Okay.. Me?
Im short, about 4'9. My doctors tell me that I will grow when I turn 18 which is in a year. I don't believe it at all. Dark brown hair that goes past my shoulders and hazel eyes that shine red in the sunlight. Freckles on my nose and cheeks, dimples that mark my smile when I speak. I have small feet, people joke about them being like a hobbit, but there feet are huge.
I'm sassy, I can talk back with ease. Or thats what I think. I'm selfish and only thinks about my friends happiness instead of mine. I take people for granted and I can't ask. I'm in resource, people make fun of me because they think I'm stupid, I'm just getting extra help geez. I can be stubborn like a lot, and its not even funny. I annoy the fuck out of people, and I know I'm annoying, so if its too much for you just get the hell out of here.
My friends, are my everything. They smile for me and they laugh with me instead of at me. I didn't think high school would be this fun since I used to get bullied in elementary and middle school. I used to think I would never make friends, and people would hate me because I'm ugly. Even though I'm not perfect in every way I'm me, and thats what my friends see. The girl who has hope in her friends to be loyal and stay by my side for a while.
My family, their a mess in its own. A i'm part of that fantastic mess, which I tend to hate most of my time at home, but I realize my mother gave birth to me and she brought me into this world. I love them, they make me smile. My father and I have are own arguments, which mother hates. I call him bloncker and he calls me prat, which I won't tell you. Look them up their British words. Mother doesn't like when I call my father, old man, I mean yeah thats rude but its funny since he laughs when I call him that. My sister is probably the more mature one out of us two, my dog Blizzard is a barking mess but when I feel sad he lets me lay on his stomach. Then theres my snake and rabbit who are beautiful and even though I can't cuddle them most of the time I still take care of them.
Then theres this problem I have in my family, so I usually never tell this to people but this is my life. I'm bisexual, and I've known this for 2 and a half years. Thats a long time if you think about it. My mother and father think I'm just pretending, just to fit in. Well yeah I know I was a confused freshman back then mother, but I'm almost 18 and I know who I am because of my friends. My sister thinks its a good idea to explore new areas in life, she helped me as well. And when my mother makes me cry she cuddles with me and we talk about things.
Yes I know my life is a mess and a reck of its own, but thats just me.