Paris, France- 2013
Fourteen yr. old Emma Blanchett slipped a fitting jacket over her slim shoulders in a hurry. She chided herself for oversleeping yet again, of course she had to be late on the first day of school, she ran down stairs and grabbed a piece of toast and kissed her aunt on the cheek, "Bye, love you!" She yelled quickly not giving her aunt a chance to say anything. She rushed down the stairs of the apartment of her aunt and uncles bakery.
You were raised by both your father and your aunt and uncle? Yes, my father and mother were overseas a lot.
By the time Emma finally looked up she ran into her uncle and they both were knocked over. "Jeez Emma, take a breath and look up," he said chuckling.
Emma took a second to laugh, "Sorry Uncle Tom."
"Emma, not that I don't applaud you staying up and reading your bible but stop reading it at 12:00 at night while blasting music from your earbuds, if you don't want to be late to school". Said her aunt coming from behind her."
"Aunt Brie, I don't have enough time in the day to pick up my bible and read it, besides how do you know that I listen to- Ah I"m gonna be late!"
Shouted Emma as she ran out the door frantically, the school was across the street but before she could go in the direction, her aunt grabbed her shoulder, "Emma, remember to go head to Mr. Fu's place after school."
"Oh yeah, what does he do again?"
Her aunt looked tired, "He does massages and teaches some languages, and he needs someone to help out around his place."
She took out a piece of folded paper and put it in her purse, "This is the address, go there right after school, and don't be late."
"Okay, don't worry I'll be there."
"Maybe you'll learn a thing or two from him."
* * *
By the time Emma ran into class, everyone was talking about who knows what, she took a seat in the second row, "What you doing sitting here Blanchett?!"
Said Clara the one kid that Emma had to bite her tongue around. "What are you talking about, all I did was take my seat?"
You didn't get along with her that well? No, she was just one of those girls.
"No, you took my seat."
"Why is it your seat again?"
"Because," Clara pointed to the sit in front of them in the first row, "Leo is going to be sitting there."
"Well can't you sit next to him on the other first row?"
Clara couldn't have looked more mad if Emma had asked her to do all the math work, "Listen here Emma Blanchett, if you don't move right now I will make your life miserable!"
Before Emma could respond, a girl she didn't recognize came up and grabbed Emma's wrist, "Hey, how about you just stop talking and take a seat!"
Emma winced as she heard the words come out of the girls mouth, that was one of things that set Clara off, "What did you just say to me?!"
"I said that you should stop talking and sit down now."
For the first time, Clara looked speechless. All she did was scoff and sit down in the second row.
Emma sat down next to the girl, "Wow, you made her mad."
"The only reason she walks over you is because you don't stand up for yourself."
"I guess I'll have to work on it, what's your name?"
The girl held out her hand, "I'm Jess Andres, what's your name?"
Emma held out her hand, "Emma Blanchett."
"Well nice to meet you Emma."
Emma smiled at her, maybe this year would be different, she wouldn't be worry about her dad being deployed for a year. In constant danger, God would take care of her family.