Eve Young and sat in the college classroom and studied Professor Ross, he almost had a little bit of arrogance to him. The pointed to a white board with several names of historical people. "Does anyone know what they had in common?" She glanced at Rachel across and room and both shared a confused look. What is he gonna do? Rachel knew what Ross was saying, the question was what was he gonna do with it because the way that he was going he would either go one way or the other.
He looked around the classroom looking for an answer clearly no one but Eve and Rachel knew the answer too. He smirked, "They were all atheists." There it was, and anyone who wasn't paying attention to the professor before this now was. Some were setting up a note page had dropped the pen and looked up curious to see what the great professor Ross would say, he saying something about where the word "atheist" came from but Rachel couldn't think. Was this really happening?
"Now, before we get into anything else I just want to be clear and make sure we all come in here everyday with the knowledge that God is dead. And I'm not saying that he actually lived at some point in history, no what I am saying is that God never existed and never will. And to make sure we all agree, I am going to pass out a paper with a statement on it saying all the reasons God is dead and all you have to do is sign it. Easy enough."
Eve took her phone from her pocket and sent a text to Rachel from under her desk with one word typed on it: Seriously?! Is he kidding?
She looked at Rachel and shook her head in confusion. A paper landed on her desk and Eve felt sick, it had over twenty reasons and at the bottom was a line were a signature would go. She looked around the classroom and noticed everybody was signing the paper without a second thought. Was this what happened outside of the safety of the church? People denying God without a second thought, and not even bothering to wonder if he exits. Her aunt Amanda had always told her that not everyone grew up in a home supported by God. But it had never clicked until now what her mom had told her as a ten year old girl a few weeks before her fatal car accident. She had told her and Rachel that believing in God wasn't just something that you say you believe in, you have to tell people about them. Even if the person you aim to tell about God won't listen to you then the person nearest would be affected.
"Is there something wrong Miss..?" The Professor's voice interrupted Eve's thoughts. And she looked up see her with a handful of papers in his hand.
"Young, Eve Young."
"Well, Ms. Young, you didn't sign you paper, is there something wrong?"
What would I say, if I said the wrong thing then what would happen? Eve took a breath I am so going to fail this class.
"Yes there is, I can't sign the paper I am a christian."
There wasn't a word to describe the disgust in his face, he inhaled a deep breath, "Well, that is quiet the problem considering the fact that this is an assignment and you will fail if you don't do it.
"I'm sorry, but I believe in God and I don't plan on being a hypocrite anytime soon." By now everyone had stopped doing what they were doing and were watching the standoff.
"Well, if you're so sure about this, then you wouldn't have a problem debating this subject in front of the class would you?"
"How would it be we able to tell who won?"
He studied her, "The class would, and you have only thirty minutes for three days to make your case. Understand?"
"Of course."
* * *
2 Months Ago- Jordan Hernandez
I walked into school and looked around, my dad was the principal of my high school and actually started a bible club. It was pretty knew and I had a feeling not many people were going to show up. But this school was a mess half the kids got so drunk they couldn't go to school or they didn't care. They didn't care if they overdosed on heroin. That had to stop now, and the only way it was gonna stop was if God intervened.
I was quarterback on the football team so the first people I talked too were on the team. They all seemed not interesting but at least they were gonna check it out. He found a few more students and they seem interesting but that's when he saw her. Maddie Holden, a pretty brunette who could care less about anything. He walked over to her locker and leaned on it, "Hey Maddie."
She turned at look at him, "What?"
"You hear about my dad starting the bible club?" She reached out for a book in her locker and the sleeve of her denim jacket moved revealing deep cut marks trailing halfway down her arm. "Yeah I heard about it." She said not looking up at him and covering her wrist with her sleeve.
"So? What do you think?"
Maddie suddenly slammed the locker door shut, she moved so there was a little more than an inch between them, and looked him in eyes, "Listen, don't talk to me about God or Jesus or the bible. It's not real and I don't want anything to do it." Her eyes were cold.
He studied her, she were heavy make up and her hair had pink highlights. Between her jeans, and denim jacket along with highlights people stayed away from her. Everyone knew she drank with one other juniors and college students, she was only sixteen. There were a lot of unflattering rumors about Maddie Holden and most of then were false but with the others it was hard to tell. "Maybe it doesn't seem interesting right now, but just show up."
She scoffed and started to walk away when used his arm as a block so she couldn't move. "Maddie just think about it okay?"
She exhaled and nodded and jerked his arm off her. And walked into another hallway.
To Be Continued.