Josiah Simmons listen to the sound of the crowd cheering for both teams and he took the ball and shot it through the hoop scoring or his team, he played for the Colorado Buffaloes. And right now the team was winning, he grabbed the ball and passed it to his teammate. After a few more rounds the game ended and they won. Not by much though but they won. He thanked God for the win, faith was new for him and he was happy.
He saw a bunch of reporters and went over to talk to them, the questions came up and loud, always wondering whether he was dating anyone or whether he planned to do whatever. He somehow got rid of them and felt his personal assistant, Bella Sanders.
"Ms. Sanders."
"I got a different type of call from a certain woman."
"You get interesting calls all the time, what makes this one different?"
Josiah's head of security opened the door for him and Bella.
She hesitated, "I've got two reasons, one says that she knows you and the other one is unsettling."
Josiah turned to her what could be possible unsettling that she would have to tell him?
"What did she say?"
"Do you know any woman by the name of Elena Zajac?"
"It sounds familiar why do you ask?"
"Maybe her daughters name sounds familiar, Valentina Zajac?"
Josiah narrowed his eyes he had a feeling this wasn't going to end well, and he was afraid of where this was going.
"Mr. Simmons?"
"Why are you asking?"
She looked out the window of the car and tapped on her wrist. "Sanders' what is it."
She took a deep breath, "Elena Zajac called me during the game and told me that you and Valentina Zajac have a daughter"
Josiah turned and look at Bella Sanders hoping that she was kidding, how was that possible? A daughter? Valentina didn't bother telling him, so it must have been different with Danielle and Stephanie.
"Is she telling the truth?"
She took a breath, "She didn't talk for long, something about having to go talk some person. It might be a scam, but she insisted I talk to you about it and have you call her."
Josiah took a deep breath, they were getting close to the hotel that he was staying at, "I call this Elena Zajac when we get to the hotel room."
"That's probably a good idea."
When he got into his hotel room he dialed Elena Zajac's phone number, "Hello?"
A women answered with a European accent, "Mr. Simmons?"
"Mrs. Zajac?"
"It's about time you called me, I need to talk to you."
"Same here, since when do I have a daughter?"
"Oh yes, you knew My Valentina right?"
"Ah, I wasn't sure, she can be unreliable sometimes."
"Get to the part when I have a daughter."
"Oh yes, your name isn't on the birth certificate, but a simple DNA test would prove it, but here is where it gets tricky, Valentina is in jail for drug dealing, and has lost custody of Madeline."
"That's her name? Madeline?"
"Yes, it's french."
"If Valentina lost custody, what has happened to Madeline?"
"Well that's tough to explain, it's been at least six years since she lost custody and she has been in jail for almost a year. I have temporary custody of her but I can't be a mother to Madeline, she is a handful."
"How old is she?"
"She turned sixteen one week ago."
"Are you still in New York?"
"Yes, when are you going to take the DNA test?"
"I need some time, I'm sure you understand that I'll give you a call in a few days okay?"
The woman scoffed, "Okay, call me later, but once I sign the papers, then Madeline goes back into foster care and they will send to out of state so decide quickly."
Josiah sighed he was faced with a life changing decision and she was telling him to be fast? "Alright, by Elena."
To Be Continued.