As Lily was having a nightmare, Mai was trying to wake her for the last hour.
When we arrived, it was in a downtown San Francisco. It was beautiful. The city lights and apartments were something.
As he parked the car in the parking lot, he opened the back door. It relieved Mai we made back in time. That's good and all, but let's try to get her up. Rémi replied. Hey Lily, wake up. Mai replied. As I heard my name spoken, I woke up terrified. I cried. You look pale and terrified. What happened to you, Lily? Rémi asked. I feel as a fragment of a memory is returning. I replied. What are you? Rémi asked. Don't tell me she's remembering. He thought. I was being tortured by a man. I replied. What did he look like? Rémi asked. I could remember his face, but he whispered, "Just scream for me, please? I want you to make me human again." Rémi looked at my terrified face. He looked as if he wanted to say something to confront me. A man appeared before him. Maire, you wouldn't be hitting on my daughter while she's distressed? Minato asked. No, sir. Rémi replied. Who are you? I asked. So she doesn't even bring me up to you, ever? Minato asked. You still haven't answered my question. I replied. You look like Esme. I wouldn't be surprised. I got bored with her. As he was going on. Did he say bored with her? I thought. As I FaceTime my mom, that comment made me angry. Lily, tell me where you are? Mom asked. Mom, can I ask you a question? I asked. Sure Lily. Mom replied. Who the hell is this obnoxious man? I asked. Oh, that man? That man is Minato Yamaguchi, your deadbeat father. Mom replied. Is that you, Esme? Minato asked. Yes. I replied. My mom looked at him. Why are you doing this to her, Minato? Mom asked. I have never seen my mom so frustrated with other than me. He just looked at my mom. Don't act like your mother of the year, Esme. Minato replied. At least I am in her life, narcissistic bastard! Mom yelled.
He smirks. As he did this, Mai and Rémi watched. Why are you taunting my mom? I asked. He walks off. Mai runs over to him. Hey dad! Mai yelled. Maiko, I didn't even see you over there. I see Maire and you followed my orders to keep Lily safe. Minato replied. Dad, no mind me asking. Will not tell her the truth? Mai asked. Not yet. We need to keep her safe for now. Minato replied. I looked at my dad. He was hiding something and I will find out what it is. Come on, let's relax. Mai replied. She grabs my hand. I smiled at followed her. Rémi walks off into the hallway. Wait, does he live here? I asked. He lives in that apartment complex by himself. Mai replied. We should visit him one of these days. I replied. Yeah, that may never happen. He enjoys keeping to himself. Mai replied. He will, I know it. I replied. As he overheard them talking, he looked at Lily. She doesn't remember me at all. He thought. As he reached his room, he was swiping through his pictures, deleting pictures. As he was doing this, an old picture from a year ago appeared. He didn't have it in him to delete it. At Mai's parents' home, they introduced themselves and gave me a warm dinner meal. This is the daughter you had with Esme Ianthe? Chaika asked. Yes, that woman. Minato replied. Dad not trying to tell you want to do but you have two baby moms and a wife. Yoshio replied. Oh, this is Yoshio, our older brother. He actually lives in Napa. Mai replied. You live in Napa? I asked. Yup. Yoshio replied. I have always wanted to go to Napa. I replied. You want to go to Napa? Yoshio asked. I want to try the Napa wine. I replied. Are you of drinking age? Yoshio asked. No, I am 17. I replied. Sucks, huh? Yoshio replied. I pouted. So you are the daughter of the woman who put him in place, huh? Yoshio asked. What? I asked. You look like Esme. I bet you're blunt and straightforward, like her. Yoshio replied. I am nothing like her. I replied. So you say. Yoshio replied. He smiles. Oh yeah, Mai, why don't you take her out or let Rémi do it? Yoshio asked. Don't tease him, Yoshio? Mai asked. It's his fault, anyway. Yoshio replied. He walks out the door. Yoshio seems like a fun person to hang with. I replied. I forbid you to hang with your older brother. He is bad news. Minato replied. Yoshio heard him and mumbled. Your bad news, you are part of the reason my little sister doesn't remember Mai, Rémi or me. As the night went on, I thought about my mom.
Stay Tuned.