Last time, I heard Rémi's life story before he met my father and mother. My mom appeared to today to check out things on dad's end. My mother came with good news. She found Rémi's mother.
How did you find her? Rémi asked. I found her by chance. Esme replied. You say by chance? Rémi asked. I know you are happy to hear this news. Esme replied. I could tell this is what he has wished and prayed for a long time. I thought.
I smiled.
He called her number.
Felicidad: Hola quien es esta.
Rémi: Mamá, este es Jax.
Felicidad: ¡Oh, Dios mío, Jax!
Rémi pulls his phone from his ear. Then pulls it back.
Rémi: Sí, soy mi mamá.
Felicidad: ¡Ven a visitarme a San José!
Rémi: Mamá, acabo de recibir tu dirección y número.
Felicidad: Quiero que me visites el viernes. Quiero que conozcas a tus hermanas menores.
Rémi: Viernes? ¿Hermanas más jóvenes?
Felicidad: Ellas quieren conocerte.
Rémi: Ok, vivo a cincuenta minutos de San José.
Felicidad: ¡Te veo el viernes!
Rémi: Te veo el viernes.
Felicidad: Ven alrededor de las ocho en punto.
Rémi: Sí, a las ocho. Adiós, mamá.
After he got off the phone, he sighed.
So, are you going to visit your mom? I asked. Yes, at 8:00 Friday night. Rémi replied. I heard you were fluent in many languages. Mai replied. My native language is Spanish. My secondary languages are French and Irish. Rémi replied. How did you learn English? I asked. I couldn't always understand English, to be honest. Rémi replied. Really? Mai asked. It was hard for me. I am so used to using words that have feminine and masculine pronouns. Rémi replied. I taught him English. Esme replied. My mom is a translator. I replied. That is right. Mai replied. Compared to your father, who got frustrated with him. Esme replied. He would say smart remarks in Spanish. Minato replied. Oh yeah, he would call him all kinds of insults. Esme replied. I told him you and him would get along great. Your constant dislike for your father. Esme replied. Now mom, that's cruel. Even for you. I replied. What are you going to wear, Rémi? Esme asked. You know you have to dress up. Esme replied.
I remember he dressed up once, but it was because my dad made him do for an event. He is against it because he hates being constantly harassed.
I might not dress semi-formal. Rémi replied. Why not go all out? Mai asked. I'm seeing my mom, Mai. Rémi replied. Hey are you ok? You seem against something. Esme replied. I am against dressing formal or semi-formal. Rémi replied. Let me guess, since you had your glow up. Girls and older woman constantly harass you. Esme replied. What did he look like before? I asked. You met Rémi before. Remember when I would come here. The kid that looked as if he was malnourished with the messy hair. Esme replied. Wait, that was you, Rémi? I asked. Yup. Rémi replied.
I looked at him and put two and two together.
Didn't I tell you? He was going to be a handsome young man. All the girls want him. Only thing, he has a girl on his mind. Esme replied.
That girl is me.
If anyone knew what we were doing all this time. He would have fired long ago. I thought.
Lily is that girl.
If her father knew how many nights she and I snuck out. Doing things that would get me fired. Rémi replied.
Tell us. Esme replied. Nope. Rémi replied. I have to put gas in my tank. I know it will be an hour there and I might stay the night. Rémi replied. Why would you stay? I asked. Spanish dinner is from eight or nine~ish to midnight. Rémi replied. That is late. Mai replied. Yeah, I know. I am going back to my place to get my stuff together. Rémi replied. Alright, bye Rémi. Mai and I replied.
As I looked at my phone, I saw his text.
Rémi: I know your mom is trying to make you speak.
Rémi: She will try any method.
Me: I know how my mom is.
My mom walks over.
You sound like you're going to miss him for two days. Esme replied. It's not like that, mom. I replied. Oh. Esme replied. I put my Bluetooth earbuds in my ears and walked into the house. The song "At My Worse" played.
The next day, Rémi was on his way to see his mom. He texted me.
Rémi: Good morning.
Me: Good morning, Rémi.
Rémi: I hope you have a great day.
Me: Thank you.
He smiles.
I need to pack my car. Rémi mumbled.
I'm happy for him. He is so happy, but that "one person" appears that night.
Stay Tuned.