The next day, I woke up. I heard my father's voice rise with excitement. I walked downstairs into the living room to see my dad with his friend, Robert Garcia, and his son, Anton, sitting down. Hey dad, why is your voice filled with life like a schoolgirl on a field trip? I asked. Anyway. Do you remember Robert's son, Anton? Minato asked. Yes, I do. I replied. Hey Lily, it's been awhile. Anton replied.
He's smiling in our dad's faces. I can tell he's hiding something.
It's been awhile, Ant. I replied. Mai runs into the living room. Ant, when did you come here? Mai asked. Hi Maiko. Anton replied. He smiles. You don't have to call me Maiko. You can not call me Mai like everyone else. Mai replied.
He sighs.
She pouts.
I can tell how much he loves Mai. From my fragmented memories, he would ask about her. Our fathers would always think that we would end up together. It was always the opposite. He wants a person who is the opposite of me. Afraid of my father's disapproval of their dating. He watches her from afar. My heart hurts for him.
Anton, what have you been up to lately? I asked. School work of late. Anton replied. Did you clean up yourself for someone? I asked. What are you going off to? Anton asked. I whispered in his ear. You can't fool me. I've known you longer than she's known you, Ant.
I smiled.
He felt a chill down his spine.
What did you to say to him, Lily? Mai asked. Nothing is too much. I replied. Rémi walked into the living room. He looked at me in my pajamas. Our eyes meet. My dad looked at me. I am going upstairs to change, so don't cause a scene. I replied. Hey Lily, what are thinking about doing today? Mai asked. Nothing really might stay close to the house. I replied. The last time, Anton and his father came over and later that night, I was abducted. Not repeating anything. I thought. Not putting them together with the man who held me captive.
After I took my shower and came back down, I could tell my dad was getting on Rémi's case to look at me. I bet he's going to be petty after Ant and his father leaves.
I pulled Anton to the side.
So Ant, why did you really come here? You absolutely despise your father for being a human being. Did you clean your act to get closer to Mai? I asked. Why would you? Anton asked. Ant, we are childhood friends. I know you better than most. Now I will rephrase this question again. Why are you kissing your father's ass? I asked. I have my reasons. One is to expose the person who abducted you. I know the guy. The other reason is your sister. Anton replied. I think it is sweet that you are looking into who it is. I replied. Now are you asking me to help play wingman to this plan? I asked. Thanks, Lily. When have I ever turned on you? I asked. You are right. Anton replied. I mean a "Mordacious Soul" as yours being serenaded by an angel's beauty. I replied. First, I am not mordacious. Anton replied. I forgot you have changed up on me? I asked. Hilarious, Lily. Anton replied.
Mai walks past.
Anton smiled.
It's been so long since I have seen him smile like this in years.
I just saw Mai's face just now.
Me: I saw you Mai.
Mai: Huh what?
Me: Be honest, you like Ant.
Mai: What?
Me: Mai, I am talking to him right now.
What are you smirking about, Lily? Anton asked. You'll see before you know it. I replied. What is your relationship with that Rémi guy? Anton asked. What about him? I asked. You know how he feels about you? Anton replied. I adverted my eyes. Don't ignore me, Lily. Anton replied. I smiled.
Rémi saw Anton and me talking.
Anton, where are you? Robert asked.
My dad is calling me Lily. I'll text you when I get home. Anton replied. Is your number the same? I asked. It is the same. Is yours? Anton asked. Yes. I replied.
Anton left, and I turned around.
Rémi, were you being noisy just now? I asked.
He adverted his eyes.
What does that Ant know?
Stay Tuned.