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It was a cooler morning than most. I hobbled through the school gates slowly but surely. Not many seemed to notice the black boot around my ankle. Though even if they did, I wouldn't have cared too much. There was a fresh feeling of freedom in the air as I entered the school grounds. Knowing Namjoon or Jungkook weren't somewhere hunting me down, gave me a refreshing spirit of gratitude.
From now on I could finish my final year of high school in peace. And I will pass this year, no matter what my nightmares held.
When I looked ahead of me, I was surprised to see Yoongi standing at the front of the school. I almost smiled at how ordinary he looked, tossing a pebble around with his foot. His hair floating in the wind. What was he waiting for?
As I got closer, I noticed a moat of emptiness around him as students tended to avoided his personal space. Something I'm sure he appreciated.
And then he saw me.
The boy straightened up and walked toward me. It shouldn't have made me nervous, but it did. I'm not even sure why. Maybe it's because we've never approached each other like this at school before. Both of us having equal intentions of being in each other's presence.
What am I saying? Who's to say he didn't see someone he knew behind me and just happened to be walking toward me to get to them. I cut my eyes away, my teeth nipping at my bottom lip. My pace quickened as much as I could, which wasn't much.
Seconds later he joined and walked beside me, his arm repeatedly brushing my shoulder. I rubbed my hands on my jeans as they suddenly felt clammy.
"You're back." He said.
"Yup!" My voice cracked. I hid a grimace from him.
"I..." He rubbed his neck. "I still don't know why you came today. It's Friday. Could've taken one more day to yourself."
"Exams are coming up soon. Besides, if I stayed home, I'd be studying anyway. At least at school I could see and hear someone other than my dad. I love him but he can be restless without work." I reminisced with weak smile. "And it's not like you had any objections to my return last night."
Another lull of silence. I chewed my lip, wondering if I had said something wrong. Maybe I talked too much.
"So...did your mom make it back?" He asked. My eyebrows jumped up, surprised at the fact he actually remembered my brief mention of her last night.
"No, she stayed over at the spa." I kept my response short this time but now a third awkward silence made the air go stale. Until:
The vague reply begged me to chance a look at his face which harbored a pensive expression. His eyes floated around while his tongue seemed to fidget with the corner of his mouth.
And then I remembered my idiotic question last night. Clearly, he remembers that part of the conversation if he remembered the bit about my mom. What was I thinking bringing his attention to that day? For all I knew he could've forgotten it and now I practically spoon-fed him the memory. I wondered if it was bound to revive his disdain for me too.
"You mentioned something last night."
Oh no...
"About the reason for something I did." He gripped the straps of his backpack tight on his shoulders.
"Did I?" I replied anxiously. "I said so much, I barely remember the things I said."
"You were worried about Hoseok and how..." He went on and summarized our conversation last night. All I could think about was how much I regretted opening my big mouth. "...then you asked why I-" Both his words and feet came to an abrupt stop.
I looked at him to see what was wrong. Did he suddenly remember why he hated me and wanted to leave me now? But he wasn't even conscious of me anymore. Yoongi's face had hardened to stone, his gaze caught on something in front of us. I followed his line of sight and found Seokjin walking this way.
I gave him a smile, not able to help myself as his warm energy tended to bloom. Jin stopped in front of us.
"Good morning." To my surprise he not only greeted me but Yoongi as well. The kind effort made me beam.
"Good morning!" I greeted back.
A cold absence fell next to me as Yoongi walked off without a word. Leaving me utterly shocked. W-what was with him? He was so talkative just now. Jin on the other hand didn't seem all too taken aback.
"Sorry about that." I apologized, embarrassed. "I don't know what got into him. He was just fine a second ago.''
"I see." He took a last look at Yoongi as he stormed off before turning to me with a sweet smile. "Well, would you like an escort to your first class?"
My face went warm. "It's still early."
"Then we can walk aimlessly around campus together then." He chuckled, came beside me and took my arm in his.
Shyly, I nodded as we started down the way he came. For a brief second, I peeped down the hall where I could still remember the image of Yoongi coldly swaggering away. Something inside me deflated.
Luckily Seokjin's genuine warmth was enough to heal just about every discomfort there was. He carefully stayed at my own pace, insisting I don't worry about being too sluggish for him. Some girls that passed us eyed me with contempt. Others were just confused or amused even. I tried not to mind them but Seokjin noticed my uneasiness.
"What's wrong?"
"It's nothing." I shook my head. Jin gave a look. He clearly didn't believe me, neither did he intend to accept a brush off. I bit my lip before answering honestly. "They're staring. And hating me."
As usual Jin thought about my words before responding. "Not that I think they know enough about you to draw relevant opinions but does it really bother you that people don't like you?"
I thought on his question for a good while. "No. At least, I don't think so. I've accepted not being liked a long time ago." I took a breath before admitting the next part slowly. "They don't think I'm worthy of you. And I guess what bothers me is that...I could believe them."
Another group of girls came walking our way. I avoided their judging faces right before I felt Jin's arm slide down mine to lace our fingers together. A fiery heat engulfed my entire body that I hoped was undetectable. I jerkily looked at him who had looked much too amused while greeting the group.
I looked at them warily. Their faces looked contorted with an effort to look sweet when they clearly wanted to throw a fit of outrage. When we were well passed them, I pressed my hand on my face and tried to contain laughter. Admittedly their faces were hilarious but my body in general was buzzing with butterflies and I didn't know how to expel such excitement in another way besides laughter.
"You don't have anything to prove to anyone." He smiled, still amused with the recent face off. "But it helps to remember: just as you're in danger of believing what they think, they can equally be in danger of believing what you choose as well. Don't forget, you hold power too." The handsome boy cutely tapped my nose.
Once again, I was totally blown away by his wise words and watched him in awe. It's like he had a special talent for knowing exactly what people needed to hear; helping them see themselves in a new light.
"You're so..." I hesitated to find the right word.
Amazing. Beautiful. Brilliant. One word couldn't possibly be enough to describe Kim Seokjin. He was an amalgamation of great qualities. And it only made me wonder one thing.
"Why did you go out with me?"
"I wanted to get to know you." He said simply.
"Why is that?" I asked curiously.
Seokjin thought for a good while. "I found you interesting." He paused to look at me who had been stuck in figuring out what he could've meant. With a smile he continued. "On our field trip to the rink, I saw you helping Hoseok skate as I passed, which I thought was sweet. But it was when you were skating alone that really caught me. Your eyes were shining, your nose crinkled as you smiled—"
My face felt flushed and became warmer with every word he spoke. Never did I expect anyone, much less Jin, to pay attention to me. When I looked at him as he spoke, my heart leapt. He was smiling.
"—and your hair tossed and floated around you. I had never seen anyone look so joyful by themself before. Any other person on the ice would've gone out there to impress someone but you were just having fun," he squeezed my hand gently. "And then you stood up to Namjoon and who could forget you after that?"
"Ugh," I shook my head at the memory. "I wish I just kept my temper under control. It might've saved me a lot of grief."
"I like to think there's a reason for everything. Maybe there were other necessary things that needed to happen, that otherwise might not have."
It was difficult to think of anything good that came from that event. Then, as though life had thrown me a bone, I saw someone appear in the distance.
Hoseok. His aura was noticeably different. There was no grin glued to his face as he walked by his peers. No hop in his sunny walk
If not for the mess with Namjoon and his group, I wondered if the truth about Hoseok would have ever come to light. "Hoseok. He's here." I said, noticing we had already come to a stop.
"Yup. I guess you two have a lot to catch up on."
During my absence, Jin had been texting me to check up on how I was healing up. A few of those conversations turned into me ranting my worries about Hoseok to him.
"Right..." I tucked my lips between my teeth. "But...there's really no rush." I rationalized with a stiff smile that felt more like a cringe.
Seokjin withdrew his hand to steer me by my shoulders. "Just remember what I said. You have more power than you think. You'll do just fine, I promise. I can accompany you if you like."
But Hoseok had spotted us and came straight this way. My hand began picking at the fasteners on my backpack when he met us.
"Ah, it's the school's most popular couple!" He greeted not with a bright smile but with a cool smirk. "People are already talking about you two in the halls."
"News travels fast." Jin flashed a playful smile. "Aren't you jealous?"
"Very!" Hoseok flashed a crooked smile as if his greetings were always this laid-back. He turned to me then looked down at my cast. I steeled myself to keep eye contact with him. "Should we take you to your class now?"
"O-Okay." I squeaked.
From there the three of us made our way to my home room class. It wasn't exactly quiet. The two boys on either side of me conversed casually with each other. When they tried to involve me, I typically gave one or two worded responses.
Seokjin must have noticed this and traipsed ahead of us with Hoseok still walking beside me. He was encouraging me to take his advice into account.
I have more power than I think, I breathed deeply. Just as I braved my first syllable-
"Do you hate me?" Hoseok asked, his voice low.
My first instinct was to say 'no' without thinking since this was Hoseok. But it wasn't the exact Hoseok I thought I knew. I didn't even know how much of what I knew was authentic.
At the same time, I needed to be honest about my own authenticity. Here I was cautious to invest my trust in him as I once did, when simultaneously I was so happy that he was here in one piece and not rotting in a prison cell.
"No. I don't hate you. To be honest, I'm just glad you're okay." I admitted. The weight on my chest lightened.
"So...you're not mad?"
"Oh, make no mistake, I'm mad." I quickly corrected, triggering his big white smile.
That smile was contagious and I couldn't help myself. With our shared smiles, some of the tension in the air had dissipated.
"I'm glad." He sighed. I looked at him questioningly. "That you don't hate me, I mean. If that was the case, I don't think I could get through life well."
I didn't respond because I didn't know what to say to that. He said things like that all the time before, but I didn't know what they meant now. Especially when his tone was different than before.
"I'm sorry." He added, his penitent expression turned to me. "I won't hide anything from you anymore."
I studied his face and could feel his remorse was truly deep. Touched (and relieved) at his sincerity, I offered a thankful smile and nodded. The rest of the way was pretty quiet which was okay. Every second spent next to him helped me to get used to him again. There was a lot I wanted answered but for the time being I was satisfied with our encounter.
When we reached my class, Hoseok asked if I'd like to study together after school. I hesitated to answer him. Certainly, we had made comfortable progress today. He'd sincerely apologized and promised not to keep secrets. But it was still a bit soon to be spending time alone with him, especially since the recent developments about his past.
He knew my doubts instantly.
"We could study at your house when your parents are home if you want."
I played out the possibility then cringed. "I wouldn't. My dad is still a bit concerned about what he found out about you. I wouldn't be able to concentrate with him hovering."
"That's too bad," he clicked his tongue. "Your house is one of the few places my uncle will let me visit without him now. That being said, the library is a no-go for me." Hoseok thought hard, seemingly eager to solidify a plan. "Well, we could go to my house."
I looked at him like he just coughed up a bird. Never in the time that I've known him had he ever invited me over to his house. In fact, there were a lot of things about his life that remained a mystery to me; his house, his uncle I still hadn't formally met, his seemingly anti-social driver, Heejae. Unknowns I had originally thrown caution to the wind about simply because Hoseok was my sweet and quirky best friend. Now he was actually willing to invite me over.
It was a tempting offer as I was immensely curious about where he and his uncle lived. However, it was still unexplored territory which had me on the fence.
"I'll ask Seokjin if he can come too." He then pitched.
"No need to ask, I'm already in." Jin interjected, rejoining us. The two boys then looked to me for an answer. Having Jin there with me would definitely help put me at ease.
"Well...I guess that sounds okay."
The two looked thrilled. Even I shared some form of excitement at what would be my first time visit to the Jung's house. And with that agreement they finally bade their farewells until I'd see them at lunch. I hoped all would go well.
No surprises.
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Convincing my dad to let me go over Hoseok's house took some time and patience, which is why I insisted I meet the guys there instead of heading over together.
The unfamiliar road was quiet and peaceful. Most of the homes on this street were gated. I arrived at one gate that was a beautifully polished cherry wood. Around the edges was a black metal trim that seemed to work into some kind of automated sliding system. A camera peered at me from the top of the stone wall to my right. As expected from a property belonging to a security specialist.
I walked to the call box on the wall and pushed the button. After two seconds Hoseok's voice came through the speaker.
"I'm here."
"Who is this?"
I sent an unamused brow to the camera. "I know you see me."
"Oh, Yurim-ah it's you!" He chuckled. "Stand by."
Something whirred before the gate jumped into motion. It slid to the left gradually revealing the Jung house to me for the first time.
The driveway led to the right behind the wall where a small garage was. Two beds of light-colored rocks flanked a path which was fixed with dark gravel. Stepping stones led to a shaded landing by the front door where I was headed.
The house matched the cherry wood of the gate with accented stone walls. From the front it looked to be shaped like a stout 'U'. The windows framing the door ahead took up the whole length and height of the wall. I could see movement behind them but the reflections made it unclear who I was seeing.
I walked up the flat steps and waited for Hoseok, who I expected to have met me already. Another camera here looked down at me. I squinted suspiciously at it and tapped the doorbell.
"Who is it~?" Hoseok's voice blared out of another call box on the wall, except he sang in his old goofy voice.
"Hoseok-ah, why are you playing around? You know it's me." I complained but a little chortle couldn't be suppressed. I couldn't help it when he used that voice. Being weak to his playful antics was a habit by now.
The door opened, revealing a laughing Hoseok. It was a comforting sight, his smile. Something familiar. Did he know this and bring back some of his act to make me feel at ease? Or was it always a genuine quality about him?
I forced myself to pout. "Why are you being mean?"
"It's your first time here, I had to make the most of it. Come in."
The indoor continued the exterior's earthy theme with a few more decorative embellishments. As beautiful as it was it wasn't the part that got my attention.
More notable than anything else was the fact that this was the most spotless and organized place I had ever seen. The displays, books, cushions, frames, table pieces, and the plant pots looked meticulously placed. Their spacing looked intentional. I was torn between feeling amazed and intimidated.
Along the opposite wall was the kitchen in one corner, the dining room, and the living room in the other corner. The walls at my sides seemed to be where the rooms were located.
"Am I the last one to arrive?" I asked.
"Uh...yeah you are." Hoseok's mouth suddenly sat in a tight line.
"So, Jin's here then?" I looked around but saw no one.
"Well...uh, no."
"What do you mean?"
At that moment someone strolled out from one of the rooms. I almost gasped aloud when I saw Yoongi who saw me at the same time. A yellow and black plaid flannel hung loosely over a white t-shirt and distressed jeans. A black hat sat backwards on his head; his hair tucked underneath.
I could feel my sweat glands opening up. Why is he dressed like that? And why is he here? He was so still that I hadn't realized we'd been staring at each other until the bump in his throat moved and he blinked. I quickly turned away from him to Hoseok.
"What's happening? Where's Jin?"
"His dad didn't exactly see eye to eye with letting him come over. He said to tell you he's sorry for not being able to make it. So, I asked Yoongi to take his place. I hope you don't mind. I just thought you'd feel better with a third person." He gave an apologetic shrug.
Well, yes, that was the general idea but Yoongi?
I hadn't seen him all day ever since his cold brush off this morning. It was annoying. He didn't even come to me later to explain himself. He had the chance at lunch but just passed by like we weren't there. And now he had the gall to show up here?
A chill of disappointment nipped at my neck, noticeably on the side closest to Yoongi. The urge to pull my ponytail out to hide behind my trusty blanket of hair tempted me but I denied it. I wasn't going to let him affect me and benefit any satisfaction from it.
"Let's just get to studying." I sighed.
Two hours into our study session, Mr. Jung came home. He wasn't what I was expecting from a man in security. Though he definitely had a professional posture and a presence that told one never to mess with him, the slightest smile softened his entire look. He had such kind eyes and gentle features. It was apparent that he knew how to use them well to shift his disposition.
I guess it was hereditary.
The man didn't stay long. After our introductions, he retired to his study.
Turning back to our books, we continued our discussion on Joseon society and exploring its effects today.
"Who knows if they even recorded history the way it happened back then." Yoongi voiced.
"You watch a lot of historical dramas, don't you?" Hoseok chuckled.
"Even fictional stories have hints of truth in them." The other boy countered.
I was surprised at just how much he actually knew about the subjects we were studying. I'd always thought he didn't bother with classes. That didn't stop me from avoiding him as much as I could. Other times Hoseok would relay his questions and comments in order to get me to say something. The sneak.
Speaking of, Hoseok's behavior and mannerisms were quite ordinary and not too different than what I was used to. It was a relief. Though he didn't break out in dance like before, he also wasn't as cold and rough as I feared he would be. The look on his face that night unleashed a plethora of fears about who he truly was. Much to my relief those began to die down now.
Surprisingly, his presence was still homey, like sitting in front of a crackling fire. Though, I wasn't sure if it only seemed so because I wasn't too thrilled with the other guest.
For an unknown reason my eyes strayed across the dining table in Yoongi's direction. Evidently it was a mistake because he happened to look my way as well. I stuck my nose back into my books and my mind back to the study session. My desperation to look unaffected made me hyperaware of my body. My arms and shoulders were still as a statue while my leg bounced incessantly under the table.
Moments later I gave my temples a little massage. Ever since the fire incident I'd been getting headaches every so often. I guessed it was a commonality with concussions.
"You okay?" Hoseok asked stiffly. "Should we take a break? We've been going non-stop."
"I'm fine. We're almost done anyway."
"What's wrong?" Yoongi looked back and forth between me and Hoseok, clearly sensing there was something he didn't know.
"Nothing." I answered without looking at him. "Let's finish this."
When we finally completed everything, I was eager to return home but Hoseok proposed that we go out for ice cream before we called it a day. It had been a while since we'd gotten ice cream together. We'd gone more often last year when it was just the two of us. Trips for ice cream usually turned into heart-to-heart conversations. Maybe it could be a good idea.
Of course, this time Yoongi would join us. This was a day for firsts, it seemed.
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I hadn't known that studying could make me look so tired. A mirror in the air-conditioned shop showed my untamed strands that had gotten loose. I pulled my hair down and brushed out the tangles. Habitually I inspected my pink flowy blouse and white shorts for any unwanted marks or rogue threads. It was an outfit I had put together with Seokjin in mind, but apparently it had gone to waste.
Moving down the aisle, I came across the sweets. One of them caught my eye in particular. Prettily packaged marshmallows in the shape of colorful flowers. It's not that I had an appetite for it but it reminded me of something. The nameless dessert topped with marshmallows. Seokjin had ordered it as a surprise when we had dinner together. I picked it up and smiled.
Even the fact that it looked like a purple flower reminded me of the one he picked just for me. It was too bad he couldn't make it today. I missed him.
On the next aisle was a section of cute toys and keychains. I picked up one toy and turned it in my hands. It was a tiny version of those retro arcade games. I was amazed at how detailed it was, not to mention functionable.
However, my face dropped from its amazement when another memory seized my attention.
The arcade at the skating rink. Being dragged around by Yoongi. Sitting beside him with his cold eyes boring into mine.
Min Yoongi...
The warning he gave me that day. All this time I'd been assuming it was some kind of trick meant to hurt me. But it was really to keep me away from trouble. Why had he suddenly jumped back into my life after three years? Especially after the way we parted the last time.
"We're heading out now."
I whipped my head to my right, finding the boy in my most recent memory. I steadied my gaze, careful not to show anxiety while ignoring an inconvenient ache in my chest. He was carrying a package of goods. I nodded and shakily placed the object back on the shelf before making my way out.
Outside, Hoseok and I started on our way back to the house, ice creams in hand. Yoongi took a detour, saying there was something he needed to do. That he'd meet us later. As he went his own way, I couldn't help feeling the same thing I did when he walked off this morning. I don't know why. At least he explained himself this time. Why did it bother me still?
"Sorry." Said Hoseok
The apology shook me from my confusing train of thought.
"All of a sudden?" I chuckled.
"I should've called you when Jin told me he couldn't stay." He gave his ice cream bar a lick.
"Oh, that. It wasn't your fault."
"It just seemed like you were really looking forward to seeing him." A knowing smile crept onto his face.
I frowned at him. "Why do you say that?"
"Because you look really pretty today."
My face got warm and I took another bite out of my fish shaped ice cream sandwich. Was it really that obvious that I dressed up for him? Did Yoongi get that impression too?
"I don't know what you mean." I lied terribly. He laughed. Desperate to avoid my embarrassingly failed effort, I changed the topic. "So...you fight."
Hoseok gave a shy scoff. "I guess I do."
"Did you learn from...back then?"
"No, my main job then was scouting and gathering information. But I did learn how to take a beating well." He said casually. I, on the other hand, grimaced at the thought. I don't like thinking about him getting hurt. "It didn't stop me from joining a scuffle when I could. Anyway, what I know now is mostly thanks to my uncle."
He went on to explain his story; how he came to be a part of a gang, the different tattoos and their meanings, and his transition to living with his uncle.
I was devastated while listening to him explain the way his dad treated him as a kid after his mother died. Sure, the man was grieving but that was no excuse to hit his child! At the same age my worst problem was being friendless but at least I had loving parents.
One day he ran away from home and saved a kid from being beaten in an alleyway. Little did he know that the kid he saved was the younger brother of a prominent gang member in the area. The boy and his intimidating brother invited him to join but Hoseok was too scared at the time. The next time they met so happened to be the day he'd received his worse beating. Sick of being abused by his father, he finally took the plunge and took the boy's offer.
Since his father was a police officer, Hoseok was tasked with returning home and reporting whatever information he could get from his father's profession since the authorities had been hot on the gang leader's tail. After preventing the boss' capture and being found out by his dad, he left home for good.
After two and a half years, Hoseok got caught and arrested. With the assistance of his dad, he was able to score a minimum sentence at a Juvenile Detention Center. After the brief time was served, his father handed him over to his uncle who lived in a whole other province in hopes he could get him to change his ways before he made a habit of being locked up.
According to him, he'd never met a man more patient than his uncle. He learned the hard way that one did not simply mess with the man. Mr. Jung encouraged nightly training sessions since Hoseok had an uncontrollable temper at the time anyway. Hoseok thought his uncle simply wanted to rub his face into not being able to overtake him. But he learned he was simply letting his nephew vent his anger and loneliness. Not one violent outburst kept the man from kindly inviting him to the dinner table.
From there his transformation finally began as well as his proper martial arts training. When he made significant progress, he was permitted (more like forced) to attend school again.
"And that's where you come in." Hoseok took our empty packages and tossed them in a waste bin.
"Right but why did you choose to hang out with me of all people?" I asked a bit nervous. He returned to my side and we continued walking.
"Teenagers just seemed a lot younger to me for some reason. Everyone's so invested in petty things. They have a shallow perspective about what's important. Especially at a private school, most people are bound to be superficial. You...weren't that way." He smiled reminiscently. "You also looked like you needed a friend. And I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn't who I used to be. That with my talents I could take care of someone instead of destroy them. Like my uncle does — even though he's more than capable of the latter." He laughed but I just felt guilty.
"Hoseok-ah..." I squeezed his hand. "I'm sorry."
He looked stunned and a bit pink. "W-Why?"
"All this time I'd been on the defense about you and your true intentions. I was shaken out of trusting you and you were just trying to live your new life away from your past."
"You don't have to be sorry. I should be. You're my best friend, the only one I've ever had that wasn't rotten to the core. You trusted me with your every thought while I kept half of my life hidden from you." He squeezed my hand back and gave a meaningful look. "From now on I won't hold back anything anymore."
A warm assurance encompassed me. I had nothing to worry about. With a wide grin I excitedly needled my arm through his. Everything was okay again.
Suddenly a high pitched and disturbing laugh pierced the air from behind.
We stopped. I tried to turn to see the stranger but our arms were locked and Hoseok's body had gone terribly stiff. By the looks of it, the color had all but gone from his cheeks. The muscles in his face were tense.
"Hoseok-ah?" I shook his arm, worried.
He didn't respond but his eyes looked like they were frantically working on something. Now I was getting scared.
Hoseok had faced Jungkook without so much as a wrinkle on his forehead. Jungkook's ruthless impatience and lack of remorse made him one of the most terrifying human beings I had ever met yet Hoseok faced him without fear. Now, he couldn't even bring himself to turn around.
The fear was contagious. The hairs on my arms stood upright but I couldn't deny the instinct to protect him either. Whoever this was, maybe this didn't have to be a confrontation. Maybe I could talk them into leaving him alone.
Slowly, I began withdrawing my arm from him but his hand was around my wrist in a flash. He blinked out of his trance to look at me. His face twisted into something like grief. Hoseok pulled me back in except his other hand cradled itself in the groove in my waist. Pulling me against his chest as he turned the both of us around, leaving me slightly behind his body — obstructing the stranger's view.
Curiosity got the best of me and I peeked out to get a look at the guy.
The first thing that popped out was his hair. The top half was long and flopped to the side. A platinum blonde against the shaved bottom half which remained black. Eyes narrow with a villainous stare and eyebrow piercing to match. His head was cocked sidewards with an arrogant smirk on his face. What was it with bad guys and their confidence?
Most concerning were the marks on his arms exposed by his sleeveless attire. Each lean arm had its own snake curled around it. While one hand was concealed in his pocket, the other held a semi-translucent bag which looked to be holding a six pack. I could just barely make out the snake head at his wrist. My heart dropped to my stomach, now realizing how these two knew each other.
I thought back to the explanation Hoseok had given about tattoo meanings. According to him the more heads, the more authority and status one held. And it wasn't difficult to deduce that a second head aligned with the guy's hidden wrist. And we still couldn't confirm just how many he had inked on his body.
"Jei." Hoseok acknowledged.
The guy, Jei, strolled closer. "Yeong Su told me he spotted you somewhere around here. I didn't believe him but here you are! Long time no see...brother." He emphasized the last word cynically.
"Right, it's been a while. What brings you all the way out here? Busan wasn't big enough for Moon?"
"Moon?" Jei scoffed. "That old bastard died ages ago. We're all under my brother now. You see, he's much more of a business man. He's been all about branching out this past year. Even offering our...skill sets for hire." His eyes cut away, seemingly bitter about that particular detail.
"So, you're here for business then."
"Probably. Hyung only feeds us bits and pieces. I was supposed to take some old lady but the bitch's security detail was onto me. Now I'm laying low until the big job we got coming up." His eyes twinkled.
"Which is?"
"Don't know yet. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you, you know that. You've been away for too long, Hoseokie. And you didn't even think to call?" He feigned a teary expression before breaking into laughter. "Were you keeping busy?"
Jei's eyes slithered over to me, his tongue tracing his upper lip which sent a sickening chill down my spine. I pressed myself closer to Hoseok while his grip on me tightened. He was just as anxious as I was. The guy in front of us laughed again, his face partially offended.
"What's with you? Aren't you gonna show her off? Why are you keeping her to yourself?"
"What's mine is my business." Hoseok said with an edge in his voice.
"Oh, my bad." Jei spoke through a snicker. "I didn't realize she was yours. I thought you just picked her up for the night."
Like...a prostitute?
On a normal day, I'd have taken major offense at the rude assumption and given him a piece of mind. But this wasn't just some superficial jerk at school. And besides I did so once and it didn't end up going to well. I dreaded to think of what this guy was capable of.
"I was just taking her to work." Hoseok lied. "Maybe we'll catch up soon." I felt slightly relieved when we were turning away.
"Leaving already? Why don't I come with, is it nearby? Maybe we can catch up some afterwards!"
The intrusive man who couldn't be that much older than us followed along. Particularly next to me. The entire left of me felt at risk of catching some deadly disease. The walk felt like we were strolling through a mine field. I could tell Hoseok was thinking hard about how to get rid of him.
I was putting all I had into staying calm and unintimidated — or looking it at least. Though I wasn't confident I was doing so successfully.
Jei was rambling on about a number of things I wasn't even paying attention to. I only noticed his language was very coarse and rude like it was as essential as the air he breathed. Every second felt like hours with him prattling on.
"What's with her leg? Did you break it so she wouldn't run?" Jei guffawed in his unhinged way. "I broke Sofia's finger once because she took my last cigarette. Never take a guy's last drag, sweetie, he might just kill you." The twisted man smiled at me; all his bottom teeth were capped with silver. I contained a shiver and looked forward again. That's when a dose of hope came.
The boy was walking toward us, his face looked confused as he eyed the three of us. I shifted my gaze to Hoseok who I'd seen indicate something with his eyes. He pointed his gaze at one of the shops to the side. I turned to Yoongi again who was now turning into the same shop.
When we got close, Hoseok led me closer to it and stopped right outside.
"This it?" Jei studied the small trinket store with its items displayed in the window. "Who'd want to buy this crap?"
Hoseok turned me to him. He kept his tone even, careful not to tip Jei off about anything unusual. "Remember to ask Yoongi to take you home. I won't be able to today. I got something to do." I flashed him a look of worry. He wanted us to leave him with this jerk?
"Yoongi?" Jei inquired curiously. "You gonna let another guy take your girl home?"
"Her boss. Old guy. Nothing to worry about." He lied again. I hesitated to move but Hoseok patted my shoulder and nodded toward the store. "Go on."
My stomach churned as I dreaded leaving him behind. When I did turn away, a crushing weight bore down on my chest and it would only get worse with each step.
"Hold up." Jei faced me with a condescending tone. "That's it? Your guy brings you safely to work and you're leaving without thanking him. Hasn't he trained you yet? Go on!" The insufferable creep prodded.
What is he yapping about? He'd been entirely and shamelessly vulgar this entire time and now he's getting all testy about manners? I raised strewn brows cluelessly at Hoseok who suddenly couldn't meet my eyes.
"Come on, no need to be careful around me. I don't get shy about these things." The slimy man puckered his lips and sent an air kiss my way. It was revolting.
But it was then that I finally knew what he was trying to say. And why my best friend couldn't look at me. Jei wanted me to kiss Hoseok. What if he detected our little act and this was a test? If we failed, what would he do?
I looked at my friend again. He told me that during their days together, Jei had developed feelings of jealousy toward him for earning more of his brother's trust than himself. What if he still held resentment for that and planned to give him a hard time?
I blinked away the sting in my eyes before stepping toward him. Hoseok's eyes flickered up at me. A silent question shone in his eyes. I gave him a reassuring smile, undetectable by Jei and pushed myself up on my toes.
Besides being overtaken by fear for what would become of him, a tiny reminder that I hadn't done this before dared to whisper insecurities. But even that couldn't spoil my nerve. That's because this was Hoseok who actively battled my insecurities more than I did, who was always there for me. And now I was going to be there for him.
Tilting my head, I pressed my lips softly on his.
I squeezed my eyes shut trying not to think about how evident my inexperience must've been. Instead, I focused on the warmth of his lips.
The heat waves radiating right through his clothes.
The scent of his cologne which was tied to many of our good memories. It helped me to relax.
Hoseok caught me by surprise when he pulled me in by my waist. His other hand combed through my hair until gently gripping the base of my neck. Goosebumps raised up from my skin.
Ever so slightly he used his lips to part mine, only to claim a second kiss himself. Except this one felt like the real deal. Much more convincing than my own attempt. My heart pounded in my chest, letting go of a breath I held for too long.
I wasn't sure when it started but my body felt like it was buzzing. My mind was slipping. Knees weakening. I don't know why my body picked a time to be like this but I had to concentrate. However difficult...
When he pulled away, he whispered in my ear.
"Use the back door. Tell my uncle what happened."
I finally blinked my eyes open again remembering where we were. Repeating his words in my head, I nodded. As I peeled my body back from him, I realized my hands had a death grip on his t-shirt. I clumsily smoothed out his shirt before retreating into the trinket shop.
Watching him walk away with Jei was enough to snap out of whatever remaining silliness had overcome me. That's when I finally remembered Yoongi. I whipped around to find him who had been quietly watching me. He had an expression I wasn't in any mood to try and decipher.
"We need to get back to the house." I said searching for a worker. "We have to tell Mr. Jung what happened."
"What happened?" He asked in monotone.
"We ran into a guy from his past. He's bad news- hello?" I called out behind the counter while tapping vehemently on a bell. "There should be an ally out the back- hello?"
An elderly man came strolling out of a back room and was kind enough to let us pass through his shop to another street. Yoongi didn't seem very chatty afterwards, which wasn't out of the ordinary. My mind was too occupied for conversation anyway. I hoped that Hoseok would be okay. That he wouldn't walk into some kind of trap I knew Jei was more than willing to devise if the mood suited him.
Sweat dripped abundantly from my head. I gathered my hair up into a ponytail as I did my best power walk.
"I should carry you."
"I'm fine."
"If you wanna get there as soon as possible, I should carry you." He grabbed my arm to stop me. Yoongi's flat tone during our emergency wasn't helping my nerves. And now he's forcing me to explain that my attire was inappropriate for being lugged around in.
"I can't with these shorts on, okay? Let's just hurry." I marched forward.
"You're hurrying. I'm strolling." He grumbled from behind.
Seconds later he catches my arm again, except he had his flannel in his hand. I stood with a puzzled look until he reached around me and tied it around my waist. Then he turned around and squatted.
"Come on."
I hopped on and we made faster progress toward the Jung residence. When we got there, I explained everything to Hoseok's uncle. From the moment we first encountered the disturbing man, Jei, to the moment Yoongi and I left the shop. Interestingly, I forgot to mention my and his nephew's couple act but that wasn't an essential detail he needed anyway.
The man listened patiently despite my panicked retelling of the whole story. After, he calmly instructed us to stay put before calling Heejae. Together they went out to find him. I offered to be an extra pair of eyes but he kindly insisted I stay and calm my nerves.
Half an hour later I had been on the couch. Knees in my arms, teeth chattering at my nails. Yoongi's tranquil form only seemed to worsen my anxiety. It was like he didn't care. He helped himself to the kitchen and made iced coffee before perching himself at the dining table reading one of the books that he'd taken from one of the shelves. The sound of the pages filled the quiet room.
"Could you read quieter?" I snapped.
"Could you eat your nails quieter?"
"I'm not eating them! How could you even be reading at a time like this anyway?"
"You mean while waiting?" He said in his sarcastic tone.
I shot him a sharp glare. Which he returned with an equally irritated look before revisiting his reading.
"Worrying yourself into a frenzy isn't better."
"My best friend is with a psycho! That's what normal people do when their loved ones are in danger."
"Do normal people kiss their best friends when in the middle of danger too?" He spat under his breath.
My cheeks caught fire and I shot up to my feet. "Why not? If they're safety depended on it, wouldn't you? I would! I did! And I'd do it again!" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "But what am I saying? Of course, you don't relate. You've never even had friends worth worrying about!" I yelled before stomping off into Hoseok's room and shutting the door.
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