One last snip sent a long lock of hair descending to the bathroom floor.227Please respect copyright.PENANA9FGphk0yux
I finished the ends of my hair making sure it was even and in line with my shoulders. When I was done I couldn't help but stare at my new look. Or maybe I was just staring at me. I looked different somehow - felt different. And I don't think I had my haircut to thank for that.227Please respect copyright.PENANAMUwBYYSXoY
After a few long sighs, I returned to my room to change into my uniform. It felt strange to be wearing it for the last time.227Please respect copyright.PENANA1SaLtar1xL
I took a selfie and sent it to Jin who had finally got a hold of me from Italy a month ago. It seemed he and his parents were gradually making progress in their relationship. I was glad. He also managed to convince his dad to take care of the renovations for the spa due to the fire, much to my and my parents' relief. It seemed a threat in the form of ash was enough to convince Mr. Kim that they had been partly responsible for the arson. Due to the cost of damages, we weren't sure if we'd ever get the repairs we needed. I had no idea how we were going to pay them back for their kindness.227Please respect copyright.PENANAscarjYzjnX
After sending it, I was going to delete the picture from my camera roll. However, I stopped myself. Hoseok would probably want to know, I thought. With that, I decided to keep it. When Hoseok managed to get a new phone, I can send him all of the photos I'll take of the things I end up doing after graduation. He'll be happy to know that I've chosen to work towards ownership of my parents' business while attending college online, like I wanted.227Please respect copyright.PENANAHpqhs0uyL5
The sound of a car came from out the window.227Please respect copyright.PENANAgtSe1qLWXj
"Mom and dad are ba-" Minju froze, stepping into the room. Her eyes shocked. "Woah! I wonder what mom and dad are gonna say!" The girl left quickly to meet our parents outside. Already telling them about my hair, no doubt.227Please respect copyright.PENANAIQE8gRnvzv
Before following her out I walked to my bedside table, gave Horim a little pat on the head, opened the drawer, and took out a little black box. Running my fingers along the edges, I felt butterflies whizzing around in my stomach.227Please respect copyright.PENANAAXfdCWjxbb
I don't even know if he'll be there.227Please respect copyright.PENANAAxtsDjAfX2
I'd been keeping an eye out for Yoongi since the kidnapping. I only managed to spot him once, very briefly the week before our month break. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to talk to him. I hoped I'd see him today. At least, to give him a graduation gift. And to tell him that I was sorry for the way I had treated him. Maybe then we could be friends. And if he didn't want that, at least I'll know I did my part to make things right.227Please respect copyright.PENANAeECe6ce1iE
Making my way to the car, both my parents had astonished looks on their faces. Dad moreso than mom.227Please respect copyright.PENANAYw9kavqm1y
"I take it this is to commemorate the end of your high school days?" My mom asked carefully. I nodded, "something like that."227Please respect copyright.PENANAMirMm8NAmm
In truth, I had been gathering the strength to carry on for the past month or so. I couldn't sulk anymore. I needed to be ready. Whether it be more danger, success, or the return of my friends - I was determined to be as strong as they made me feel when they were around. So, yes, I'd like to think that cutting my hair marked the end of my high school days. But more than anything it was my commitment to cutting off my past self. A past self that was afraid of being emotionally hurt, unfair to those who didn't deserve contempt, in need of being protected. I was someone who had too much pride. Something I plan to change today, I thought while holding on to the box in my jacket pocket.227Please respect copyright.PENANAvj73DZd8nK
"You look so grown up somehow," mom said reminiscently, finding approval in the change. "It suits you."227Please respect copyright.PENANAYVtNkN6p31
Dad looked more reserved about it, but after mom's approval, he nodded his head, "I suppose it's nice to have some sign of a next step in life." He cleared his throat and played a confident role. As though it was all part of his plan. I giggled.227Please respect copyright.PENANA9NyjxULHD8
Minju who had looked suspiciously comfortable with the attention being on me, beamed, "should we go now? Today's a big day!" She sang with a knowing smile. Like she knew something I didn't. I really hoped she and her friends didn't put together a surprise for me. The last time they did that, it was my birthday, and I ended up covered in my own cake.227Please respect copyright.PENANAaDOLEfTcBz
"Yes, we should get going."227Please respect copyright.PENANAvzVAaeVrQa
The time had come when all of the soon to be graduates were filing into the gymnasium, finding their seats among the many rows in the middle of the room. Parents and family members stood at the sides or the back of the gym, many carrying cameras and bouquets of flowers. There was also an unusual amount of young girls and women who looked much too young or giddy to be guardians. This was no longer a mystery to me when I heard a scream before looking to find that Taehyung walked in with his class. I rolled my eyes at his cold beauty as he strutted, uncaring about anything around him.227Please respect copyright.PENANASMeJecYRVj
But wait. He and Yoongi were in the same class...227Please respect copyright.PENANAv9fR5bLIWi
My eyes searched all around for Yoongi but to no avail. However, by accident, they happened upon someone else. They were standing near my family holding a bouquet of white and yellow flowers wrapped in black paper. A small old woman.227Please respect copyright.PENANACTyxgNDg1P
Yoongi's grandmother.227Please respect copyright.PENANAUFsVC6iZqE
Then came hope bubbling in my chest. Maybe he'd be here after all...227Please respect copyright.PENANAQd9rFDxDOL
The ceremony started. The principle as well as a couple of others spoke but I couldn't pay much attention with my constant search. I thought to watch his grandmother so that maybe her gaze would help me find him, but she was attentive to the speakers. Plus, my dad caught me looking and gave a subtle warning to pay attention.227Please respect copyright.PENANAnpoby0wp7k
After the speeches, a slideshow was shown on a projector of photos depicting the graduates during the year. I wasn't expecting to see myself at all but was surprised to see myself in the background of a lot of them. Then a picture of me and Hoseok posing at the ice skating rink showed. I sunk in my seat. That little rascal submitted this? Two images later came a picture of Namjoon and his crew at the rink. It was clearly taken from a distance and for good reason. Yoongi stared down at his phone, one of his eyebrows slightly arched. I marveled at his near perfect silhouette. He was so handsome, even then.227Please respect copyright.PENANA9pfSa08czS
Next was a wide shot of the rink with all its skaters and the stands where Yoongi's group sat ridiculing some poor soul. But while his friends laughed and faced toward one direction, Yoongi had been peacefully facing another. I chuckled to myself, appreciating that even then he was different than the others.227Please respect copyright.PENANAk2rGkMd3HV
Following his gaze across the photo, my smile faded in utter shock when I saw...me. I was skating on my own, a big smile on my face. There was no stopping my body becoming rigid nor bug eyed as though in a trance. Even when the image changed, I still saw it in my mind as it raced. Even when a picture of me and Jin came up I was too flustered about Yoongi to be concerned about the jealous glares the girls around me were giving.227Please respect copyright.PENANAyXr12IqwJ0
The looks I'd find Yoongi giving me on that fieldtrip, the arcade... it all came flooding back at once. That's when I remembered something Hoseok said, I'm not sure he's changed at all...227Please respect copyright.PENANAEQNOzynUsU
Did he care about me even since then? Is that what Hoseok meant? If that was so it still begged the reason why.227Please respect copyright.PENANAtfRrntsjon
After the slideshow was over it was time for each class to line up and receive our diplomas on stage. The picture taking part was a little awkward but I lived. We returned to our seats much to my relief. When Yoongi's class lined up, I searched thrice and still hadn't seen him. Where is he? I wondered anxiously.227Please respect copyright.PENANA66Plxcuzv2
Kim Taehyung received his diploma without a care in the world, though the room had made a fuss over him. So much so that the announcer had to wait a while to announce the next students.227Please respect copyright.PENANAn7k8vy77bH
"Min Yoongi." The announcer called as I held my breath. But there was no movement. After a moment more, the announcer repeated, "Min Yoongi?" My heart sunk when no one in line moved. The woman announcing spoke to the Yoongi's teacher who looked disappointed and returned to the microphone. "Okay, we'll move on then. Nam Eun...ah - there he is!"227Please respect copyright.PENANA7BJxrk0Hub
Yoongi jogged to the front of the line and hopped on the stage in a smooth motion. A heavy breath burst through my teeth before gasping for air. I shook my head at the close call. This guy is going to give me a heart attack one day. Even more worrisome was the ache in my chest and the static in my limbs - a response to his arrival. He received his diploma and stood with the others in his class. Some of them surprised he was there. The butterflies in my stomach went wild, seeing him here. I noticed his hair looked different. He wore a semi fresh undercut. I almost didn't catch it. Taehyung excitedly made his way over to his side, his attitude changed. The two exchanged a few words before Yoongi's eyes began searching the crowd of students.227Please respect copyright.PENANAo82fvcW6ww
I swallowed audibly - my heart pounded as his scanning eyes headed toward me. I considered looking away. If he passed right by me, I'm not sure I could take it. But I remembered the image in the slideshow and I had to know...227Please respect copyright.PENANA8ZBh4h8IGr
The grip around my diploma tightened as his gaze got close. Then, like a magnet, his eyes met mine and locked into place. His eyebrows ever so slightly hiked upwards when he found me. A twitch in his cheek made it seem as though he smiled, but it was hard to tell with him. I wasn't sure what to do in this shared gaze but he wasn't looking away. So neither did I.227Please respect copyright.PENANADCQzolvpm9
When the ceremony was over, everyone met with their families and received their gifts. After some family pictures, Minju, Hyeji, and I went crazy with taking selfie after selfie with each other. I kept an eye out for Yoongi at all times. At first I rushed my family so that I could catch him before he left, but he stood not too far off as though waiting - holding the bouquet that his grandmother had before. The elderly woman was kind enough to congratulate me before she left.227Please respect copyright.PENANA6VI7Di2Nvg
"Alright, that's enough pictures. Minju-ya," Mom waved her hand. "let Yurim congratulate her classmates."227Please respect copyright.PENANAu05Lr0xHbH
"But we won't see her 'til tonight," Minju complained. I raised an eyebrow toward her,"What do you mean? I'm coming back home to help with dinner. You're not that good a cook, you know." I ruffled her hair. She was not amused.227Please respect copyright.PENANAFWeiHBXoDu
"Nevermind your crazy sister, you just go," Mom waved me off.227Please respect copyright.PENANAJgGOKYsNXR
I nodded and started straight toward Yoongi. He'd been leaning on a pillar yawning and rubbing a spot on his chest. I chuckled, not really knowing why. I guess I was just glad to finally see him. As I came nearer, I squeezed the box in my jacket pocket.227Please respect copyright.PENANASg2RuHgeHi
Then something knocked me sidewards. Or rather who. A boy had been playing with his friends and bumped into me. It was Minho. He immediately bowed his apology then gave me a surprised look. "Oh? Lee Yurim? I almost didn't recognize you because of your hair! It suits you!"227Please respect copyright.PENANAgB0WdI28RV
It was the first compliment I received about my hair today so I was a bit shy in receiving it. "Thank you. Uh, congratulations on graduating!"227Please respect copyright.PENANAYSY8KysV4G
"Congratulations to you as well. Ah, hold on," the boy reached into a package he had and offered a little box with a cute chocolate character, "here." I regarded the box with surprise and a bit of confusion.227Please respect copyright.PENANAJGJIBPbtfX
"Mm? For me? But I don't have anything to give back."227Please respect copyright.PENANAtFKD4gNqIJ
"Don't worry about it. Enjoy the rest of your day!"227Please respect copyright.PENANAcHAb4UCPKT
"Y-you too! And thank you!" I bowed as we said our farewells.227Please respect copyright.PENANAXeHcyCrR6I
I smiled incredulously at the chocolate character. Receiving a gift from any of my classmates was the last thing I expected today. I was grateful. I just wish I had something to return the favor.227Please respect copyright.PENANA021NOdmRS9
Before I could pocket my unexpected gift, it was snatched from my hand. "Hey! That's m-"227Please respect copyright.PENANAz8T7U7qnvn
I stood speechless when I found Yoongi standing in front of me, surveying the box of chocolate. "You're smiling a lot for receiving a tiny piece of chocolate. Do you like him or something?"227Please respect copyright.PENANA5zChQo99oU
My cheeks blazed, "of course not!" I reached for it but he pulled it out of reach. "Ya, are you really stealing it from me?" I tried again but in vain.227Please respect copyright.PENANAKteRrma2Il
"Oh," he pointed accusingly at my face, "if you don't like him then why is your face turning red?"I froze then quickly turned away from him. "N-no it's not!" I grimaced in secret. This was not going to be the way he found out! "Fine, keep it if you want!" I bluffed. For a moment he didn't respond. I was beginning to wonder if he'd taken the chocolate and left.227Please respect copyright.PENANA95fiuQRrAT
"Relax," he said as he slipped the chocolate in the my pocket, giving me goosebumps. "I just figured if you liked it that much, you probably don't want this." I turned to find him holding up the bouquet.227Please respect copyright.PENANAZdWRPuSvxk
"That's...for me?"227Please respect copyright.PENANAOz9oxRAKOO
"Not if you don't want it. I'm sure someone else would appreciate it," he turned toward a nearby group of girls and my feet moved on its own.227Please respect copyright.PENANAbLiu89CEbu
I snatched it from his hand, "I want it!" Clearing my throat, I composed myself. "Gifts are supposed to be accepted by those they were meant for." I caught a smirk on his face before noticing something. The flowers in the bouquet, they were the same kind of flowers as the ones that grew in the Jung's backyard. "Yoongi... this is... really pretty."227Please respect copyright.PENANA8Qu0ignldW
"Better than that other guy's present?" He asked with a hint of playfulness.227Please respect copyright.PENANA6bornYpydz
I chuckled and nodded. "And here I thought you were too cool to hold flower bouquets. That's why I got you this instead," I took out the black box and placed it in his hand. Yoongi was taken by surprise at the gift and received it awkwardly. "I never apologized for what I said and for blaming you for what happened to Hoseok. None of it was your fault." He opened the box and took out the black and brown, leather woven bracelets with metal charms and beads. The black had the golden colored metal. The brown, silver. "And I shouldn't have treated you the way I did."227Please respect copyright.PENANA2WBNmJNVwi
He touched his thumb to one of the gold charms which was a tiger, "you made these?"227Please respect copyright.PENANAGwlIgw2nhQ
"Mhm. Here," I took the black one and fastened it around his wrist then began securing the other.227Please respect copyright.PENANALfnZIxs3Da
Yoongi pulled his hand away and took the brown bracelet from my hand. Instead, he grabbed my wrist and began putting it on me.227Please respect copyright.PENANAjZEKkROon2
"What are you...?"227Please respect copyright.PENANAxNZi7wKfLP
"You're calling a truce, aren't you?" Despite his cold exterior, his fingers worked delicately around my wrists until the bracelet was secured.227Please respect copyright.PENANAiQvPXf3tap
"Yeah, I am."227Please respect copyright.PENANAOWdmGPeFf7
"Good. Let this be a reminder when you're about to be unfair to me again," he said smugly, holding my wrist.227Please respect copyright.PENANA5dsf4i4tCf
I clicked my tongue and whacked him with the flowers, "I thought you were gonna make them friendship bracelets! But of course you wouldn't say something sweet like that!" She glared at him as he grimaced, rubbing his chest.227Please respect copyright.PENANAHV6aP3VZGx
"Who says I wanna be your friend?"227Please respect copyright.PENANAsUpYmDVrWQ
I whacked him again.227Please respect copyright.PENANApqm5SKW7zW
"Aht!" He winced and rubbed at his chest again.227Please respect copyright.PENANA0Q8QSwiwOw
"Tsk, what are you crying about? It's just flowers!" I scoffed.227Please respect copyright.PENANAQJOTWBAXIv
"If I knew you'd use them as a weapon I wouldn't have given them to you." Yoongi stopped rubbing his chest but looked to be more vigilant for more attacks. "I'd hate to see how you treat the other gifts."227Please respect copyright.PENANAG9F7UBf4ij
My face switched from pouting to pensive. "Other gifts? What do you mean?"227Please respect copyright.PENANAfbdPOBA2j5
"I mean, let's go for a ride," he turned and walked off suddenly, waving me along. I watched him in disbelief, snobbishly expecting me to follow. Clicking my tongue, I looked around and considered asking my parents if I could stay a little longer but they weren't standing where I left them. "Your family went home, by the way," he called out to me, reading my mind. I told them I'd give you a ride!"227Please respect copyright.PENANAj0xNGQ4G2d
"What?" I scurried to catch up to him. "When did you talk with my fam- HEY! Did you just walk faster? YA!" Yoongi looked at me over his shoulder and broke into a swift jog. "This bastard MIN YOONGIII~!"
227Please respect copyright.PENANA3nLEXLBFtv
So this was supposed to be the last and final chapter of Colder Than Winter HOWEVER the ending is taking me a lot longer than I thought it would. And I had the beginning half of the chapter written so I thought I'd split it so that I had something to give you guys for waiting so darn long!! Sorry about that and THANK YOU FOR READING!!!
Don't lose faith in me yet! We're almost to the end!
- Tootles for now fellow geniuses! <3
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