September 28, 2020
There was still much work that had to be done inside of the house but, this week, Gabriel wanted to focus on installing storm windows and repairing anywhere that might cause leaks. They've only had about three rainstorms in the last few months and so the leaks weren't as noticeable but they would regret not sealing them up once the snow came.
Edward didn't mind working outside but he did mind the company that would be joining him and Gabriel today. Four men from the sawmill were coming to the manor today to help with the repairs and two of those men were none other than Edward's favorite coworkers, Robert and Pierce.
He had only seen them once in his time living at the mansion and that was when he went to the bar for one of the final times. They didn't talk to Edward and Edward didn't talk to them. Sadly, he didn't think he was going to get the same treatment today.
"Mornin' boss," Robert said.
"Gentlemen," Gabriel said. "I trust that Oliver gave you the run down on what you will be doing today?"
"He told us we'd be fixing some things up," One of the other guys, Trevor, said.
"That's the jist of it. We need to get those storm window..." Gabriel pointed to the windows by the garage. "...installed and we also need to be looking for any cracks, broken seals, or anything like that that we need to seal up. Anything that looks like it's going to leak into the house needs to be fixed up."
"Are we going to be working on the roof?" Pierce asked.
"Not today but either later this week or next week I'll need to get new shingles up there. Although I'm not entirely sure I or any of you gentlemen will be doing that. Shingles are a pain in the ass to deal with so I may hire someone for that," Gabriel replied.
Edward was surprised. He didn't expect Gabriel to want to hire anyone, outside of his own employees, to do anything for him. As he told Edward, he like the challenge and sense of accomplishment of doing it all himself.
"Any more questions?" Gabriel asked.
Everyone blankly looked at him, confirming that there were no questions.
"Excellent. There's water and Gatorade in the fridge, down the left hall and two doors to the right. I'll be getting us pizza later on in the day and, if you all work real hard, I'll even get some beers up in here."
"Hoorah!" Robert yelled.
The employees dispersed, leaving Edward with Gabriel.
"Don't worry Edward, I won't offer you one if that helps?"
"Thanks Gabriel. It would help a lot, in fact," Edward said.
Gabriel smiled and patted him on the back as he left. Edward had decided to give up drinking all together and every day felt harder and harder. He desperately wanted to reach into Gabriel's little supply in the fridge but managed to resist so far. He had to be better. For himself, for his wife, and for his children. Even Isaac was making changed by not smoking. If his son could make the sacrifice, so could Edward.
Edward looked over to the garage where the sawmill crew had brought two boom lifts. Two men would be on each, whereas two others would be going around the bottom of the building to each window.
"Well, well, well. If it ain't Edward Porta-Potty," Robert jeered.
Edward took his time to turn around. "Well if it ain't Ass Smeller Senior and Ass Smeller Junior."
"Oh, this boy got a mouth on him since the last time we seen him," Pierce said.
"Yeah, it's almost like he thinks he can talk to us like that now that he's got daddy Gabriel to protect him," Robert laughed. "How does that workout, Edward? Did Gabriel marry your mum and now you get to call him daddy?"
"Funny. As a matter of fact, I just paid your mom a visit the other night and we were gonna wait to tell you but umm... how do I put this... you're going to be an older brother Robert!"
Robert stepped forward, ready to lunge at Edward but Pierce pulled him back. "We'll be seeing you around, funny man," Robert said.
Edward put two fingers to his brow and flicked them forward.
Be seeing you assholes.
Edward grabbed his tools, sipped on some water, and snugged on a pair of sunglasses. Despite Robert and Pierce, Edward had a feeling it was going to be a good day.
She hadn't heard from Aaron since they went to her old house. That is, until she just received a text message.
Hey Sarah, it started. Sorry I haven't talked to you for a bit but I just wanted to thank you for last week. It really helped get my mind off everything that's been going on...
Sarah still wasn't entirely sure what was going on but she had assumed that it had something to do with his ex wife. She could only imagine the thoughts that went through poor Quinton's head. She looked back down to her phone.
Running from ghosts and monsters definitely wasn't what I expected, yet, it still was nice to hang out with you. Anyways, maybe we could get another coffee this Friday or Saturday? I know I wasn't too talkative last time so I thought I could make it up to you this time. If not, that's perfectly fine but let me know!
Sarah finished her cigarette and flicked it to the sidewalk. She knew she should say no but what was the harm in going with a friend to get coffee?
Yes that sounds great! Friday after work would be perfect! She replied.
She put her phone back into her pocket and looked over to see Jesse was coming outside now. "The kids are rowdy in there today. Cindy and Ross are having a hard time keeping them quiet."
Sarah smiled but didn't say anything. She and Jesse just took a moment to look out at the mountains hovering over the city. There was a small amount of snow on top of the highest mountain's peak.
"I tell you what, I'm not looking forward to the snow again. It feels like Summer was just yesterday," Jesse said.
"I like snow," Sarah said. "Only I don't like it when its on the roads and sidewalks."
Jesse chuckled, as she coughed from sucking in too much on her cigarette. "Yup, well you've lived in Idaho long enough to know that that's usually not how snow works. You use to live in a city though so you'll have to get use to plowing your own road and waiting multiple days before the roads in town get plowed."79Please respect copyright.PENANAwe4Qrt0POc
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"Oh not to worry, I'm sure the men will figure it out real quick."
Both women laughed before it simmered down. "That they will. Just know that the winters here hit different than they do in other places. The nights seem even longer, the temperatures are colder, and the snow comes down thicker," Jesse said more serious. "And I know that you've been living here for a bit but just remember that, in the winter, you don't want to be outside at night. That's when those... thing... get more active."
"You mean the Faceless?" Sarah asked.
Jesse eyes widened as if Sarah wasn't suppose to say their name. "Yes, those things. I know you've dealt with them already but that was when the days were still warm. Now that it's going to start getting colder, you want to be more aware and keep your family close to you. These upcoming months are when lots of people in these forests seem to go missing and they ain't never been found."79Please respect copyright.PENANAsVb4Uz27Zw
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Sarah could only imagine what Edward's reaction to the story would be. "I'll make sure to keep my family safe. Leaving that old house has been good for us and I feel a lot safer now."79Please respect copyright.PENANAoADk6t9cig
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Jesse finished her cigarette before tossing it to the ground and rubbing her foot on it. "Just remember, sweetie... nowhere is safe."
Edward was working with Trevor along the bottom of the building. Gabriel and the other guy, Buck, were in one of the lifts, while Robert and Pierce were in the other. The day was getting closer to being done and, while they had finished a decent amount of the windows and cracks, there was still going to be plenty of work to do throughout the week, which meant that Edward was going to be seeing Robert and Pierce for at least four more days.
They continued along the bottom, filling and patching holes and cracks when, all of the sudden, a bucket fell and hit Edward on his head.
"Fuck!" Edward screamed.
Robert and Pierce were above him on the lift and were laughing and sneering. "Oops! I must of dropped me bucket!" Pierce said. "Sorry 'bout that!"
Gabriel was on the other side of the building and likely couldn't hear them.
"Real fucking funny. Maybe, tomorrow, I'll be up there and might just drop a hammer on you"
The two men continued to laugh and snicker. "Fucking assholes," Edward whispered.
"Hey," Trevor said. "Sorry about them. They just ain't got nothing better to do."
Trevor was about a 5'9 average built man, who was bald and wore a red and black flannel. He was missing a few teeth, likely from smoking, but was an all around nice guy.
"Trust, me I know," Edward said. "I was working at the sawmill for a little bit before Gabriel had me come work with him here."
"Ahh," Trevor said. "Must be better than hauling logs all day?"
Edward chuckled. "Yeah, you could say that. Definitely beats working with those dipshits up there."
"I'd bet. They seem to like to harass me, even at the bars," Trevor said.
"That doesn't surprise me."
Edward and Trevor continued on a little further with Robert and Pierce hovering around them for the remainder of the day. It was when Edward and Trevor began packing up that Edward felt something drizzling on him. He looked up to see Pierce laughing, his face bright red, as his urine found its way onto Edward's face.
They erupted with laughter as they began descending.
"Fucking pricks," Trevor said. "Edward?"
He didn't speak. Instead, he would let his actions do the speaking for him. Edward waited for the two men to reach the bottom and step out of the lift. Pierce exited the lift first and Edward walked over and delivered a swift blow square in his face. Wasting no time, Edward brought his other fist around to his jaw and knocked him to the ground.
It took little delay before Trevor restrained Edward and Robert restrained Pierce.
"What the hell is happening over here!" Gabriel yelled, hearing the commotion.
"This son of a bitch just punched me!" Pierce said, wiping the blood from his nose.
Gabriel looked to Edward, a fury in his eyes that Edward had never explained. "Care to explain?"
When Edward wasn't quick to respond, Trevor did. "Pierce dropped a bucket on his head and started pissing on him moments ago."
"Little fucking rat," Pierce spat.
Yelling erupted again and Gabriel yelled, "Enough!"
He looked to Pierce. "Pierce, you're suspended for the next two weeks."
"But boss..."
"Shut the fuck up. I'll tell Oliver not to let you in until your suspension is lifted. Until then, go."
Pierce and Robert walked away.
"Trevor. Buck. I will see you two tomorrow bright and early."
They left as well, leaving Edward and Gabriel. He wiped the piss the was about to drip from his eyebrow into his eye.
"I'm sorry Gabriel, I..."
He put his finger up. "I don't want to hear anything else about it. I'm not mad at you but I also can't let you off."
"He pissed..."
"No, I said. I know what he did and you had every right to do what you did. However, you still work for me and still have to maintain some professional integrity. I'm not going to suspend you but... I'm afraid that you won't be working here for the next month."
"That's final, Edward. You will have to go back to Hallington for the next month and work with Rebecca and Oliver again," Gabriel said. "Plus, maybe the break will do you good."
Edward nodded his head and watched as Gabriel walked off.
A pair of foot steps walked up beside him. "He'll never understand your worth Edward, not like I do," A woman's voice said.
"It's what I deserve," Edward said. "I shouldn't have did what I did, no matter what Pierce did."
"I would have let you kill the man, if he ever did something like that to you," The woman said.
Edward paused, realizing the situation, and looked to the woman beside him. It was the same woman that looked looked like his mother but, also, like Rebecca. It was the woman with long, silky, black hair and a black dress. He felt like her knew her so well, yet, didn't know her name.
"Who are you?" Edward asked.
She smiled and began walking away, not saying a word.
"Wait..." Edward said. He quickly walked after her but she disappeared behind the corner of the building.
He stood still and took in a deep breath. This house was beginning to mean a lot to him and he didn't want to leave it. Perhaps, it would be in his best interest to beg Gabriel to be allowed to stay. After all, he was a good employee and would control his anger next time. Sadly, Edward already knew that it was futile to beg. If anything, it would likely only anger Gabriel more and extend his banishment.
Edward looked to the house, thinking about how he wouldn't get to see it as much for the next month. He would miss being able to work in it and miss not having to drive but, most of all, he was going to miss that woman.
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