pretty annoyed! Tom was supposed to be mine. For fucks sake! They looked great together…fucking models and it was just surreal.
I need to admit Felicity was hot…was kinda Victoria’s secret model hot! Not that I wasn’t hot, but she was white-hot…I was the kinda mixed-race kid that men fantasise about while she was the woman who had managed to steal Tom from me.
I was supposed to be the one breaking Tom…not he breaking me. I felt a strange pain in my heart…was my heart just breaking? Shit! We were supposed to I don’t know! What did I expect really? maybe I just expected Tom to show up at my wedding like ‘Oh Pica Pica don’t marry this wanker because I’ve always loved youuuu!’ but no.
I think Mark noticed how much this had affected me because I turned white as a fucking ghost and I was starting to speak in tongues. I am not even Christian! Not even God could save me from this one.
“I need to go to the toilet…”I said and I gave him back his phone. I walked inside and I locked myself in starting to cry like a fucking ass. Tom and I were supposed to be together…now he actually had someone else. I was not letting this shit take me by surprise…I wash my face three times in the sink.
“Why fucking wait Mark!” I yell at him. “Why keep fucking waiting to be happy when we can be happy now!” Mark looked at me as if I was crazy.
“What?” “Are you alright?”
“I am fine! I am just fine…I…I want to fucking marry you. Yeah!” I yell. “Why wait five years when we could do it now yeah!? Let’s get fuuucking married!”
“But what about my plans Annie?” “What about my Medicins Sans Frontiere Work?” Marked asked. What was he talking about?
“What?” I asked while calming down a bit… “Do you have other plans?”
“I didn’t say five years for no reason you know!” Mark said with a smile. “I want to go to Africa and help there for a couple of years and..”
“Why hadn’t I heard from this before?” I asked confused and I sat down.
“I’ve always wanted to go you know…” I didn’t know that! It was the first time I had ever heard any interest in travelling from him to Africa. I looked at him again not knowing what to say.
“So you want to go to Africa and what about me?” I asked. “You never asked what I wanted to do.. we are supposed to be a team you know!”
“Yeah you for sure are a player…!” he said.
I stood up annoyed.
“Are you kidding me, Mark, I fucking chose YOU.” Mark looks sorry.
“I am sorry…I was playing! I don’t know what’s wrong with me…but I already accepted to my first …five months…I leave in two days…I thought you’d come with me!
So basically he was telling me to leave my job and my fucking degree to go to Africa out of nowhere and…shit. He had done that exact same thing for me…how could I keep him from living his dream? Well, to be fair I didn’t know about his plans. I have always been too self-centred.
“Five months…could we survive 5 months apart?” I asked Mark, unsure…
“You don’t want to come with me?” he sounded hurt.
“It’s just too sudden…I need to hand in my dissertation in 5 months and I need to meet my tutor every week!” maybe I was exaggerating a little bit with the tutor every week part but Mark sighed.
“There’s no wifi there…they told me…very poor signal too…that’d be a problem with your studies,” he said disappointed…were we breaking up now or…? “I know…I can come back to see you in between, no? and when I get back we could get married!” Marked yelled excitedly. “Yes, I think you’re right about waiting…I will go…then in five months we get married!”
Yeiii, had I shoot myself in the foot? I looked at Mark. Were we good now? Did he just secretly want to be away from me and my demons?
“I am sorry about your sister and Tom…” I said.
“No, I am sorry for being such a wanker lately…I guess I was just jealous. I became so obsessed with the idea of you together that I forgot what is really important. What is important is that I love you and that we are not perfect. I understand your past and I understand your future…which is with me!” now Mark was getting cocky.
I think it was the best decision that Mark could’ve come up with. I mean I needed some time to reflect on life and he had just given it to me…maybe when he was back I would be ready to marry him. I needed my time to grieve losing Tom and I couldn’t think about losing my poor boy Mark.
I know relationships shouldn’t be what dominated my life, but all my friends had become really boring and I was the dramatic one keeping everyone interested in each other. Peter and Andreina had broken up (from what I heard) Luz and David had also broken up…and yeah. Everyone was apart! I away equalled everyone apart. I pulled them all together! Not really, I just was there and things would happen!
“So you’re telling me we get married once you come back from L’Afrique!”
“Yes…I am telling you that. I am sure I will probably not last too long without missing you too much and coming right back home to be with you, my dear Annie…” I blushed.
“You’re silly.”
“I am a doctor…” said Mark winking. Shit, he was starting to look more and more like me every day. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. He was a lovely lovely person before I corrupted him. Mark walks by my side and holds me in his arms. “You’re sure you won’t come to me, darling?”
And yes. Of course, I wanted to come with him…I would rather go with him to Africa, than have to deal with my own self here in Switzerland. My poor Venezuelan ass felt as if it was just ‘you know’ deteriorating and in boringness. I didn’t even like music production too much anymore…I didn’t want to deal with talent or with paperwork…fucking hell I hated paperwork.
“Yes. I mean, I love you. I could I don’t know take pictures of animals there. Maybe even you know music produce my way to the top…become the representative of the choir of antlers!” Mark laughed. He had a beautiful laugh. I loved that about him… he also looked great with that white shirt of his and his blue eyes.
He was no Ryan Gosling, but he was quite an attractive man! I mean, he is…he is mine! not like that stupid bitch man who was never mine, to begin with…
“So you love me…I love you.” Mark kissed me, and we had sex that night.
I mean, sex is such a weird thing, you know! I couldn’t delete Drake’s face from my brain while I rode Mark…all my wetness, my nipples…everything crawled with the tiny male interaction I had before. I mean I had a fiancé, but I am human , and I am sure I read somewhere that it’s fine to fantasise about somebody else if you’re not acting it out.
In the morning I woke up extra horny but took a shower to calm my body out. I had a dream that I had a threesome with Mark, Drake and me. I mean it would be amazing…and I was wondering if…
“Good morning my love, are you hungry?” asked Mark entering the bathroom. I hid my vibrator in the bath and I nodded. I didn’t even have time to…the vibrator vibrated out of its hiding spot.
“Do you need help with that?” asked Mark while looking straight at it.
“I didn’t want to wake u up…” I replied. I mean why was I being awkward with it? We used toys in foreplay…we had bought our toys together…
“I was thinking…would you like to invite your friends for brunch?” asked Mark. Which friends? Felix?
“Which friends?”
“I just want to apologise. Drake and Emily.” I blushed. Fuck, did I say Drake’s name during sex?
I looked at Mark and nodded.
“Alright, I will give them a call and…”
“Yes! Alright…” Mark said and he left the bathroom.
I picked up the vibrator and turned it off, and I left the shower immediately. Then, I dress up and after that, I went to the living room and I picked up the note with Drake’s phone number. I was doing it! I was calling that man!
“This is Drake…please tell me that you’re my angel…” he said seductively. Damn!
“Yeah, it's me…listen, Mark wants to say sorry about before so…can you join us for brunch?
“Of course…I can’t wait to find out more about that “fiancé” of yours…where is it?” he asked.
I didn’t know. I hung up, and I asked Mark, then I texted Drake the address. I felt I needed to look extra good for him. Okay, I know exactly what people would’ve been thinking! Annie please like pull yourself together girl! No more men! You’re almost a married woman! You’ve changed now! Fuckk it. I picked my nice and sexy beige dress and I don’t know I like to think that I looked like Gal Gadot…was I going overboard? Mark looked at me and I smiled. Yes, this is not for you silly…
“You look beautiful, Annie, although you forgot to wear something on your neck.” Immediately my hands approached my neck and realised how naked it was. He kissed me there and shit…How did he know I loved it there…of course…we’ve been dating long enough I guess.
I wore a simple gold necklace and I also wore my cool stylish winter coat.
Saturdays were the best.
Mark leaves the bedroom after me, and I received a text from Barry in England congratulating me for my engagement with Mark. I had forgotten about Barry, right? It was like so long ago I slept with him that I couldn’t even remember how he looked naked. Why did Barry appear now? I texted him thanks, and Mark grabbed my hand, leading me towards the front of the door.
A Uber picked us up, and we drove to the place in particular. It was indoors and recently known for doing some free traditional dance lessons during winter for the elderly.
Inside everything is calm, and I see some people wearing traditional Switz outfits. I was sure they were preparing for the folklore festival that was done during spring, then summer. Mark smiled at the people there and I reckon some of them were even his patients. Bern isn’t big you know!
We ordered some breakfast while we waited for the siblings. I heard my name and I looked at them coming at me. Emily wore a nice winter dress with a very fluffy coat. She also wore a nice lace on her head. Mark stood up and he helped her sit. Emily blushes and smiles.
“Thank you!”
“You’re very welcome dear…” Mark said with his usual kindness. Good job babe! I thought.
Drake took around 10 minutes to join us and I thought for real he had changed his mind about joining us. There he was…he wore an all-white winter outfit and sunglasses. He had a good style, I need to admit. He then approached us.
“I am so sorry guys! It took forever to find a parking space…” he said. Oh, he had a car!
Mark looked at him and they shared a look of mutual respect.
“No problem, please join us!” said Mark standing up and presenting his chair to him. “I’ll grab another chair.” Drake nodded and he looked at me. I swallowed saliva, shit. Mark turns around and goes for the chair from the table next to us.
“Annie…” Drake said while sitting next to me, he then went for a kiss on the cheek. Damn, I was not used to kisses on the cheek anymore. It was more like I liked my personal bubbles! He is American though…so Americans did that. His kiss however made me smell him and he was not wearing any cologne, but there was something about his smell that…
“Alright guys, are you ready to order?” said Mark bringing me back to reality. Was it hot there? I felt as if I was slowly dying inside.
We were eating our food when the music started and the old people started practising their moves. Drake and Emily looked very entertained.
“I’ve never seen anything like this!” Emily said.
“You’ll probably do it in the boarding school a lot…” said Drake. Oh, she was going to a boarding school?
“I went to a boarding school when I was around your age,” Mark mentions. Shit, why was this the first time I heard this?
The old people continue dancing to the music and I wanted to join them! It looked like much fun.
We finished eating and we just observed them in silence for a bit. The waiter approached us and took our plates.
“You can join them if you want!” said the woman in Swiss German dialect. I nod. Yes, I was doing this. I looked at Mark.
“You don’t look at me…I am very full” Mark said while patting his belly to Emily’s enjoyment. “You guys go…” Emily looked perplexed.
“I don’t want to dance! I hate dancing! I have two left feet since I was little!” well she was little still. Drake cleaned the borders of his mouth with the napkin. He showed an amazing big smile.
“Conveniently, I participated in the festival last year…” said Drake. Did he participate? Then I must’ve seen him dancing with the other people. Bern is too small. “Would you like to join me? I mean if Mark doesn’t care… I would love to teach this dance to your fiancé!” Mark nodded.
Drake stood and dragged me with him to the dancing area. A few people recognised him and smiled at him. This man! Drake took the time to teach me the basics and then we were dancing and prancing around like the others. It was fun okay. I couldn’t resist but to look at the energetic look on his face and the convincing skill he had. I looked at his eyes and he followed the rhythm and did the steps just fine.
Okay so if you are wondering how this dancing looked like.
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Well, you could google it!
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All I can remember is joining hands and going around in circles in rhythm. There was nothing sensual about dancing with a group of old people, but I liked the way Drake enjoyed himself. He had a great personality.
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After dancing for I don’t know how long everybody stopped and they started laughing and sharing congratulations. Drake smiled at me kissed me on the sides of my cheeks and hugged me hard.
“You did well!” he then released me. Jesus, he smelled fine and his body was really hard. He exercised I could tell!
We returned to the table and Mark and Emily had already become best friends.
“I want to be a bones doctor like Mark!” she said very sure of herself. “You did great! It looked really difficult! Right, Mark?” Mark nodded.
“You did well darling…” Mark said. He then gave me a peck once I returned to my sit.
“It’s such a shame I won’t be here for the festival this year…” Mark said. “Are you dancing Drake?” Drake denies.
“Not this year I am afraid.”
“What a shame…alright then…shall we get going love?” asked Mark. I just wanted to spend the whole day with Emily and Drake to be honest…more with Drake…I was curious about him.
“Sure…” I sounded defeated.
“You need to hang out with us while Mark is away for sure!” Emily said. “Drake, you know Mark is going to A F R I C A! He is soooo cool…why don’t you learn a thing or two?” Buurn I guess! Drake pinches her arm. “Auch!!”
“That’s rude! I am pretty cool…”
“Annie help!!” Emily yelled.
“Alright, guys…I will see you when he’s in Africa, happy?” the siblings stopped fighting. Time to go home.
When we were in the Uber I receive a text from Drake saying “ Six months seems like a long time…if you feel lonely…you know who to call.” I didn’t reply. Too many witnesses.
Once home I noticed Felix and Andreina sitting by the porch. Andreina is crying and I knew exactly what she was doing: she came here so…she was away from London and Peter.
“So I can’t believe it’s over!! You know after everything we went through he just decided to go on that fucking tour…I didn’t want him to go! now he’ll feel free to fuck all those groupies! so I gave him an ultimatum and he got angry and left! How can he do this to me after so many years…” Felix kept petting her back.
“Oh, dear…I get it…” Andreina looked at me and Mark and we didn’t know what to do but to receive her.
“I hate I was so mean to you…” Andreina said to me as I opened the door of our flat. “I was just jealous! now I am back to cero again Annie. Who am I if I am not with him! I couldn’t stay in that flat all by myself…I didn’t want to go home to Venezuela! The other girls are too busy with life and you’re…you know…a lot of free time!
Why did everyone forget I actually have a job and that I study! I am never on social media and…oh whatever.
“I’ll prepare a bath for you,” Mark said as we set her up in the empty bedroom. Mark and I stood wondering what the hell we were going to do with her. I made a tea and when I come back Mark is just there hugging her on the couch while trying to make her stop crying.
“Here’s some tea,” I told her in Spanish.
“Gracias…” Andreina lets the poor Mark be. Mark escapes and hides in our bedroom.
“Peter is such an idiot! I am going to call him and fucking tell him off!” I said. My cellphone vibrates and I see Drake’s message “I am not used to be rejected you know…” I blushed. Andreina looked at me funny.
“Who the hell was that?” she asked. I reply quickly to the text and I looked at her.
“My mum…” I lied. She knew when I lied, but she didn’t ask any questions.
“Mark is a great catch you know…” Andreina said. I nod, I knew that already!
“I am a great catch…” it’s what I said.
“Take a bath with meee, please…I want to hear everything like how he proposed and that and you need to tell me about Tom. Peter is no longer his friend…so I have no idea what he’s been up to.
“Okay.” like why the hell not! Did you know that Andreina is actually a solicitor? She is great. She’s been working for JMW and she was making loads of money! Not like me in 23k per year. I guess I could be worse.
“Andreina, the bath is ready..” said Mark. He looked at me. “Annie, can you come to the bedroom for a second?”
“Oh no, she is going to help me!” Andreina yells and Mark blushes. I then imagined the three of us having a threesome.
“Oh, alright…” he said.
Knowing Andreina what she needed was some good old gossip to forget about Peter’s problem. She was probably crawling to know everything that happened to me and Tom. I was still unsure what happened between us, but that was over. Now I was with Mark and I was going to marry him in five months, not five years as previously planned by him.
“I love your nails, Annie. I love Bern! And I fucking love Mark you asshole. Why did you go!?”
“Quiet!” I yelled. Our boobies looked great under the water. I then turned into a whisper. “I don’t know why I did it…I was like Tom was the lesser of two evils and I got carried away. You know how I am… impulsive. It was the first of January and I was in Belgium about to return to England. Tom and I had been talking about our future together and we realised it wasn’t going to end well…then there was that storm in England which…”
“Oh yeah!! I remember that…it sucked! Peter and I were freezing our asses in the pub and we were stuck there for like 24 hours! Okay…I shut up, but you continue…”
“Well…I was planning to go to Venezuela instead and go and see my mum, but again the planes weren’t leaving until quite late and…I ended up going back to Tom. Not because I wanted him, but because I’d stole Mark’s dog and I left it in Tom’s house by accident. Then, Tom convinced me to go to Paris with him…he was like saying all that bullshit that he was never going to let me go…and that we were made for each other and I bought it. I decided he was worth it! It was like dynamite you know…together he would make me feel super powerful…super sexy…but now it’s over. It’s over because he decided it would be that way…and yes. I did fuck him. I messed up bad and I don’t even know why Mark took me back you know…” I had a strong pain in my heart…Andreina just laughs.
“Why don’t you guys get into an open relationship? Like for real! Haven’t you considered that?” maybe Andreina was right, should I bring it in? “Mark was so hurt about the whole business, but I guess…I don’t know…you’re kinda his price? Maybe he is like lowkey racist and needs to feel he owns you!?” Andreina was talking bullshit now.
“Shut up!! haha, let me soap your back, bitch.” I said while bonding with my friends. We weren’t fighting anymore that is for sure.
Although I know Andreina was right about being in an open relationship…I was too much of a jealous person to share my Mark. I know I was a fucking mess but nobody but me could touch MY MARK!
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Mark and I prepared everything for his trip with the help of Andreina, and I couldn’t believe he was actually leaving for 5 fucking months. Jesus.