Stephanie didn't know where she was, she felt cold and clammy. She heard things move around her, beeps and clicks. And she couldn't move, she wanted to speak what there was something on her mouth. She felt flashbacks of water surrounding her and getting hit in the back with something hard and sharp.
She tried to open her eyes but they wouldn't open. She wanted her daddy not Craig but her real daddy. The one from her memories, all she remembered was just a blurry face and his soft and joyful voice. The way he would hug her when she was upset or had a nightmare.
She remembered something that he told her about an even better father, God. Her mom never mentioned God a lot. She took a deep breath God if you can hear me, please help me. Please let my daddy find me. Please.
* * *
Daniella sat in the room next to her daughter she was getting better. Her infection was going away, and she wasn't as pale as she was when Daniella found her. They were still in Thailand, but the doctors want to airlift Stephanie to the states. But Stephanie was just know starting to breath on her own and they suspected spinal cord injury along with possible internal bleeding.
As soon as Stephanie's infection stops and they do the surgery to remove whatever glass that had gotten inside of her then they would airlift her. Daniella leaned over her knees and rested her head in her hands, when the boat came back it looked like a bomb had gone off.
Trees were fallen over and buildings were gone. Everything was gone. She tracked down a group of people looking for their families who were lost in the tsunami that were going through hospitals. After five hospitals she found her daughter. A slight movement caught Daniella's eye and she looked and saw Stephanie head move slightly to the right. Then to the left. Finally her eyes slowly flickered open. Daniella leaned over Stephanie and stroked her hair, "I'm here baby, it's me mommy. You're safe."
Stephanie reached for the oxygen mask that had been placed on her and shook her head as if she didn't understand what was happening. "Honey something happened and you got hurt but you are gonna be okay. I promise."
Stephanie's eyes closed just as Daniella's phone vibrated, she had put it on silent so it would disturb Stephanie. She grabbed it and froze when she saw the caller id: Josiah.
She moved to the other end of the room and answered the call, "Hello?"
"Dani? Are you okay?"
"Um yeah, I was on the boat when it happened."
"What about Stephanie?"
Daniella hesitated, what was she supposed to say?
"Daniella? Is she okay?"
"She's breathing."
"What does that mean?"
"She got hurt really bad"
"How bad?"
"They aren't sure but it's really bad, they're thinking possible paralysis."
She heard him sigh over the phone, "Is she awake?"
Daniella turned around and studied her daughter she was barely asleep and moving her head left to right. "In and out."
"Are you able to fly back to the states?"
"A flight back is seventeen hours, so we would fly to Singapore and when she gets stronger then fly to the States."
"I didn't think we would ever talk again."
Daniella was silent for a moment, "Me neither."
"Does she remember me?"
"Not much, she doesn't talk about it a lot. How's your daughter?"
"She wants to meet her sister."
"You told her about Stephanie?"
"She deserves to know!"
Stephanie started mumbling and shaking, while two nurses hurried in and starting examining the machines that were attached to Stephanie. "Josiah somethings happening I have to go."
"Promise me you will keep me updated?"
"I will." She hung up and walked over to the bed, "What's happening?"
One of the nurse said something in Thai, and Daniella looked to the nurse that spoke broken english, "What did she say?"
"Her fever is breaking, we can take her into surgery when her temperature steadies."
She sunk down to the side of the bed and laid gently beside her daughter. Thank you God. Please let her recover and be whole.
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