A letter arrived to my house. The day of my birthday. It’s from Niko.422Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9Y5yPDGSF
You’re invited to our wedding. We hope you come! 422Please respect copyright.PENANAhiBUuR3uTI
Dearly, Nikolaus and Ebba.
Están invitados a la boda de Nikolaus Kätsea y Shapel Lëpos
Day:October 10th
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
Place : Church of St. Mary, Helsingbor. 422Please respect copyright.PENANA9rP2S81Bcs
Behind the letter an inscription written by Niko.422Please respect copyright.PENANAPevnt3dZ2n
Dear Annie, Happy birthday. Thank you for pushing me to get married. I wish you luck in your new relationship. Please, do come with Tom.
Att: Nikolaus
The letter also has 2 plane tickets with our names. I smiled and I put the things on the kitchen counter. Maybe it was a crazy thing. My presence there could cause unnecessary drama but…I had grown close to Nikolaus and I wanted to see him getting married. I know its crazy. I was shagging him for almost two months but he had actually helped me out to figure out a lot of things about my own sexuality. Also, the sex had been great with him. I perhaps owed him that.
There are people to have in life that goes beyond romantic infatuation and they make an impact in your soul. Nikolaus was one of those people. You might say: but you knew he was going to get married and you still did it. What kind of person does that!?
I felt no guilt. From the start I think the honest parameters between us had been clear. I mean there was that moment where he wanted me to stay in Sweden but…forget about that. We know that wasn’t going to happen.
Tom arrives to my house and he is carrying a massive cake that looked more like a prop made out of cardboard. I approached the box and it opened: April and Alejandra come out and start singing happy birthday. I was officially 22. Today was 28th of September, and I was laughing out of my mind. All my friends came to the party and I was sincerely happy.
Dating Tom was going great, and it was until Tom and I had sex that everything changed.
Yes I know. I should reveal more details about our sexual moment after waiting for so many months but it was normal. It was a very normal sex. I mean he was good, and I had an orgasm but…there was something …he seemed very worried and unfocused while we did it. We finished and I looked at him.
“Are you okay?” I said.Tom was very serious by my side, I couldn’t read his expression.
“I’m sorry…yes…I am fine.” said Tom, I took his hand but he pulled it away. “Sorry Annie…I have to go.”He stood up and left.
I was left confused and a bit angry. What the hell!? It was our first time having sex together and…I didn’t know why he was behaving like this! For the next few days I just texted him and he didn’t text me back.
Was this a red flag? I was very new at dating honestly. I had my flings and I had dated David but…it didn’t have such an emotional level as me dating Tom. It was October and Tom was not appearing still. My phone calls were being ignored and I guess that was it. Maybe it wasn’t going to work out. I called Matt, asked him about his brother but he also didn’t have an idea where he was. I knew he was alive because Peter told me they had hung out but…what the fuck!
I was alone at home. Two days later and an unexpected visit arrived. Of all people, I didn’t expect Barry to come visit me. He came alone. I had some laundry drying and I knew it had an hour minutes left.
“Hey…Annie.” said Barry. I let him in. “I wanted to ask you! Did you fucking know!?” he pushed me a little.
“What the fuck Barry!” I held my shoulder. “Know what!?”
“They were laughing in our fucking faces man. How idiotic can one be!? The signs were there…fucking Daniela fucking Tom…” I was wowed. Barry paced angrily inside the apartment. “I just…you know. I don’t fucking know. I go on tour…then that fucking Belge prick seduces my girlfriend…I mean I knew me and Daniela I were not going to last but that Tom!” he said. So this was the reason I was ignoring? He had a side gal?
Our relationship was kind of new and I hadn’t asked. I had been sleeping with Nikolaus for weeks and I really didn’t care about who he was shagging but…now it was personal. I wondered if Ebba would feel the same way if she found out about Niko. It was very karmic. I swallowed my pride.
“Do you want to go out for a drink?” I asked immediately. Yes. Alcohol. The best way to ignore…
“Did you know or not!? How can you be so calm Annie!? They must be like together in the Caribbean right now!” said Barry. I sighed.
“Well we all know that Tom is a prick…” I forced a smiled. “I can’t believe I had sex with him…” Barry calmed down.
“I’m sorry Annie…if you didn’t know.” He hugged me and I started crying.
What the hell. I am not the kind of person to cry but…I was hurt. I had decided to start a relationship with him…even after all the childish bullshit that had happened. He had decided to go for another woman.
Matt was right from the start.
“I am sorry…” Barry said. “I can’t believe he would do that to you…I mean…you’re beautiful and hot…” I smiled.
“Beauty and hotness doesn’t guarantee somebody keeping a relationship with you. You’re handsome and hot too. I don’t understand why a woman on earth would…”Barry kissed me. I pushed him away.
This was not the moment. We were both hurt and…nothing else. We were not going to become like them…cheaters!
“I don’t know why I did that…” said Barry… “I guess I just wanted to make you feel better…” Barry said. I smiled at him.
“No worries. We’re not becoming them. Fuck those guys. Come on. My drier should’ve stopped by now. I’ve heard folding socks is a better distraction than kissing.”
Don’t get me wrong. Barry was one of the hottest guys that I had ever seen. He was hotter than Tom and had the singing voice of an angel but I couldn’t do it…it was a bad idea…for my psyche…for everything.
We started folding the clothes from the drier together.
“Thanks for helping me.” I look at him and he pulls out one of my bra’s from the drier. I blushed. Barry says nothing and folds it.
“I never imagined I would be folding your underwear..”said Barry with a laugh. “It has made me a feel a little bit better.”
“Thank you. I am often at work and I rarely do it so…I’m glad you’re helping…” I say back with a smile. We continue.
“Do you remember the pool party?” asked Barry. I nod. “The guys and I made a bet to see who would seduce who.” he reveals. I was surprised.
“Who bet for me?” I asked curious.
“Three of us. Tom won.” Barry said. “I know its disgusting. We didn’t pay him any money for it. He was kind of cheating. We thought you were going to go for Lui all along…” Barry laughs. “Very childish and disgusting to bet on women to be honest but…it was more of a joke I guess. I did bet. I bet I would be able to kiss you on the trip at least once but…I didn’t even manage to get close to you.” I started laughing.
Should I be offended? The girls and I had actually spoke of which guy caught an interest and…Barry had been in mind for quite some time but Daniela had gone for him, and I was kind of enjoying my time alone…until Tom and Matt and…all the unnecessary drama. Maybe that was it. Maybe it was fate. Maybe me and Barry wasn’t a bad idea after all.
“I had a crush on you…”Barry reveals. “David started dating you…and I had to be in the friend zone. Then there’s the stupid rule where you can’t date a friend’s ex…but Luz started dating him and she was a close friends of your and…”
“Why are you telling me this now?” I say serious. “You should’ve gone for me…”
“Well…we were busy.” Barry says cheekily. He puts the folded shirt on top of the drier. He approaches me and holds me. “I could go for you now…” and… we start kissing passionately. I stop for a second.
“We shouldn’t do this…” I say. Barry hold me close.
“Are you sure about that?” I look at his eyes and…I start kissing him.
Barry takes my shirt off and he caresses my body with his hand. He sits me on top of the washing machine and it starts my itself, starting to vibrate. He takes off my brad and kisses my neck slowly. My mind was just blank doing what my body wanted. I wasn’t thinking of anything. It felt as if I was in a film and there was a director pointing me what to do next. It felt irreal and I didn’t feel like me. Maybe this was me after all. I start opening the button of his jeans. He does the same to me. He pulls down my underwear and licks from my belly button to my tits. We’re both completely naked now.
I jump onto him. We look at each other with thirst.
“Are you sure about this?” Barry asks carrying me along with him. He is so damn strong.
“Yes.” I said, looking straight onto his eyes.
“Even though I love the vibration. Lets go to the bedroom” We leave the laundry room and do it in my bed.
This sex was much different than all the sex I had before. I believe even at some point we were even crying. Yes. I need to admit. This was rebound sex for both but…there was nothing to do now. We had decided this path and…at least something new I had to learn. The sex also hurt a little. I am not sure why but we were both doing it with rage, like punishing each other for doing the bad decision. After doing the deed Barry cleans himself and cleans me, and gets rid of the used condom. I was in bed looking straight at the ceiling. I felt nothing. I felt like in suspended mode. Barry comes back.
“Are you okay?” he asks. I give him a little smile.
“Thank you Barry…” he smiles.
“No. Thank you Annie.” he starts dressing up again. “If you ever want to go for a date in the future…I would like to see you again…” the doorbell rings. “Did you hear that?” I snap out of it.
“Barry. We will have that date in the future…I guess.” I said with a smile. I move from bed. I was not good at saying no. Barry was a friend. Nothing else. This sex wasn’t going to change that. I go to the bathroom. Barry leaves. The doorbell rings again. I stop peeing. I wash my face with water, trying to forget everything. I dressed up again.
Outside is Alice and…Tom!? I was preparing myself for this. I didn’t want to see him.
“Hi Annie…” says Alice. I look at both.
“Go away…” I say back. “I don’t want to see either of you.”
“But you did want to see that guy…” says Alice. “Should we tell Tom, Tobias?
Open the door, Tobias!? I look at Tobias and he looks exactly like Tom. I wonder if Tobias is the non-evil twin.
“Is Tom here?” Tobias asks. “He is ignoring my calls.” he says.
“No. Sorry… he disappeared…last thing I heard…he was in the Caribbean with my friend Daniela. Cheating on me.
Alice and Tobias look at each other impressed. They left no much longer after that. I never opened the door to them.
I decided to do work hard all the next week and forget about everything else. It was then Saturday and I had to focus on something else that wasn’t my personal life. I thought about Daniela and I mean I couldn’t have expected such action from her. She was very…prude when we were in University, thats why we became friends. I wasn’t sleeping with any guy and I was just an overall chill person that didn’t want any drama and Dani was the same. She was not a bad friend. Why had she done this!?
My mother said always said she didn’t like Daniela and I ignored her. A mother is always right I guess. I am an adult and I make my own decisions. My decision now was to stay single and forget about men!
I mean perhaps I should try getting into a relationship with a woman…after all I had never experienced anything with a woman and I was open for anything. At the current times everybody could go for anyone and I could see myself dating a woman. I could find a nice girl who was as hot as me and we could marry or something. Maybe I could move to Spain with her and start a new life…422Please respect copyright.PENANAKGnJfFcwJr
My imaginary girlfriend broke up with me before I did anything. She told me she thought I liked men more and…just went away. Okay. Yes. I am mostly heterosexual but I wouldn’t care. I was tired of being in love with Tom Houben and I couldn’t stop thinking about him.
I remembered Niko’s wedding. No way I was going to that now.
Two days later somebody wakes me up of my alcoholic haze. I had gone back to my old habits. I was partying and I was kissing strangers. I felt empty and perhaps…broken? I looked through the peephole. It was Matt. I didn’t open the door. I just stayed by the door.
“I saw your post online…I came to see you. Are you okay?” I sighed. Had I posted something online? I pulled the phone out of my pocket and I see: Me drinking, Me smoking weed. One of me pulling the middle finger. One of me kissing some guy. The caption says -I was not always heartless. Then I met you. The post had three thousand likes. Damn I was becoming popular on Instagram. I set my profile on private before somebody at work found my account.
I opened the door.
“Shit you look…” he hugged me. “Annie…don’t be like this. Not because of him. He doesn’t deserve the attention.” he says, I start laughing.
“Do you think it is because of him!?” “I have always been this way…”I say.
“You’re not fine…everyone is worried. She is never worried…you’re being self-destructive.”he says.
“I know what I am doing…I am fine!” I said. “Are you my dad or something now…oh wait. My dad would never say something like that because he knows I am an intelligent girl. Or at least he thinks I am ha!” Matt sighs.
I go to the living room and I turn on the TV. I leave Matt to do whatever he wants to do. Had he come here to save me? There was nothing to save. I deserved it. I had slept with somebody’s fiancée and the universe had made me pay for it!
I was decided at that moment that relationships were just something we did to believe something new about ourselves. Maybe I needed to be single for real. No sex. No man. No nothing.
I already loved myself and I felt there was nothing wrong with me but maybe there was? I needed a proper counsellor or something. I didn’t need Matt, I didn’t need Barry. They were the kind of person who showed up after so long with only an interest in mind. They didn’t care about me. They liked the idea of me but…I am sure they didn’t know who I really was.
Did Tom know who I was? Maybe…I just know that I betrayed my morals once and…now I was fucked emotionally. The man I loved had betrayed me. Now flies were just coming to feed on the carcass that was I.
“Why did you really come here for Matt? to get me back?” I said changing the channels. Matt seats by my side.
“Well…yes. I think you’re better by my side Annie.” I turned off my TV.
I snapped “I don’t need you.”
“Yes, you do.” he kisses me forcibly and I hit his balls. He falls onto the floor.
“Stand up and leave…!” I yell. Matt slowly gets back onto his feet.
“Stop being such a bitch!” he says. Wow, he is no different than Tom. I start laughing. I then push him along with me to the main door.
“I don’t want to see you ever again Matt. Goodbye.” I open the door and shove him outside. I close the door and I sit on the floor, losing it. I cried in those hours the much I had repressed for the past few days.
I stood up. This was not going to pull me down. I looked at the plane ticket. I could go now. The plane was not leaving until 8pm that day. I started packing immediately and I was ready for a new beginning. Yes. At that moment I decided to move to Sweden. I didn’t have a plan but it was the best idea I had. Leave town. Leave everything behind….
I arrive at the airport almost at the time the plane was leaving. I go to my seat. I told the lady before hand that I was alone and Tom wasn’t joining me and they should not wait for him. Suddenly, just 10 minutes before the plane was to leave he arrived and sat by my side.
“I couldn’t miss the wedding, could I?” he says. The plane leaves and I look outside. Nowhere to hide in a plane.
“Excuse me miss…” I call the flight attendant. “Could I pay to change to another seat?”
“Annie…don’t be exaggerated.” He says. I fucking hate him.
“Shut up…” I say back. The flight attendant looks around. The airplane is packed.
“I’ll check but…I think it is a full flight.” she says.
“I wouldn’t mind to pay for first class” I say.
“Miss that won’t be necessary.” Says Tom, the flight attendant sighs and walks away.
“Why are you here…I thought Daniela and you would be together.” I say, angrily.
“Annie…it’s over now.” he says. “Its been hellish for me you know.” I wanted to murder him right there!
“Why are you in this fucking airplane Tom?”
“Should I be angry at you when you slept with Barry?” Tom smiled “You and I are the same.”
“We ended when you disappeared Tom. Did you honestly think that I was going to stay put while you were out and about with another woman? we’re not even close to be the same. If you thought you were playing with me. I won the fucking game. I played my best cards and I won. I am so much better than you…In every sense and you’ve always known it. I had fun while you were gone honestly… and we never should’ve gotten together.” Tom grabs my shoulder and pushes me towards him.
“I don’t care you sleep with a thousand men. I know you are mine…like I am yours. You know she doesn’t mean anything to me…she is not you. To be honest. I don’t even know why I did it…” Tom bites his lip. “I mean I was fooling around with her while we weren’t dating but I have no idea why I went back…I didn’t want a commitment I don’t think…and you, you don’t really want a boyfriend. I know you enough to know that. You don’t want to be tied down, you don’t love anybody….you don’t want a man who fully respects you and loves you and only you. You want me…
“I fucking loved you Tom…” I say.
“No Annie. You love me.” And he kisses me.
Hey guys, thank you for reading the story so far. This story is just a translation in English of a book I wrote when I was a teenager. I have always loved the characters and it is super cool to see them come to life in English. It is like they are completely new people. This version is slightly different than the original but it still keeps the same soul.
I started this project because it was the 10th year anniversary since I started writing it and I think it deserved to be re-shared. 422Please respect copyright.PENANAHHDEnLYxGR
I am writing this story for fun and to entertain you all.
I have always loved juicy drama and this story is all about that. That's why the language used its simplistic and sometimes flawed. I think it represents perfectly the narrator: Annie.
If you want to learn more about the story and give feedback or ask questions you can add me on here or follow the twitter page:
@masalladeloprop422Please respect copyright.PENANA5WRHRHztYT
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