As class was in session, I saw the sniper's bullet fly across my face. The students panicked. Calm down students, please. Mrs. Abinsthe asked. The sniper smiled from the distance. Elizabeth Ianthe, you are such a beautiful young lady. It's too bad you have to die. Luan whispered. As the first shot scratched my cheek. A boy jumped, grabbed me and froze the bullets in time. I saw his face, and it was so handsome. The girl walked over to me. That was the first time I have seen a Japanese beauty as herself. Hey if you are going to take out the guy, do it, Yamaguchi. Rémi replied. The girl glared at him. She turned around. What is going on? I asked. The girl summoned an arrow. Who the hell are you people? I asked. She strung her arrow, and it looked as if she hurt someone. Yeah, I understand this might be a bit confusing. Rémi replied. I watched as this happened. I can't believe it. The girl looked at my puzzled face. How the hell do you think I am supposed to feel! I yelled. You need to calm down. Rémi replied. Rèmi stop trying to hit her. Mai replied. I would never do that with any client. Rèmi replied. Client? I thought. The girl sighs. Let's just get her out of here before the people realize the time distortion. Mai replied. She is angry because this is all confusing to her. Rèmi replied. Lily, I need you to calm down. We are the good guys. Mai replied. Why do I have to trust you? Last time my mom told me not to talk to strangers. I replied. You are Maeve's daughter, alright. She has her sharp tongue. Rémi replied. Shut up and help me get her out of here before anyone finds out. Mai replied. Hey, can you tell me your names? I asked. When we get you into a safe place, I might tell you my name. Rémi replied. As he said that, I am really wanted to hurt him on so many levels. Stop being a smart a** and just tell me. I replied. Let's go. Rémi replied. I know we have to go before they come back. Mai replied. It's time to go, Lily. Mai replied. They ran out the door. I nodded and ran out of the door behind. I felt like things happened for a reason. What do I know? I thought. Stay Tuned.