Who am I? That's a very good question, and one that I have asked myself over and over again, because I am hardly the person everyone saw my future as at birth. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have defied every single person's expectations of me, either out of spite or just because it's who I am. You want to know who I am? Well, you better strap in, because you are in for a ride. I suppose I should start by saying what I am not.
I am not a girl, despite being AFAB (assigned female at birth). I, instead, am genderflux, a subset of sorts of genderfluid, but not really. It means that the strength of my gender identity varies from genderless (sometimes neutrois or agender) to another gender. In my case, I go girl->demigirl->agender and everywhere in between those. But I will respond to any pronouns. You could call me a boy and I'd just laugh and accept it. It honestly wouldn't bother me all that much.
I am not straight. Yes, you heard that right. But it's hard for someone who is genderflux to be straight, I suppose. I am attracted to boys. But never sexually. To anyone, actually. I am asexual, which means that at its base I don't look at someone and think 'oh, they're hot'. To be honest, I don't even know what 'hot' means! And, much as that frustrates me, I take it in stride, because that's just as much a part of me as anything else.
I am not a math person. I have rarely ever felt an affinity for numbers, and usually that's just because I have a good teacher. I have been and always will specialize in words more than numbers. But I suppose that one was obvious, wan't it? You would expect that from someone on Penana.
But who am I? I am a published author, a somewhat accomplished novelist. I am an 11th grade genderflux asexual writer who goes into her room and makes weird crap and gets love for it from people they have never met face-to-face. So, who am I? I suppose the simplest explanation, is that I am me. But, that isn't very clear. So here's 5 paragraphs about what that means. I. Am. Me. And that's all I want to be.