July 16, 2020
As Edward pulled up on his driveway, he noticed a truck and police car was parked out front. He told Sarah not to call the police. The last thing he wanted was people coming to their home, especially the police. They would have figured it out on their own.
He parked off to the side, over by the shed, noticing that it had been opened, meaning that someone had been prowling around in there. He squeezed the wheel and sighed. Edward didn't want to deal with the police, his wife, his kids, or anyone. He just wanted a drink and some peace and quiet.
A redneck looking man appeared from his front door and yelled something back into the house. Edward noticed as Sarah and an older man came out of the front door, eager to meet him before he could even get out of the car and collect his thoughts.
I should have stayed a the mansion. At least I don't have to live with Gabriel.
Edward sighed once more and stepped out of the car, not anticipating his wife latching onto him with her arms.
"Edward," She said, tears wanting to flood out of her eyes. "I was so worried about you."
He looked pass her at the older man. "Why?" Edward asked.
"You weren't answering your phone and I... I was just scared something happened to you."
"Well... I'm here," Edward said. "Nothings happened except that you called the police."
"No, you don't understand."
Edward lowered his voice to a whisper. "I told you I didn't want police here. It was probably just some kids that broke the window, Sarah."
"Why do you always have to do things behind my back? Why can't you..."
"Edward! Me and the kids were attacked!" Sarah yelled.
He bit on his lip and looked back to the older man, who's gaze was not leaving him. Edward was considering whether or not he cared.
"I'm... I'm sorry," Edward forced himself to say.
"And you didn't even answer your phone. The sheriff says that something is stalking us and trying to kill us, Edward. It wasn't any kids. Something is trying to hurt us and our children."
My son he wanted to say.
"I see," Edward said.
The worry and joy that Sarah had from seeing him again was gone and replaced with disgust. "I should have remembered that you don't care," Sarah said, as she turned around back to the house.
"You must be Edward Porter., The man, that Edward assumed was the sheriff, said.
"I am," Edward replied.
The sheriff extended his hand to Edward. He reluctantly took it and felt the sheriff's strong grip squeeze his hand.
"Sheriff Wayne Sharpe."
"Nice to meet you." Edward said.
"Likewise. So I don't suppose you know what's been going on here at your property."
"Outside of a little incident we had last night, no."
The sheriff reached into his back pocket and pulled out a can of chew. He took a pinch of tobacco and stuffed it under his tongue. "Well, Mr. Porter, I'll get right to it. I believe you and your family are in danger from some creatures that lurk these forests."
Edward laughed. "The Faceless, you mean?"
The sheriff looked at him - not a grin to he seen.
"Indeed, the Faceless. I know such a thing must sounds like some kind of camping tale to you but, son, believe me when I tell you this; they are real and they are ever present on his property. And in fact, they might be watching us as we speak."
Edward chuckled as he looked off into the surrounding woods. He thought about that day at the river, as they watched the fireworks. There was a man standing across the river, who didn't have a face. Then Edward saw the little wooden figure that laid in the grass. He wondered what had happened to it.
"I suppose it must be real. So many people keep telling me about them," Edward said.
The sheriff chuckled, revealing his stained yellow teeth with several missing. "Yes, I suppose you probably have," The sheriff said. "And believe it when the folks around here tell you that they're real."
Perhaps Edward made a mistake moving his family here. Not because he believed that he was in any danger from the Faceless but because so many people seemed certain that they were real. He didn't want to be surrounded by highly superstitious people, as well as his family.
"I'm not entirely sure I believe in the Faceless, sheriff. I love a good scary story, just like the next guy, but I ain't so sure that I should believe that they're real," Edward replied.
"I know it must seem crazy, Mr. Porter. However, I must ensure that you know of the danger present, should you stay here, so far from help. Especially in the winter, you don't want to be stranded here when the nights grow darker and the birds go quiet."
Edward looked to his wife, who was kneeling beside Lillian, touching her cheek.
"Well thank you, Sheriff. I think this is a matter that I will need to discuss with my wife."
The sheriff looked at Edward for a moment before spitting out his tobacco. "Of course. Well, if you and your folks need anything, you know the number to call. We'll be back sometime this week with more guys to check the place out."
Great... I get to see them again.
"Thank you Sheriff," Edward said.
The sheriff nodded his head and waked back to his truck. He whistled at the two deputies and, like dogs, they obeyed and followed.
Edward approached his wife, remembering that Gabriel wanted to have a dinner tonight. Perhaps that would help out his family's conscience to rest for a little while.
"Are you alright?" Edward said to Isaac, who was standing off to the side.
"I'm finem" Isaac said.
He figured he wouldn't get his son to say much more. He wasn't known to have much to say.
Edward sighed and looked to Sarah and Lillian. "Are you okay, Lily?" He forced himself to ask.
Lillian rubbed her eyes and held a little wooden sheep closer to her. "I'm okay daddy."
"She's just a little shaken up," Sarah said.
Edward nodded his head and looked back to his car.
I could leave. I could leave and never look back.
Edward sighed once more and looked back to his family. "My boss wants us to have dinner with him tonight at his mansion. Would you like to come?" He said, directed at Sarah.
She looked at him, a slight anger flaring in her eyes. "Your children and I were attacked today and your worried about your boss's dinner?"
All Edward wanted to say was that Lillian wasn't his child. Although, it would be best not to stoke the flames at the moment. "I just thought it would be something to help get everyone's mind off of today."
He knew he should have said sorry but... he wasn't.
Sarah's glare didn't leave. "You know what, Edward? Fine. Let's go have dinner and maybe your boss can be a more decent human being than you can. Maybe he'll actually care."
She stormed back into the house, leaving Lillian to her tears.
Edward should just find a new woman. There was a few options at the bar. Maybe he could...
I'm a loyal man. I'm a married man.
Feeling another pocket of air leave his mouth, Edward looked to the sky, hoping God could see what he had to deal with. Sure, he was a loyal man and a married man but he really wished he wasn't.
The four of them pulled up to the Matthews Manor, with only the sound of crickets and tires rolling across the gravel to be heard. Sarah looked to the manor, seeing only a few lights glowing through the windows. It was sinister, yet impressive. Sarah wasn't in the mood to meet her husband's boss but was rather excited to delve into such a magnificent building.
Edward exited the driver's side without saying a word, followed promptly by Isaac. Lillian sat in the backseat, rubbing the back of her little wooden sheep.
"Are you excited to go into a mansion Lily?" Sarah asked.
Lillian continued looking down at her sheep. "Sir Billy said that there's bad people in there."
Sarah looked back to the mansion, the way it seemingly stared at her. "Why does Sir Billy say that? He's never been in there."
Lillian shrugged her shoulders. "He said that a mean old woman lives there and that all of her guests don't like her."
"I'm sure there's probably been a mean old woman there before but its just your daddy and his boss here now."
Lillian looked to Sarah, her eyes devoid of her normal child like friendliness. "No, she's still here."
Gabriel stood at the entrance, next to Sarah and smiled as Edward's family poured into the manor.
"Come in, come in. Dinner is ready. I'm sure you must all be starving," Gabriel said.
Edward gave him a half smile. Starving to go home.
The six of them entered the main hall and Sarah and Lillian began reveling at the place.
"Wow," Sarah said. "This is amazing!"
"It's quite extraordinary, isn't it?" Gabriel said. "It was built long before my time and, with your husband's help, it'll stand for even longer."
Sarah stepped up to Gabriel and extended her arm. "I'm Sarah."
"Yes, Edward has told me much about you."
Edward chuckled. No he hasn't.
"I'm Gabriel. Your husband's boss."
"It's so nice to finally meet you," Sarah said. "This is our son Isaac and our daughter Lillian."
Gabriel shook Isaac's hand and smiled down at Lillian. "Lillian, that's such a pretty name."
Lillian hid behind Sarah's leg with a small smile on her face. Rebecca walked up beside Gabriel. "I'm Rebecca," She said. "I'm Mr. Matthews assistant."
"It's nice to meet you," Sarah said.
Edward looked around the main hall. Every time he entered the building, it seemingly changed. It never felt the same, which terrified Edward.
His gaze shifted to Gabriel who was looking at him with a wide smile. "Well, we have much to talk about. Please, follow Ms. Dawes to the dining room and she'll get you settled.
Edward watched as his wife, son, and Lillian left with Rebecca, leaving Edward alone with Gabriel once more.
"You have quite the lovely family," Gabriel said. "But I can see what you mean... Eh, regarding your adopted daughter."
"She's not adopted..." Edward replied, his body tensed up.
"Oh..." Gabriel said. "Sorry, Edward, I didn't mean..."
"It's fine."
Gabriel patted Edward on the back. "Come then. Let's go to the dinner table. I wish to know all about the Porters.
They walked through the halls, a task that Edward was quickly growing accustomed to. They could hear the commotion coming from the dining room but Edward also could hear something else. He could hear a faint whisper inside the walls, opposite of the dining room.
"Edward..." It whispered. He stopped and looked at the wall for a second.
"Everything alright?" Gabriel asked.
Edward stared at the crack between the wood, seeing what looked like a little light. "Fine," Edward said and then turned back to walk into the dining room. Sarah and Rebecca were chatting while Isaac sat in his chair, looking at his phone, and Lillian played with her wooden sheep on the ground.
Gabriel tapped a fork to a silver cover and revealed a turkey.
"My goodness, I didn't know the dinner was going to be so fancy," Sarah said. "Thanksgiving came early this year."
Gabriel smiled at her. "In a a place like this, Thanksgiving can be everyday. Because with this home, I am always thankful."
Edward saw Gabriel's face towards him. It was like the man knew something, like he could see right through Edward. He looked back to his plate and then to his glass. He was going to need something to drink.
Everyone was laughing and half drunk, all except for Lillian and Isaac. It, to Edward's surprise, had gone much better than expected. Edward filled up his glass with more wine, making it his fifth glass of the night. It was the only thing that could make him laugh alongside his wife. Tonight, however, he didn't mind genuinely laughing with her. It was something he had grown to miss in his time hating her guts.
"Alright, alright..." Gabriel said, wine dripping from his chin. "You two must tell me how you met."
Edward and Sarah exchanged glances and quickly felt the humor leave their body. "Well..." Sarah started mouthing. "It wasn't too exciting how we met. We went to school together and had a few classes together, one of them being biology. We kind of just walked to class one day next to each other and just started chatting. It wasn't until our senior year that Edward surprised me out by my car with flowers to go with him to prom. From there we went to prom, dated for a while, got married, and had Isaac not long after."
Gabriel smiled at her as he lifted a cup of wine to his lips.
"Lovely. Love isn't often what the movies depict it to be but the simple things in life."
Edward looked to Gabriel. Love was a thing of the past for him and Sarah. Only the will of God could ever truly reignite what he and his wife once shared.
"Well, I think we ought to get going now," Edward said. "We have to go check in on our dog and cat. Make sure they're not causing too much trouble."68Please respect copyright.PENANANMgeJTv2jE
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"Daddy..." Lillian said.
Edward hated her calling him that.
"Do we have to go back there? I don't want the monsters to get us."
"Monsters?" Gabriel said, his eyebrow raised.
Edward chuckled. "Lily, there are no monsters at our home. Now go with your brother to the car, okay?"
The little girl nodded her head and, along with Isaac, they exited the dining room.
Sarah stood up from her chair, the smile gone from her face.
"Wait," Gabriel said. "I would ask what happened?"
Teenagers is what Edward wanted to say but he knew the angry words he would get from his wife.
"The sheriff told us that our home was attacked by the Faceless," Sarah said.
Edward rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed under his hand. She just had to keep talking about it. Everyone who had an ear would hear about how the Faceless attacked the Porters' residency. Cops would patrol the area, reporters would constantly lurk around the area, attempting to question his family at every moment, and every person he would come across would ask him if he was safe - if he saw any Faceless. The answer would be no because they weren't attacked by the Faceless. It was a superstition; a myth; a legend.
"Sheriff Sharpe you mean?" Gabriel asked.
Sarah nodded her head, her eyes now more glossy.
"My god," Gabriel said. "If the sheriff is right, you and your family are truly in danger."
Sarah shot Edward a glance that said, I'm right, you're wrong.
"It was likely just some teenagers that were trying to mess with us. They broke our window last night," Edward said.
"Any they drugged your son, chased me and Lillian, and tried to kidnap or kill our children. They almost broke in, Edward."
Edward nodded his head and noticed the look of concern on Gabriel's face.
"I believe your wife and the sheriff is correct Edward."
"Mr. Matthews..."
Edward cleared his throat. "Gabriel. I truly don't think it's anything worth worrying about. The sheriff is already having his men patrol the surrounding woods for any sign of trespassers." Edward sighed. "And will be looking for the Faceless, should they indeed be real."
Gabriel rubbed his chin. "Perhaps you're right, Edward, but I would not see you or your family in danger while the police aren't around. Tell you what..."
Edward already didn't like where this was going.
"... you continue to help me with fixing up this house and I'll let you and your family stay here for free."
Sarah's eyes widened and she tugged on Edward's arm.
"Gabriel, your offer is really kind. Truly. I just..." He struggled to find an excuse. "I don't know if it would be very accommodating, considering it's a little beat up at the moment."
"Edward," Sarah said. "This place is fantastic already, even without very many repairs. Isaac and Lillian would love it! They wouldn't mind any dust still in the house."
"Well... I just... I wouldn't want to burden you Gabriel."
"Nonsense!" Gabriel said cheerfully. "This house could accommodate twenty families of five if it really tried. I would be more than happy to let you and your family take some of the bedrooms upstairs. You can stay as long as you need, until the Faceless realize your not coming back anytime soon. Your cat and dog can stay too!"
Edward was left speechless. It would have been rude to have told him that he didn't like talking to people and didn't want to accept his offer. He didn't believe in any danger at his home but he supposed that it would put his wife and the two children's minds to ease. But as soon as they were done being scared, Edward would take them back to their home and take back the peace and quiet.
"Your offer is too kind," Edward said. He looked over to Sarah whose smile was wide. "I believe we have to take it."
"Excellent!" Gabriel exclaimed. "I will help you get a moving truck and I will help you move anything that you wish to take."
Sarah's eyes were teary as she reached out for Gabriel's hand and then wrapped her arms around him.
"Thank you, thank you," She said.
Gabriel held Edward's wife in his arms and then looked back to Edward with a wide smile.
Fuck was the only thought that came to Edward's mind.
"I think your family will love it here."
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