Sitting in the lobby of a police station gave feelings of deja vu. Except this time Hoseok was with me. His uncle and dad were in the latter's office talking after a small ordeal between Hoseok and his dad. The policeman was adamant about getting me to file an official report on everything I had experienced and seen. However, Hoseok was completely against it. He knew that telling them too much could put me in more danger from the mob. The two almost made a scene of the argument which brings us to our current split.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, eyeing the bruise on my cheek with concern.
"Tired." Tired of so many bad things happening. "Right now, I'm just nervous about my parents finding out. There's no way my dad will let me out now."
Hoseok chuckled, "he can be a bit over protective sometimes."
"He's not the only one," I nudged his arm. He gave a sad smile and patted my head. I pouted, "why are you treating me like a kid suddenly?
He was deep in thought for a moment until he said, "one of us almost died today because of me." I clicked my tongue and grabbed his hand from my head.
"Don't talk like that! There's no point to it! In fact let's not even think about it." I quickly thought up another topic. The strange class period today came to mind. I considered telling him about it until I remembered that the substitute was the under cover mob who abducted me. The other happenings of the day played n my head. I gasped at my huge discoveries of the day. "I found out that Jimin's not as kind as I thought he was!"
I stared at my friend with huge eyes of revelation. But he only looked at me incredulously. "So you finally found out?"
My jaw dropped, "what do you mean?! Did you know already?"
"I suspected it since I transferred in last year," he said nonchalantly. I was speechless. "The weekend at the spa just confirmed my thoughts about him."
"Why? Did he do something slimy? Was it on the hike when we split up?"
Hoseok hesitated. "Before that, in the springs. He just talked about a good person in a tasteless way. But I didn't know how truly evil he was until that night at the warehouse." I listened intently as he explained what had happened from his perspective. How it was even a surprise to him that Jimin was hired to report information about Jin to the mob. And how he had zero shame in doing so.
I thought back to Jin's strange behavior that night and Yoongi's on point prediction about Jimin that same night.
Hoseok didn't hold anything back, including how he was a part of the plan and how he was tasked with beating Seokjin to get his father to provide their ransom. Yet another fact Yoongi pointed out that I refused to acknowledge. "Now it makes sense, why Jin couldn't talk about Jimin that night. Why you and he were avoiding one another. I was completely clueless! Yoongi wasn't even there and he knew. Why couldn't I see it?"
"Yoongi knew?" He asked, focused. I nodded and summarized the argument we had that night. "And you never considered he was right?"
"I..." Words escaped me but the truth was clear. "Maybe deep down somewhere, everything he said made sense." I admitted shamefully. "But you ghosted me, then showed up again without explanation, then disappeared again to where you could've died, then I watch you return home unsure if I'd see you again. After all that I didn't want to be mad at you anymore or believe that you had anything to do with what happened that night! I just wanted you to come back and stay safe! I wanted to have a friend at school again, which Jin was until even he left," my voice broke and I dropped my head in my hands, sobbing.
This was what I was supposed to tell Yoongi today when I planned to apologize. In some ways I'm glad I didn't have the chance. I don't know what I'd do if I broke down crying like this in front of him.
"Well, I don't know about Jin, but I know I'd never leave you for good. And I'm sure Yoongi wouldn't have minded," Hoseok rubbed my back comfortingly. "I can't see him being the caring or supportive type but he sure knows how to surprise you when you're not expecting it," he joked lightly.
I scoffed, "and how long would he stick around before eventually leaving too. It wouldn't be the first time he's never wanted anything to do with me," I cried. My voice muffled by my hands. Then suddenly a memory from today popped up in my head. I waited until my uncontrollable sniffles ceased. I sat up straight, wiping the tears off my face. "I talked to Taehyung today."
Hoseok raised a brow but waited patiently.
"He said that you and Yoongi went up to the roof that day Jungkook pushed me. I thought he was messing with me. Was what he said true?"
"Ah, that. Yeah, well, I guess that was the last straw for both of us."
"But Yoongi too? That was before he...changed."
Hoseok sucked in a deep breath and let it go. His eyes did that tense thing they do when he's annoyed. "I'm not sure he's changed at all actually," he said in a restrained voice.
"What do you mean?" I squirmed at his behavior. "And what's up with you?"
"Yurim-ah, for someone who's too honest, you sure like to beat around the bush when it comes to feelings you can't admit." And with that statement he looked to have felt more at ease. I, on the other hand, was silent with shock. "I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer as honestly as you can."
"Of course!" I replied defensively. I was eager to prove his point wrong - whatever that point was.
"How do you really feel about Min Yoongi?"
I felt my eye twitch. In my stubborn silence, I could feel my heart thumping hard against my chest. Antsy in every way, I avoided my friend's eyes. After what he'd written in his letter, I was hoping to avoid this topic all together. How could I tell him how I really felt after what he wrote? Didn't he know how awkward his question was for the both of us? Besides, I just barely came to terms with my true feelings. I wasn't quite ready to say them aloud just yet.
"Yurim-ah...?" he said.
"Hoseok-ah," we both turned toward the voice. His uncle emerged from a door and made their way toward us. Hoseok shifted uncomfortably in his seat when he met eyes with his dad. "It's time to go. Yurim's family should be here soon." I grimaced to myself. "We decided to leave you out of the story completely," Hoseok's uncle said with a pointed look toward his brother. "So we need to be gone when they get here if you have hopes of staying on good terms with the Lee's. Yurim-ah," he turned me.
My eyes widened slightly at the casual address, "y-yes?"
"I'm sorry about what you've gone through. And unfortunately as his guardian, I can't risk letting Hoseok stay here," the man's eyes and voice were kind and gentle.
I nodded with defeated agreement, "I understand."
"I promise you'll hear from him as often as possible. I'm sure he'll have lots to share about his travels anyway."
"Travels?" I asked. Hoseok looked at his uncle attentively.
"I was thinking we'd take a trip to Japan. I have a friend there who'd be more than happy to host us. He's a descendant of samurai and teaches swordsmanship. Hoseok and I have always talked about learning," he patted the boys shoulder and gave him a nod.
"Ah, that's right. When we come back I'll teach you what I know!" Hoseok winked at me. "Meanwhile try not to miss me too much, okay? Though, something tells me you won't get lonely anyway." Something in his voice set off an alarm in my head. I searched his face but he had turned away already. There was a hint of hurt in his voice and being the cause I wasn't sure how to sooth him.
"Will I see you again before you leave? To say goodbye." I asked him then looked to his uncle for answers.
"I'd like to say yes," the man said, "but...I think we've all learned that a lot can go wrong in a short amount of time. I'd say my goodbyes now just in case."
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Our farewell didn't consist of many words, but I could feel that both our minds were racing. It was like there was so much to say and an urgency to say them, but also uncertainty if now was the right time. In the end the safest choice was to say nothing. To just take in the warmth of his comforting embrace.
Until, they drove away and I stood outside the station by myself. At least at first.
"I know this is a police department and all, but some mobsters surveil areas undercover." Hoseok's dad stood next to me. "They call them 'spotters' here. It'd be safer for you inside."
"He's in there."
"Locked up in a cell. He won't hurt you."
A beat passed. In that beat a hundred thoughts flew through my head. I despised that horrible man. I hated that he found Hoseok against the odds and ruined the perfectly simple life we had. From now on I'll never feel safe in my own town or have Hoseok over for dinner with my family or even Summer nights of bike riding and ice cream. All because of the mob boss in the building behind me.
"How long do you think they'll be out of the country?" I asked, anxiously.
Inspector Jung sighed gravely, "Considering a mob boss of Woobin's caliber? Quite long, I'm afraid. No less than a year. Maybe two?"
I looked at him, appalled. Two years? It was like receiving a blow to the stomach. My hand pressed onto my navel, feeling sick.
"Although," he continued thoughtfully. "I'll bet if we can get enough proof of his involvement, we could finally put him away for good. At least then, whoever takes his place won't care who wronged the old boss. They'd be too busy making sure everyone else is loyal to them."
I thought to myself, if Woobin were imprisoned, Hoseok, my family and I... could be safe?
"You look like you have a lot on your mind. I'm relieved my son is friends with someone who uses their head often. I'll tell you what, why don't we step in my office and we can talk over some warm noodles, hm?"
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"Remember, stay-"
"Stay in the teacher's office until the officers come and get me. I know!" Minju complained before exiting the vehicle. The men in uniform up front made sure she got through. As for me, I couldn't help searching all around us for possible threats or anyone resembling Woobin's men. It was a new habit I wasn't sure if I'd ever learn to stop.
When my sister got through, we moved on towards my school next.
The probability that I'd see the inside of a police car in my life was extremely thin. Or at least, it should've been. Though, I guess knowing Hoseok sort of kicked up those odds without my knowing.
It had been several days since being kidnapped. My parents were hysterical at the police station. The poor things suffered so many near heart attacks already that I wished they hadn't been contacted in the first place. But I'd never been so grateful for our rare suffocating family hugs.
In more horrifying news, Woobin has been released despite being charged with kidnapping and infliction of injury on a minor. Apparently, mob bosses come with very good lawyers and a lot of money for bail. It's why the police were more frequently patrolling our street, the spa, and even driving Minju and I to school. I abhorred the looks from other students.
The sinister news of Woobin's release was also the only reason that I was alright with Hoseok leaving again. I hated knowing he was on the run and that I'd be graduating without him, but if it kept him safe, then I would have to be okay with that. And I am... working on it. Besides, being the witness who ratted him out put me pretty high on the mob boss' hit list too. I had my own life and family to worry about. The police aren't going to be our personal security and chauffeurs forever.
Why hadn't I listened to Hoseok when he told me not to say that I saw everything? His father was very convincing. I knew he just wanted my witness testimony when he invited me into his office, but I also couldn't pass up the chance to put Woobin in jail forever. But, alas, my effort was for nothing and I feared we could never truly return to our normal lives.
The officer driving let me out at the school gates as usual. I bowed my thanks and marched onward. Looking to and fro had become a daily routine. Not just to check for creepy men pretending to be substitute teachers but also to find the one person I thought I'd surely see in school.
Yoongi hadn't been seen by anyone since the day I was taken. If I knew where he lived, I'd check his house or ask his grandmother about him. I didn't understand Hoseok's worry when hearing that Yoongi hadn't been there at the bust. But maybe he was on to something?
Or maybe I was worrying too much again. He could be sick for all I knew, or needed a break from being around people. Whatever it was, I just hoped he was safe. Final exams were in a week. Then graduation a month after that. Will he be there?271Please respect copyright.PENANAV0lZzeULTZ