Last time, Rémi finally spoke to his mother on the phone. She was so thrilled to hear his voice. When Remi left, I could tell he was happy.
On the way to San Jose, Rémi was thinking about finally seeing his mother's radiant face. When he arrived at the address, his mother rushed outside. He got out of the car. His mother jumped and hugged him.
Mom, I have to lock my car. Rémi replied. I am so sorry, Jax. Felicidad replied. Why are you yelling, Felicidad? Ian asked. Ian, this is my son I had before I came to the states. Felicidad replied. Wait Felicidad, I thought you were kidding. Ian replied. No. Felicidad replied.
She shook her head.
I would tell you about Jax. He is handsome, but he now looks like his father. Felicidad replied. Yeah, mom let's not bring up that man. Rémi replied. Telling from your expression. You have met your father of late. Felicidad asked. Something on those lines. Rémi replied. Where are my manners? My name is Jax Uribe. Rémi replied. Is anyone home?! Kadri yelled. I am outside with your step-brother, Jax. Felicidad replied.
Rémi takes his bag out of the trunk.
Kadri runs outside.
Rémi Maire?! Kadri yelled. Why are you yelling, Kadri?Rémi asked. You two know each other? Felicidad asked. Yes, we graduated together. Rémi replied. What is that hottie, Rémi Marie, doing here? Kadri thought. Felicidad, I thought you said your son's name is Jax? Kadri asked. My first name is Jax. Remi replied. Let's get inside and talk. Rémi replied.
His mother smiled and opened the door for him.
He adverted his eyes and looked into space.
What is wrong with you Jax? Felicidad asked. Nothing is wrong mom. Rémi replied. Was it just me or did I just feel like me and my mom are being watched. Rémi thought. Mom, do you feel as if you are being watched? Rémi asked. Why would you think that? Felicidad asked. He saw his mother's calm face.
He could tell his mother was hiding something.
When they went into the living room, a young girl runs in behind.
Mom, who is the handsome guy? Raini asked. Stop speaking whatever is on your mind, Raini. Kadri replied. What, you were thinking about it too. Raini replied. Yes, but why does she always do this? Kadri thought. Thank you for the compliment, I guess? Rémi asked. Oh great, I am causing unwanted attention, as usual. Rémi thought. Other than my tsundere older sister, Kadri. My name is Raini. Raini replied. Nice to meet you, Raini. Rémi replied. My name is Jax Uribe. I am your older brother. Rémi replied. So you are Jax? Mom told me that my older brother is handsome and he can speak multiple languages too. Raini replied. I can speak multiple languages but handsome is a stretch, mom. Rémi replied. You are handsome like your father, Jax. Felicidad replied. Mom, how can talk about my dad and smile? Rémi asked. Your father did things to me you wouldn't do to your pets. You made it a little easier, Jax. Felicidad replied. Mom. Rémi replied. Your father is no angel or saint, Jax. He wasn't always like that. Felicidad replied. What do you mean? Rémi asked. Let me show you to where you are staying. Felicidad replied. Mom, what do you mean? Rémi asked. After dinner, I will tell you about your father I knew. Felicidad replied.
When dinner came, everyone rushed to the table.
Felicidad prayed over the food.
Look at the food. Mom barely cooks like this. Raini replied. Mom, you cook little? Rémi asked. I work during the week. Felicidad replied. Jax come by more often. She rarely makes Sancocho. Raini replied. You are right; she has made none of these dishes since we got married eight years ago. Ian replied. You all like it, right? Felicidad asked. This is good, Felicidad. Kadri replied.
Felicidad smiles.
When Rémi ate the Sanchoco, he cried.
Why are you crying, Rémi? Kadri asked. Mom used to make this for me whenever I was down. Rémi replied. I am overjoyed you love it too, Jax. Felicidad replied.
That night, everyone ate the food.
Rémi helped his mother with the dishes.
When everyone else went to the living room and watched movies.
Rémi went up to the room and laid on the bed. He saw I texted him.
Me: Hey Rémi.
Rémi: Hey Lily.
Me: Are you having fun?
Rémi: Yeah.
Me: I am glad.
Felicidad went to look for Rémi.
Jax? Felicidad asked. Mom? Rémi asked. It's time for me to tell you about how I met your father, Jax. Felicidad replied.
Raini and Kadri eavesdrop.
I met your father through a black market slave auction. Felicidad replied.
Rémi is stunned.
Stay Tuned.