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I used Mark’s handkerchief, and it was filthy once I dried my tears and buggers with it. I handed it to him, and he just put it carefully in his pocket.
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“Thank you, Mark,” I said. Mark didn’t say anything, he sat next to me, and we didn’t speak to each other again. I couldn’t read Mark’s facial expression. He seemed speechless and sad.
“Mark…I…” nothing else came out. Mark looked at me and grabbed my hand.
“I’ve missed you, Annie,” he said and then continued caressing my face. He pulled his hand away when he noticed my hurt expression. “Sorry…I didn’t mean to touch you.”
When Mark touched me, I felt his warmth and his honesty. I wasn’t sure if I had missed him or not, but it felt good that he was there for me. I am a stupid bitch, yet he still cared for me.
“Thank you for coming to get me,” I said sincerely. Mark gave me a little smile.
“Annie…I want to forget everything that happened this week, and we can go back to how we were in Switzerland.” He said. Are we still together after everything that happened!? This man… “I know that Tom and you have a long and complicated history, but I think that who you need in your life is me…we are a good team.” Mark got quiet for a second and sighed. “I can never be Tom, I can never be that exciting or…unpredictable, but I know that I love you, and I know that you love me…I don’t want us to get sidetracked. Our relationship is GOOD .” wasn’t he being a little bit pushy? I didn’t know what to think, I for sure didn’t deserve this treatment, and he should’ve let me die on my own. I didn’t deserve a guy anymore… I started crying again.
“Look at me, Annie!” Mark yelled. “stop crying! I am sorry I never got the chance to introduce you to my parents. I am sorry I never told you I had a sister… I fucked up alright!” he said he fucked up!? I was the one who fucked up. I was the one who cheated on him for a whole week with her EX!? Mark calmed down. “I’ve missed you Annie Picadersi…and I know you missed me too.”
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“I don’t know… ” I said while placing my head against his chest. Mark held me immediately. He felt nice, and he smelled familiar… I couldn’t believe I thought he had cheated on me when he hadn’t.
“Annie…” Mark said. I looked at him.
“What?” I replied quietly.
“Marry me…” I was more confused than anything else. Had he just proposed?
“What!?” I said straight into his eyes, is Mark serious!? What the fucking fuck!?
“I am serious. I lost you once, and I don’t want to lose you ever again. You are my soul, and you own my whole being. I am because I have you and without you… I am nothing. Marry me.” I was waiting the whole week for Tom to do that thing that Mark had done, and it had never happened, and it will never happen. How could I re-start what we had when I had already chosen somebody else? Mark pulls the ring out of his front pocket. “ you don’t have to answer right away.”
“I do.” I heard myself say. Did I just say yes to his proposal? Mark smiled.
“Did you say yes?” he replied in confusion, trying to hide his excitement.
“Yes…” I said with a tiny smile. In my mind, I didn’t know what I was doing. I felt it was the worst punishment I could give Tom, and just the idea of having him see me in the altar with someone else made me smile. Fuck Tom. I should’ve never gone after him! However, I did have to ask. “Did you do it, Mark? Did you say something to Tom to…” Mark denied rapidly.
“I didn’t know, I promise…I just took the train to France this morning, and I found you.
I smiled at him and nodded. I couldn’t read his facial expressions.
“I believe you.” Mark puts the ring on, and it fits perfectly. Wow.
A couple of months ago, I would have been ecstatic he had proposed, and I would be happy about our wedding, but now that I had tasted Tom one more time, I couldn’t imagine myself with anyone else but him.
If you think about it, love is complicated, but Mark made being in love feel easy.
Mark was the sort of man who would give me his everything, and I believed him. Fuck Tom.
“What were you up to when I was gone?” I asked my fiancé after a couple of minutes of silence. Outside, the train continued its path, and the rain and fog covered the landscape outside.
“I fixed some broken windows. I hung out with your friends…” he said. Mark hung out with my friends! What a good joke…
Could I call them my friends still? Even after abandoning them for three years and barely speaking to them? I shrugged.
“What friends?”
“Please…” said Mark with a smirk. “Andreina, Peter and the rest…they miss you.
“I should probably try to be a better friend.”
Mark nodded and ordered a coffee from the trolly-lady passing by. She had a full range of sweets and drinks. “Do you want anything?”
“No, thanks…”
The lady smiled at us, and Mark paid with his card. The coffee smelled good.
“Do you want a sip of mine?” He said. Mark knew me very well. I nodded.
“Please, can you give me another coffee?” he asked the lady.
We drank our coffees in silence while Mark observed the children running around the train. He wasn’t annoyed looked at them as if telling me: one day we will have our own.
“At the party,” Mark said suddenly. “There was this woman… and she kissed me.” I look back at him "I can’t remember her name as I was drunk, but I know it happened…I am sorry.”
He was sorry? I was the one who was shagging another dude! I was the one who left him. I shouldn't be jealous! But I need to admit I was a bit.
“So that’s it? She kissed you, and that is it?” I asked, trying to hide my jealousy.
“That is what I can remember,” Mark said. We were equal now. He could not be this high-perfect being anymore. Although jealous, I was relieved he had kissed another woman, and I couldn't blame him. Mark no so much perfect. “Her name was Alice…” Mark mumbles. Alice… I only knew one Alice, and it was that crazy bitch- Alice Houben… Were the Houben dammed? Had they put a curse on me?
Then, a combination of things started going on in my brain: she seduced him and raped him. She fucking raped him, I was sure!
“Annie?” I looked at him: fire burning in my eyes. “You are the only woman who I love and I didn’t sleep with her. I just wasn’t in my right head… I was drunker than a sailor. We just kissed. We didn’t have sex.”
“I am sorry I left…I was scared.” I said. “I think I had never been treated like you treated me, and I ran away. My parents didn’t have the best of relationships. Therefore, it took me a long time to be in a relationship. I thought my happiness would be not to be in a real relationship and just playing around, but I just felt empty. I still feel empty.”
“Well, I can’t change your insecurities whatsoever, but I can take good care of you. Just don’t leave me again.”
“I am never leaving you again. My future is with you now.”
Mark holds my hand and smiles.
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We arrived back home two hours later. I felt out of place like I belonged somewhere else. We opened my bedroom door, and a beautiful blonde woman sat there while trying to put a ribbon in a box. The woman got startled, and she stood up quickly. Who the hell was her, and what the hell was she doing in my bedroom! She seemed strangely familiar…
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“This is Felicity…my sister,” Mark said. Felicity then smiles big showing off her white pearly teeth.
“Annie!” she runs towards me and hugs me. “Oh God you’re beautiful!” she said. I felt she was tricking me, I felt it as if she was a backstabbing bitch. “I have this present for you…sorry about the ribbon.” Felicity then turns around and gives me my present.
“Thank you. I will open it later.” I said. Winston, at that moment, peed in the carpet, marking his territory. Fucking two-year bulldog!
“Do you girls want a cuppa?” asked Mark. Everything just seemed so familiar now. I wasn’t lost anymore. I was found…finally found.
Mark leaves the bedroom leaving us alone. Felicity comes up to me and grabs me by the shoulders.
“If you dare to leave my brother again I will smack you alright!? I will find you, and I will make your life miserable! You fucking bitch.” as she was saying this Mark came back to the room. She completely changed. “You are so gorgeous…I love your hair… let me hug you.” she held me in her arms for a second. Jesus. I have never been scared of a woman before. I recognised her smell. Now I was 100% sure she was the one in Paris.
“Were you in Paris?” I asked Felicity. She brushed me off.
“I have never been to Paris. Why? are you inviting me?” Felicity said. Mark laughed a little, and he passes me the cup.
We drank our tea with little conversation in the living room.
“I almost forgot to tell you! Welcome to the family” Felicity said while grabbing my hand and looking at the diamond ring. “Mark has always had very good taste. I am glad you’ve been his only girlfriend.” Felicity blurts out. Mark denies, blushed.
“Of course she has not been my only girlfriend, gosh,” he said. Mark and I had talked about his girlfriends in the past, so I knew Felicity was just joking around.
Felicity left around midnight, and then Mark and I went to bed.
Two days later we were at his parent’s house.
How can I describe their house? It was like being in a fucking Jane Austen book. It was the fanciest place I had ever been.
“My mum and my dad!” said Mark. Mark’s mum was a little bit chubby like him, and she smelled of cherry pie. Mark’s dad looked simple yet fancy with an Asda bought a white collared shirt and expensive winter pants.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said, shy. Mark’s mum hugged me immediately, and Marks dad stayed away, cautious.
“You are gorgeous. I love Italy…” she said. Well, she was aware of my Italian side, but really I had nothing Italian on me. My grandfather was Italian, but he left my grandmother when she got pregnant with my dad. Then, years later my dad found him again, and he demanded his parentage. That is why I am half Italian now…
“Mum! I told you she is Venezuelan…not Italian,” said Mark with a little laugh. Mark’s mum smiles and drags me with her inside.
What impressed me the most about the inside was the large stairs leading to the second floor. It was a fucking manor house man!
“Come on, I’ll show you around later…I told Gina to make the tea.” and yes. Gina was their maid.
If you’re wondering what’s the name of Mark’s mum is Helen. She is kind and beautiful and I could tell a lot of her mannerisms were the same as Marks. Felicity looked more like Mark’s dad: both blonde, both beautiful.
Mark’s dad kept looking at the ring and Mark’s mum too. They were really surprised he had actually proposed.
“I didn’t know you would propose so quickly.” Mark’s dad said. “But I get it…when I was about your age I knew I wanted to marry your mom. Annie looks young. How old is she?” and that was a good question! Time had flown so fast that I was not sure myself. I was twenty one about four years ago…then was I twenty-four? I was fucking twenty-four and getting married? My birthday wasn’t until September so…I wouldn’t be 25 yet.
“Mum…we won’t be marrying for a while now. Maybe in five years,” he said. We hadn’t spoken about how long it would be until we married but I wanted to marry fast. I wanted to marry fast so I could laugh at Tom’s face and…
“I think you should marry sooner…” says Mark’s dad.
“It’s our final year in Switzerland so…that’s why I want to wait,” replied Mark. “Also, I think we need some time to get back on track…” with our relationship I guessed. Mark’s dad smiled.
“Well, welcome to the family Annie,” he said. “I think I need champagne to celebrate, what do you think son?”
Mark smiled and they disappeared inside. I was never drinking again in my whole life and this was serious now!
Helen passed the rest of the evening showing me pictures of Mark when he was a baby and during his teenage years. Mark had always been a prodigy and got to be a fucking doctor super quickly, so I couldn’t really blame her for loving her son so much. Felicity was in most of those pictures and they seemed inseparable. I was a fucking dumb bitch for never asking if he had any siblings. We had been in our little paradise forgetting about the world when we had a past.
Helen went to bed around midnight and she left us alone. I had not really been alone with Mark like now. A part of me was excited about being engaged but I couldn’t stop thinking about…
“Did you know that my parent's house has a massive labyrinth in the back?” Mark whispered. I didn’t know what he was trying to do but I followed him. It was fucking freezing outside, snowing even.
Outside Mark kissed me for the first time in two days and of course, it took me by surprise. He opened his mouth very carefully and he gave me a full kiss. I didn’t know this Mark. His sudden kiss had an immediate response by my body and I was starting to feel moist in the downstairs region. I was surprised, yet, I took it. This man was going to be my husband after all. He was the best person I could’ve ever met and I was just dumb to leave him in the first place.
We played around and twenty minutes later I was horny enough to play even more!
“If you want me you’ll have to find me!” I yelled at him while taking off my coat. I was no longer cold for some reason. Mark’s eyes opened like a child’s in a candy store and he also started getting naked. Was I ready to have sex with him after Tom? Fuck yeah. I was ready to delete that bastard from my entire existence.
I ran into the labyrinth and this was the first time ever I had sex with somebody without using protection. It was passionate, needed and just fucking great sex. The best sex I’d had with Mark in all the years we had been dating! Maybe that was all I needed, a good time with Tom to really realise what I really like. Fuck.
I don’t know how long we had sex for but I was loud and I didn’t even care if they heard us. You name it and we did it that night. All of it. Just in the middle of the labyrinth on top of one of the benches. Mark was kind enough not to ejaculate inside me which I admired.
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Now what Annie?
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“Did you know it’s like -2 degrees here…” said Mark while I lied on top of his naked body. I smiled.
“I don’t feel cold…”
“Me neither…”
“Thanks, Mark.”
“For what?”
“For not giving up on me…!”
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