A glass vase shattered against the wall. Shards of glass and water exploded all over the carpet. The angry man roared before throwing himself back into his chair. With a red face he sat behind his desk which was centered in the room. He took a few seconds to himself, taking deep breaths. His eyes still fiery and full of hate as they looked down at the newspaper article in front of him. Not only do they fire him but they take his designs and claim it as their own?! That bastard CEO claimed it was for the moral reputation of the company that he be let go but goes ahead and steals credit for his work! Where's the morality in that? Does he really think he can do such a thing and get away with it?
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As soon as the doors opened, the cold air of the skating rink hit us like a blizzard. My classmates and I let out jubilant gasps as we all filed in. It was a big relief for everyone since the week had been torturously humid. Not one student dared missed this trip. Which was both a good and bad thing, I supposed.
I looked toward the noisiest cluster of boys to the side. The one's already making bets on who can score the most numbers from the female skaters. Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Taehyung had trouble written all over them. In fact it wasn't like them to participate in school activities. I guess even they couldn't turn down this trip because of the heat. Even so, I hope they keep their immature antics to themselves today. There was just something about ice skating that felt so magical. And I didn't want them to ruin it.
Speaking of magical, I looked in front of me toward the good part of this trip.
Kim Seokjin.
There he was, mid smile as he seemed to laugh in slow motion with his friends. My heart fluttered in my chest. How can anyone be so carefree and princelike. How?!
"Oh, Yurim! What are you smiling at?" Hosoek inquired with curiosity. I looked away, my face turning pink. But he was able to track my gaze anyway. "Ohhh, see something you like?" His eyebrows danced at me.
"Keep your voice down!" I panicked.
Hosoek was my best friend but he sure didn't know how to be subtle about things. "You should ask him to teach you to skate." He suggested.
"But I know how to skate. Besides I'm sure he'd rather teach someone prettier to skate." I replied cynically.
"Don't talk like that. You never know what might happen!" He patted my back. "Anyway maybe it's for the best. I need you to keep me from falling. We're gonna have so much fun!" Hoseok, the energizer bunny that he is, had a hop to match his animated voice of excitement. One couldn't help but feel energetic around him.
We both gave our shoe sizes to the person at the counter and grabbed our skates. I risked another look at Seokjin. He was already heading onto the ice with Park Jimin.
As expected. He glided over the ice, skating beautifully. I already heard the girls on the ice complimenting his skating.
I sighed and looked away.
But I was startled to meet a pair of eyes looking back at me in the distance.
Min Yoongi held his furrowed gaze for another second before coldly brushing me off. I felt my stomach twist before quickly turning away to put my skates on.
What was that about?
"You okay?" Hoseok asked beside me.
I smiled tightly ."I'm fine. Let's skate!"
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"Oh, ya~! It's slippery!" Hoseok held on to the wall as we entered the ice. His feet inching further and further away from his guide.
I laughed at his awkward form. His rear end stuck out as he tried his best to scurry his feet closer to the wall. His high pitched squeal got louder with every unintended slip.
I attempted to choke back my laughter and helped bring him closer to the wall. "Well it is ice, so it's expected."
Hoseok continued on, using the wall to guide him as he got used to the ice. I stayed by his side to support him. While doing so I heard laughing from the bleachers across us. It seems they were laughing at Hoseok. I glared at them. My eyes flashed to Yoongi who happened to be distracted by his phone.
I had no problem with flipping them the bird but Hoseok always had a gift for not noticing negative things. I figured it was how he was able to be happy all the time. That's why he was the perfect friend for me. I needed to worry less about what people were thinking about me. Hoseok let one hand off the wall.
"Oh, nice! You're getting better!" I clapped.
He chuckled, "I'm still slow."
"You're about to do it without the wall. Once you get there you can work on your speed." I encouraged.
"Still though. You should go ahead. I'm keeping you from having fun." He insisted.
" Are you sure?" I was itching to fly without hesitation.
"Yeah, go! Go!"
I bit my lip, hesitating to leave him. "Okay, okay. I'll do two laps and then come back, okay?" He waved me off.
With a grateful smile I nodded and propelled myself forward, gaining more and more speed. The icy air that flew past me bit at my skin but it only added to the excitement. Most students wore earmuffs or beanies but I couldn't miss the feeling of the cold breeze whipping through my hair. I loved the cold!
Where there were people, I made sure to weave around them. I couldn't do fancy twirls or even skate backwards. I just enjoyed flying.
The voice alone already startled me. But the face of that voice that appeared at my side made my knees weak, bringing me towards the ground.
"Whoa!" Seokjin grabbed my arms. The action made us spin since we were both moving pretty fast. Fortunately, he was able to steady me until we both came to a safe stop. We both breathed a sigh of relief.
"I'm so sorry I scared you!" Seokjin apologized earnestly.
"No! It's okay, I was being reckless. It's partly my fault! " My face must've been beet red! How embarrassing. I probably looked so clumsy! I wanted to cover my face in embarrassment but he was still holding my hands.
He was...holding...my HANDS?!
I gulped as I stared at my hands in his. The sight was alien. But a good alien. What am I even saying? Suddenly everything didn't feel real. It felt more like I was watching something happen to someone else through their eyes.
"Oh." He noticed too. The handsome gentleman chuckled nervously before letting my hands go. "Sorry."
I could only manage a shy nod.
"Anyway, I followed you because you looked like you were having the most fun. You're a very good skater." He beamed.
My chest burned at his smile, my cheeks warm at his compliment. "I'm really not that great. I just like feeling the cold air."
"She pretended to fall just so he could help her, right? Desperate much?" I noticed the girls passing by seemed to be whispering about us. Probably wondering why he's talking to me of all people.
"Me too." Seokjin responded. "It feels like flying. Or...at least what I think it feels like." He chuckled.
"Me too!"
Wow, we both thought the same way about skating! It makes me wonder what else we have in common. I should ask him to skate with me right? He was going to anyway. He said he followed me. The thought sent shivers down my spine. I decided to go for it.
"Should we-"
"Watch out!" He shouted.
It happened so fast. Something caught Seokjin's eye before he pushed me away. I fell on the ice when suddenly someone slammed into Seokjin. Both he and whoever ran into him flew into the wall.
Next came the ugly, familiar cackles I knew too well. The troublemakers stopped by just to laugh in our faces. All but one. I looked at the boy who bumped into Seokjin. Clearly those jerks pushed the poor guy, but it looked like Seokjin endured most of the impact. I rushed over to his side.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. I think my shoulder's just dislocated." He sucked in a breath when he tried to move his arm.
"Don't move! We'll get help." I looked at the boy who was now concerned about Seokjin as much as I was. "You, let the teachers know what happened and send for help!"
He nodded anxiously, got up and headed for the exit as fast as he could.
Then, as if the cruelty couldn't get any worse, Seokjin and I were suddenly hit with a wave of shaved ice. I gasped at the cold but my body was scorching. My blood boiled past all realms of sanity. My eyes darted toward the culprit. I found Yoongi standing over us like his friends. He had been the one who hockey stopped next to us, covering us in snow. His face was totally blank. He wasn't even laughing like his dumb friends. He was just...cold. He simply sighed and skated off.
So, what? That's why you were looking at me before? Were you and your friends planning this?! Don't you have better things to do?!
My eyes returned to the rest who were still braying like donkeys.
"Hey!" I shot up from the ice. Seokjin tried to stop me but I wasn't in the mood to just take this crap. "Are you crazy?! Something more serious could've happened!"
The three boys were only more amused with my reaction.
"Wow~! She looks cute when she's mad!" Taehyung stared, amazed. As though examining an animal in captivity.
Namjoon stepped forward and continued in a cool, casual tone. "You're right. Something serious could've happened. But that's what makes this game so fun! You never know what'll happen, it's so exciting!"
I scoffed, unable to believe what I just heard. "A game? That's what this is? Are you asking to get beat up?"
They ooh'd and laughed among themselves as they mocked me, which was the last straw. I didn't tell it to, but my body just reacted. My arm flew forward, a fist aiming for Namjoon's chin.