"Promise me," Mom said, looking at me with an expression I couldn't identify. "Promise me you'll never stop going off the beaten path, never lose your adventurous spirit." We were driving, and it was so randomly stated that I didn't know how to respond.
"Sure..." I say, continuing to look at her.
"Good," she smiled, "That's good." Her eyes, so content, seemed to drift into a peaceful zone.
I grew-- I'm growing up in a positive house hold. 17 years, and my address has never changed. I've lived in the same room, same walls, same door. Although, the door knob is different because when I was 7 years old I wanted to prove to my parents that they couldn't make me go to my swim lessons. After 2 hours of being locked in my room, my Dad figured he'd simply take the doorknob off. Being the handy man he is, he ended up breaking it, and I got a new doorknob. I liked my old doorknob better, it had a push-lock, but now I have to twist it in order to lock it. Heaven knows why my parents decided to get another door with a lock after that incident though.
My father's full dutch, so you can assume where my stubbornness came from. Aside from strong will, however, I'm extremely kinesthetic. This isn't heightened senses like some think it is, it just means that I really like to touch, hear, and look at interesting things. I would include smell, but who doesn't like to spell yummy things? Anyway, my mother couldn't get me to sit still as a child, so she compromised when I was learning the ABCs. She grabbed a thing of shaving cream, smeared it onto the sliding glass door, and had me trace letters. Now, I satisfy my kinesthetic urges by bringing balloons filled with flower, or some other kind of fidget-gadget, wherever I go so that I don't end up touching people's ear-lobes or hair.
School and I used to be enemies. I used to cry at the dinner table when I told my parents about my day. But that changed. I learned through the storm of loneliness that one doesn't get company unless they open up and become vulnerable. I got hurt, my heart's been bruised, but all was worth it in the end. The subjects of school were rough for me too. I'm horrible at math, but with a bit of TLC, I got better. I still suck at history though. I'm good with art though.
I guess I'm satisfied with life. Not because I've been though only good times, because I've been through hard times. I've had depression, anxiety attacks, and loneliness plague me since I can remember, but sue me-- I'm an optimist... Most times. I'm also a realist and state the other side of a situation or argument 24/7, but not because I'm for it, simply because I think from all perspectives. Again, most times, sometimes I'm blinded by my stubbornness.
Thanks for reading this randomness. ;D
If you're curious, I'm an ENTP on the Myers Briggs personality test, and you can look up the result and see the details of what makes me tick. If you know your type, go ahead and tell me, I love this kind of stuff!
(P.S. the dialogue at the beginning; I just counted it as a single paragraph...)