The engine echoed through a parking garage as we came flying in. It was a higher level so it wasn't as packed as the lower floors. When Yoongi stopped, I hopped off, quickly fixing my skirt before he turned around. When he removed his helmet, I chuckled at the mess of hair on his head and reached up and brushed it for him. His eyes retreated shyly the closer I got. Seeing his white shirt, I remembered to return his jacket that he lent to keep my skirt from flying up on the way.
"Keep it for now, you'll need it later."
I nodded then regarded our surroundings, "so what's here? Seems kind of random. You tryna get me kidnapped?" Yoongi gave me an unamused look. I shrugged innocently. "What? Too soon?" Joking about it even surprised me, but the truth is, I've never felt safer than now. Safer and happier, now that we were on good terms again. Also, something just felt different between us. I didn't know why or how describe how I knew. It was just a feeling.
"Walk to the end," he pointed toward one end of the row we were in. I looked at him, unsure. "Trust me, it'll be there."
I probably should've been more inquisitive since this place was an odd place to hold a graduation gift (unless it was a car, but I didn't think he was that cool) but the words 'trust me' sparked something. A kind of euphoric high in knowing I did in fact trust him and wanting to prove it to him. "Okay," I agreed confidently.
Even though I was sure the surprise wasn't a car, I still couldn't help looking for shiny new cars with a bow on them. When I felt a little too far from Yoongi for comfort, I glanced back at him. He watched me patiently, nodding each time when I needed assurance. I'd done this at least three times. On the third, while facing forward again someone had appeared. My breath hitched, eyes ready to fall out of their sockets. No, it can't be!
There in an oversized hoodie and baggy jeans was my best friend! An uncontrolled yelp echoed through the garage as I dashed and leapt into his arms. Tears falling.
"Hoseok-ah!" Weeping, I dug my face into his shoulder before bombarding him with questions. "How are you here? Why are you here? Did you sneak out again? Does your uncle know?"
"He knows, he knows," he reassured with comforting pats. "Don't worry, they're not looking for me anymore." Hoseok pulled away to look at me then ran his hands through my hair with an approving smile, "you cut your hair!"
I smiled through my tears. "I was gonna send you pictures once you had a phone."
"I guess there's no need now," he smiled.
"But wait, wait, wait, hold on." My mind was racing. "What do you mean they're not looking for you anymore? Are you sure? How did that happen?" Hoseok paused to think of what to say. His smile transformed. Like it was just a left over reaction as his mind moved to another thought. He nodded towards Yoongi with a look that was a mix of both aggravation and admiration. I followed his gaze to him who was now leaning on the railing, absently rubbing the same spot on his chest again. "I don't know the details. I just know it was all him."
We both stared over at Yoongi. This time a wave of warmth coursing through me. "Yoongi brought you back?"
"Yep," Hoseok sighed. "Best not to press him on the details though. He'd probably burst in flames if everyone found out what a softie he is." We both laughed.
After updating him on Jin and the spa, I told him all about graduation. I also decided to give him the chocolate Minho gave me. After all he would've been a graduate today too. When it was time to go, Hoseok promised I'd see him again soon. I was tempted to doubt him, but I agreed I'd be different now. I needed to have faith in my friends. So, with the biggest bear hug we both parted ways, however difficult.
When I returned to Yoongi, he had a nervous look on his face. Maybe he was shy about doing something sweet and wondered what my reaction would be. Whatever his reservations, it didn't stop me from throwing my arms around him. The action took him by surprise. He wasn't the only one. Holding him like this seemed so easy now.
"Thank you," I whispered.
Just like before, his arms made their way slowly around me and we stood like that for a peaceful while. Then he cleared his throat, breaking me out of the hypnosis caused by his enveloping embrace.
"Ready for the next one?" his asked a bit hoarse.
"There's another one?" I asked shocked. Yoongi hopped on the motorcycle and nodded toward the seat behind him. I got on and snuggly wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his back. When we stopped again, we arrived at a house. Its exterior design looked like a fancy apartment building. Dark wooded walls with complimenting pillars. A walk way lined with yellow lights that had turned on in time for the evening. Ferns and small trees meticulously placed among the landscaping. "Where are we?"
Yoongi pushed the bike further in and parked it. "My house."
My eyes whipped toward him, face warm, "y-your house?" He hummed in affirmative.
"Well, my grandmother's house more like. Come on," he led the way and I followed along nervously. The idea of Yoongi's home has always been a mystery to me. There was just something about someone's house that seemed personal. It felt like I was going to look into Yoongi's life, something I never imagined he'd be open to sharing.
I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe a minimalistic haven of neutral tones. At least then it would've matched the outside.
My jaw dropped at the white walls surrounding royal blue velvet furniture. Gold (or was it brass?) was sprinkled throughout the interior design - pillows, light fixtures, picture frames, decorative art, curtains. It was a lot more bright and cheerful than I was expecting Yoongi's home to be. It was beautiful!
We removed our shoes and proceeded deeper into the house where I could see a pretty dining room with an accent wall. Even a baby grand piano could be found in one corner of the room. Yoongi watched and waited as I wandered about the house, taking it all in. Pictures were on display everywhere. Pictures of Yoongi in his younger years - years when he smiled. It was hard not to smile back at his gummy little smile. The picture next to it almost made me choke on air. It was one of Yoongi and Jimin of all people. I could only guess it was taken during middle school.
"Halmeoni insists on keeping that one." Yoongi's voice dipped low in annoyance. He walked idly across the room and sat at the piano.
"Speaking of, shouldn't you let your grandma know you have company?" I whispered in case the old woman would pop out at any second. "I don't wanna be rude."
"It's just us," he said, nonchalantly playing a gentle tune.
"Ah...r-really?" I wiped my palms on my skirt. I hadn't noticed they were clammy 'til now. Holding my elbow, I continued to tour the room. Not that I could exclusively focus on the decor anymore...
I was just about to analyze possible reasons why he'd have brought me to his house when something caught me by total surprise. The melody Yoongi was playing... I knew it. The mystery of how he could know this song drew me closer to him. Leaning on the instrument, I watched his fingers fluttering effortlessly over the keys. Bumps raised over my skin when I realized that this wasn't the first time I'd seen him playing this song on a piano.
"Yoongi..." I say slowly, flabbergasted.
"Hm?" He played on.
"This song. I'm pretty sure I dreamt of it before. How do you know it?"
The boy didn't look up from the keys, "Same as you." The bump in his throat dipped. "You don't remember?"
I tilted my head thinking then shook it. Only then did Yoongi stop playing before getting up. "Wait here," he said. Despite being confused, I sat on the piano bench waiting while he disappeared down the hallway. When he re-emerged, he was holding a small blue gift bag with white tissue paper sticking out. He came back and sat next to me who shifted anxiously. "Here."
I took it with surprise that he actually went through the trouble of wrapping it. Whatever it was. "Thank-"
"Don't... thank me yet. You might hate it."
"No, I won't!"
Yoongi shook his head, "just go ahead and open it. You'll see."
Now I had to know what this was. Without wasting another second, I removed the tissue and fished out a wooden box. I froze, seeing the plain and beautifully polished coffee hued box. A silver winder sat on its side. Mixed feelings flooded within me. It looked like... that box. I couldn't be sure until I opened it, so I did. A silver cylinder covered in dots that resembled braille sat inside. I wound the handle at the side and it spun and played. And there it was...
The song! The same song that had haunted my dreams alongside Yoongi. It was an exact replica of the one I got him for our middle school graduation!
"It's just like-"
"It is. The same one."
I turned to him with narrowed brows, "but it can't be. You... well, it broke back then." A sting pierced my chest thinking back on that moment. A clip played in my head of him throwing the packaged box to the ground before shoving me down as his friends laughed. Yoongi swept his eyes through the room tapping his fingers anxiously on the piano. "At least... I thought it broke... after-"
"It was faulty, yeah." Still unable to look at me, Yoongi sighed deeply, as though about to plunge into a pool of icy water. "I wanted to take it, you know. The last time we spoke before that day, I yelled at you. And not only did you tell me that I wasn't a shit person but you also got me a gift because you still saw me as a friend - no matter how many times I tried to scare you off. I did so many stupid things back then and even after, but... what I did on that day was probably the most stupid."
I felt hope beginning to seep in but stayed quiet, hanging on every word.
"I actually thought I was gonna get to start over with you that day. I didn't think those idiots would show up when they did. I knew if they saw you looking all cheery, they'd want to change that themselves. Knowing they'd think of something worse to do to you, I did what I did and hoped it would satisfy them enough not to touch you." Yoongi absentmindedly wiped the dust off the black and white keys. "I'm not making excuses, by the way. It's just the 'why' that you deserve to know."
I caressed the edge of the box. At first it was a memory of that day. A day that had hurt me so much and had been the source of my fear and dislike toward Yoongi. All this time I thought his actions that day meant he really had hated me, that I annoyed him, disgusted him. But I was wrong! A barely visible crack had been in the corner of the lid. Now fixed and more beautiful than ever. I shook my head at the mere symbolism of it all. I cradled the box more carefully in my lap.
"Anyway, after I lost them, I went back for it - took it home and fixed it up."
"And you kept it all this time?" I asked, voice strained as I was touched by his side of the story. He nodded. "Why didn't you say anything earlier?"
Yoongi made a face, meeting my eyes at last, "how could I after that? It was the worse thing I'd done and you... you clearly wanted nothing to do with me after that point. Even when our eyes accidentally met, yours would shift away as though you hadn't seen me. It was like you erased me from existence." I grimaced. Having managed to bury every memory of our past encounters somehow had been mind boggling for me when they'd suddenly been unpacked by more and more encounters with Yoongi. The mind was a strange thing. "I thought the best way to make up for what I did was to keep their attention off you - Namjoon and the others I mean. When I found out we were going to attend the same high school, it was the least I could do as a penance."
I nodded slowly, understanding just how much he must've done to keep the crazy bullies attention away from me. It was very rare for loners to go without notice. I've always thought I was simply lucky to have gone as long as I did without incident.
"And it was going well too... until the ice rink." Yoongi winced and took another deep breath. "Yurim-ah..." the simple address set off fireworks in my chest. "The situation at the rink that day was my fault."
"Don't say that! Namjoon just slipped through your fingers once. It was bound to happen at some point. It's not your-"
"I sent them after Jin. I knew better. But I let my anger get the best of me."
I paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Angry at Jin. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. What did he do?"
The boy averted his gaze from me, his body completely antsy. The lump in his throat dipped again, his eyes blinking two times per second. He rubbed his hands on his thighs as he refused to answer.
"Come on, tell me! It's all in the past anyway. I won't get mad," I gave his shoulder a little push. The insistence only made him more fidgety. A perplexed smile had grown on my face as I had never seen him like this before. And not only that but his face had taken on a slight shade of pink. Min Yoongi was... blushing? Were his reasons that shameful?
"D-Does it even matter?"
"Does it matter to know the reason a whole messed up chain of events happened to me?" I joked sarcastically, chuckling. "Come on, just tell me."
"Itwasbecauseofyou," he blurted in a confounded mumble. An extra second was enough to decode the unintelligible moan that was his voice.
"M-Me?" I pointed to myself. I began to worry about what I must've said or done that got Jin in trouble. I recalled the collision between Jin and another poor soul who Namjoon had pushed. When I thought about it, I did remember Namjoon's gaze had been fixed on Jin. I'd been thinking that we just in the wrong place at the wrong time. However my confusion wasn't quelled. "Why me?"
Frustrated, Yoongi ran his hands through his hair, flashing the shaved undercut. "I guess it can't be helped," he sighed then shifted himself so that each of his legs were on either side of the bench, his body facing me. The new position made it harder for me to look at him. At least not without getting incredibly flustered. I held the music box more tightly, otherwise he'd see the tremor in my hands.
"W-w-what are you d-doing?" I choked, my temperature rising.
"Listen carefully. I'm only gonna say this once." I frowned at him wondering why he'd gotten serious all of a sudden. "I set them on Jin because he made you smile," he admitted like a toddler reluctantly admitting his wrongdoings to his teacher. If I weren't so taken aback by his words, I probably would've laughed at how adorable it was.
Perhaps my shock wasn't a good idea because he looked even more anxious. Yoongi struggled to find his words,
"Because if you think about it... all these years and he only noticed you then. You were doing fine skating on your own anyway. It pissed me off..." he lost confidence in his attempt to justify himself that each word became softer and less comprehensible.
The picture in our graduation slideshow where Yoongi watched me skate came to mind. Everything started coming together like a complete puzzle. Now it all made sense. I almost laughed aloud to myself at how stupid I had been. The signs were all there but I didn't want to see them. And here I thought that confessing my feelings would end with his disapproval or cold disappearance. I smirked, "Ya, Min Yoongi. Are you saying you like me?"
The boy pridefully avoided my gaze and cleared his throat in reluctance.
I tutted, "no? Huh, I guess I must've misunderstood." I shrugged dramatically then hopped off the bench. Setting the box on the baby grand, I walked around the side - waiting for him to take the bate. I looked across the piano towards him to give him my best puppy dog eyes. But he wasn't there. "Hm?"
A yank on my wrist spun me the opposite way where I came face to face with Yoongi. He stepped closer, bringing my back against the piano. Leaning on the instrument he set his arms on either side of me - our faces even closer than before. My breath hitched while my muscles tensed. Preferring to play it cool, I decided to say nothing. Knowing full well my voice would give away how wildly my insides were burning!
"Do you remember what I said about being friends?"
"That you didn't want to be friends," I answered entranced. It was something I resented earlier that day, but how could I focus on any other feeling than his closeness right now? Our skins weren't touching but I could feel his body heat engulfing me. My gaze helplessly flickered to his lips. I gulped.
"I meant it, you know," Yoongi slowly held up a brown bracelet. I was so distracted that it took a few seconds to realize he had taken it off my wrist. I reached up to grab it but he pulled it out of reach. I looked at him confused. "Yurim-ah, if friends is what you want to be, then you can't wear this."
"What are you-"
"Otherwise, if you want this back, know that if you wear this, it means that you're mine and I'm yours - officially. It's your choice."
My heart was out of control. You're mine and I'm yours. How could he just say that and make breathing feel like it was hardest thing in the world? I looked from the bracelet back to his face. He was still nervous but more attentive toward my answer. His feline eyes and porcelain skin had their own gravity. He wants me to be his. Was that what this whole day was about? Bringing Hoseok back, clearing the air about our past; he was showing me how he felt?
Staring deep into his indestructible gaze, I unhesitatingly took the bracelet into my hand. His grip tightened. Something flashed in his expression as we stayed in our shared intensity. It was as though he was asking me to be sure, so I yanked a bit harder. The response lit a spark in his eyes.
With a hint of playfulness, pulled the bracelet - and me - toward him. I thought he was challenging me still, but then I understood. And decided to beat him to it.
I stepped forward, releasing the tension on our game of tug-of-war which made him stumble backwards. I caught him by his shirt, both fists balled around a good wad of material. The next thing I knew, my lips were on his.
To my surprise his hands chimed in a lot faster this time, pulling me against him. Barely three seconds in and my senses were on overload. I thought I was prepared, that I had had enough experience with this kissing thing to keep my wits. Yet here I was, no longer aware of where I was or why I was there anymore. It didn't help that Yoongi had known all too well what he was doing. The longer we continued the hungrier his lips seemed to get and the closer my knees got to giving out.
Yoongi growled and I thought I'd collapse right then and there, until he took his lips away. I stood there dazed and confused. Breathless, I caught up to the present and watched him as he turned off an alarm. It must've been ringing for a while judging by his audible reluctance. I, on the other hand, was much to distracted to notice.
"My alarm."
"What for?" I began playing with my lips, feeling they had become a little swollen.
"A reminder. I told halmeoni we'd set the table before they got here."
"We? You accepted a task on my behalf?" And then an even more horrifying thought came to light. Horror struck my face. "Wait... she knows we're here? Alone?"
"Yeah, I told her I was bringing you here. Made me promise we wouldn't make out... or more," He raised an amused brow as he set his phone down. I let the possible implications of what he just said go since I could only worry about one thing at a time. What if she finds out we kissed? What if she finds out we betrayed her trust to let us alone? She'll hate me! Yoongi surveyed my expression and seemed to read me perfectly. "Just don't act as though we kissed and it'll be fine."
"Act? My lips are swollen! I can't hide that! This is all your fault!"
"Mine? You're the one who pounced on me," Yoongi chuckled but I was unamused. "Fine, fine, there's an easy hack for that. I'll teach it to you." He then flashed a smile and leaned in next to my ear. "In fact, now that your mine, I can teach you everything I know."
A shiver rippled through my body. I gulped. He promised his halmeoni that we wouldn't kiss but we kissed. He also promised we wouldn't do more... I contemplated what might've happened if we had more time to kill. I figured I'd enter that part of my life eventually but not immediately after high school! He wouldn't have gone further... would he? How were these things discussed among couples anyway?
Couples... that was knew.
"We should get started now." My elbow slipped off the edge of the piano.
"N-n-now?" I nervously clutched the hem of my skirt.
"Yeah, setting up the table," He bit his lip while leading the way to the kitchen.
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I sighed and shook my head watching him. Taking advantage of his absence from my personal bubble I made the conscious decision to be wary of getting carried away. "Hold on," I blinked, "Did you say 'they'?"
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We set the table for eight. It was a full house and the biggest family feast by far. Yes, my sneaky family had known about this dinner this whole time. Minju's strange behavior from this morning made sense now. The Jungs were there as well! Hoseok was his usual bubbly self - or rather his usual self when around my family. I may have learned his truest personality, but they still hadn't.
Luckily for me, my parents had brought a spare change of clothes and Halmeoni let me use her shower. And a good thing too. It would've felt less like a celebratory dinner if I were still in my school uniform. Plus, it got a bit hot today so it was best to for me to freshen up. Yoongi also cleaned up and emerged from the hall in a black knit sweater and light blue jeans - his sleeves pushed up with his black and gold bracelet hanging loosely around his slim wrist. Damp hair looked good on him. Dangerously good. I must have been staring because he met my eyes across the room and smirked.
I pointed my eyes to the table settings, needlessly dusting the wrinkles in my flowy pink dress.
My family sat along one side of the table while the graduates (and would be graduate) sat on the opposite side. I was nestled between Yoongi and Hoseok while their respective guardians sat next to them at the heads of the table.
Mr. Jung assured us that Heejae wanted to be here. However, the body guard had some matters to attend to concerning her Flock; the band of women she considered her family. And ultimately helped them out at the warehouse incident. Apparently they were relocating. I noticed Yoongi made a special effort to keep his eyes down during this news. However, I couldn't be sure since he was generally evasive in the presence of bigger groups of people. His input in conversations usually came in the form of nodding or awkward mumbles when he was made to answer.
Mom and dad kept Mr. Jung and Yoongi's grandmother occupied for the most part. Minju either watched me and Yoongi expectantly or made threatening looks at Hoseok when he'd tease her about staring instead of eating. It was rare for Yoongi to lean over to tell me something but whenever he did, his grandma would look towards us and give a smile that was hard to read. Each time she did that my lips ran for cover. Could she tell?
As I browsed the table for food both Yoongi and Hoseok had picked something up and moved to set it down on my rice at the same time. Realizing they'd both done this, they stopped and glowered at each other. I looked back and forth between them, anxiety building up. Minju gawked at us with big eyes while everyone else seemed to regard the moment with amusement - except for dad who was too distracted with separating a pair of perilla leaves.
"Mm, those were exactly what I was going to eat next!" I gave a nervous chuckle then took each of their offerings, piled them on my rice and shoveled them in my mouth. I looked at each of them encouragingly. They both merely continued silently.
Thankfully, dad chimed in about how business was going.
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On top of the house was a small roof area where Yoongi's halmeoni kept a small garden bed. Nearby was a swinging bench. Other than that there wasn't much else. As everyone insisted the graduates not worry about cleaning up, the three of us swung leisurely on the roof. All of us staring out into the moon dipped evening, the lights of the town resembling star in the night sky. I could see the mountain where the spa was! Though, any sign of it was hidden behind the mount's greenery. I pulled Yoongi's jacket tighter around me. Knowing we were heading outside, he fetched it from his closet earlier.
The night's chill made the moment magical. It was so quiet and peaceful that it was hard to think the past months were filled with so much pain and fear.
"What are you smiling about?" Yoongi asked.
I hadn't known I was doing it, but realizing it made my smile even brighter. Even he broke into one of his crooked smiles. "We're done with high school! That's plenty to smile about!"
"Easy for you guys to say," Hoseok mumbled.
"Oh, right." I scolded myself internally. "Well, don't worry, you just need to get your GED. I'll help you study!"
I heard Yoongi scoff, "is that so?" I looked at him to find an accusing brow. Sweat began beading on my forehead.
"Um...we can both help you study!" I patted Yoongi's knee, hoping to both assure him and ask that he show some support for Hoseok.
"I'm good," He looked away. I clicked my tongue and took my hand back, sulking.
I flew leftward against Hoseok, his arm plopped around my shoulder. Initially, I was merely curious about what he was doing and then I remembered... My eyes whipped toward Yoongi who was looking increasingly pissed with every second. It's not like there was much time during dinner to tell him that Yoongi and I were... well, official. And to be honest, I wasn't ready to tell anyone. "That's okay, we're used to studying together anyway - just me and her. So don't feel bad if it's not your thing. We'll be fine on our own." Something flashed in Hoseok's eyes as he smirked past me. He was taunting Yoongi. I shrugged him off,
"What are you-"
"That's a funny way to respond to the person who paid for your freedom." Yoongi retorted in a threatening tone. I turned to him confused, paid?
"Oh, that's right, my freedom. Should I ask what it was you paid for it exactly?"
The swing stopped abruptly, the two shifted toward the edge of the bench. Both looked ready to jump at each other. Quick, I seized both their hands, "STOP!" Hoseok and Yoongi were still as statues, their eyes still cold and hard as stone. "Make peace!" Neither of them seemed to have any intentions of making peace, though, at least my bracelet was enough to bring Hoseok's attention away from the terrifying death stare. They weren't even looking at me and I felt as though I'd burst into flames.
Hoseok suddenly slipped his hand out of mine and headed toward the door, triggering an uneasy feeling. Especially since he was leaving while the air hadn't been cleared yet. "I should see what everyone's up to," he said, barely audible.
"You'll say goodbye before you leave right?" I asked weakly, my confidence still shrunken from the unsettling vibe.
Before stepping through the door, he barely turned his head then nodded stiffly.
Silence returned, though the peace I felt earlier had long gone. I sighed feeling my mood had utterly spoiled. Following Hoseok's lead, I yanked my hand from Yoongi's, except instead of the door I stopped at the edge of the roof and rested there. A blinking red light traveled across the sky miles away, further than the mountain. Not long after, Yoongi came to stand next to me.
"Is this how it's going to be between the three of us now? Weren't you two friends at some point?" I murmured bitterly.
"At some points he wasn't a total idiot. Besides, that was when you were in danger. Now that there's no danger all that's left is our rivalry for you. So, yeah, that's what you can expect as long as he's in love with you." I flinched at the casual mention of Hoseok's feelings. My gaze dropped down at my hands. He scoffed, "So you did know. Were you really going to spend time with a guy you know likes you, that isn't your boyfriend?" Yoongi regarded the night's uncomfortable events with less anger and more patience this time. Maybe because it was just us.
"But he's not just a guy who likes me, he's my best friend. Are you telling me I can't be friends with my best friend?" A beat passed as he thought seriously to himself.
"Let's look at it from his perspective. He ran from his past, fell for you, watched you fall for some pretty boy who didn't know you existed, then he was tasked to protect said pretty boy while you two had your little romance," he spat as though he'd tasted something rancid, "recruited another poor soul who was in love with you to protect you while he protected him, only to be forced on the run again, then saved from running to return to you who he finds is with the guy who not only saved him but who was brought into your life by his own hand," Yoongi sighed shaking his head. "After all that do you think it'd be easy for him to see you everyday?"
Staring absently into the night, my limbs felt ten times heavier. Hearing everything packed into one like that... Had I broken Hoseok's heart? Was I only hurting him by holding on to him? A fleeting moment passed where I explored the feeling of letting him go but the ache was too much! I didn't even want to imagine it. What am I gonna do? I don't want to lose him but I don't want to hurt him either. The street lights before us started to blur into growing beams.
"Ah - I wasn't saying it's your fault - none of it is." He hastily explained; likely after noticing the pools in my eyes. "It's just life - it sucks sometimes. And I'm not saying you can't be friends with him. I'm just saying maybe you should give him some space - to move on and such." Yoongi squirmed around before stiffly placing his hand on my head, "D-don't cry."
Along with his awkward stance was an anxious look in his eyes showing a genuine desire to cheer me up. I was able to let out a feeble chuckle. "What kind of boyfriend comforts like that?" Yoongi took his hand back, embarrassed.
"What kinda girlfriend caters to another guy's needs?" He nudged my shoulder from the back.
I frowned, "But I've never been a girlfriend before. It's gonna take me a bit to figure it out. And even longer to get used to." Being in a relationship at all was already an intimidating development. Being in a relationship with Yoongi, I couldn't help feeling it was going to be a little different than what I'd seen in dramas. I gasped in surprised when I felt Yoongi wrap his arms around my waist. Fire and goosebumps blazed throughout my body as he rested his chin on my shoulder. (On second thought I don't think I was ready for the drama stuff either.)
"Don't overthink it. It's really not that complicated."
I tried to do as he said and focused on letting my thoughts go. After all we did just make it through a lot of craziness this year. And now I was in Yoongi's arms on a rooftop, overlooking the town. Everything was good now. Things were a little awkward with Hoseok, but we'll figure it out. My body finally began to relax.
Then in our quiet meditation I remembered something.
"What did you mean when you said that you paid for Hoseok's freedom?" I waited for an answer but he only held me tighter. Worried, I turned out of his hold to look at him who was reluctant to tell me anything; his fingers rubbing the same spot on his chest from earlier today.
Yoongi still held his tongue and I couldn't help but think that whatever he wasn't telling me had something to do with whatever was wrong with his chest; another thing he seemed to keep to himself about. I wasn't sure how he'd react to what I'd do next, but as his girlfriend, I had to have some privileges right?
I pulled up his sweater. Dumbstruck by my actions he quickly jumped back, making me lose my grip. But it was too late. I saw a flash of reddened, peeling skin all around a snake tattoo that was in the works. I stumbled backwards, my face slowly twisting in horror. A tidal wave of anxiety and hopelessness hit me in one fell swoop.
"It's gonna be fine. I know what I'm doing. You don't have to worry anymore!" But I wasn't listening. Instead I did a quick sweep of the streets below and the homes around us before pulling Yoongi away from the edge. He grabbed my hands, shaking them to get my attention, "Yurim-ah, listen to me."
"I thought it was done!" I broke down unable to hold in my anxiety. "I thought everything was fine but they got you!"
"They didn't get me, I went to them." Through thick tears, I peered at him dumbstruck and speechless. "I made a deal. I'd sell them the remainder of my dad's properties in exchange for letting Hoseok go and immunity on you and our families. No one's gonna hurt you or your family anymore."
"But aren't those properties your grandmother's? How can you sell them?"
"She said we'd start transferal of ownership right after I graduate, so it works out."
"I don't know about this," I said, pacing, trying not to throw up. "He just wants those properties, that's it? Judging by that, I doubt it." I pointed at his chest. Yoongi sighed and nodded,
"He said since the deal involves depriving him of a life owed, that a life should be gained in the former's stead. Basically, he sees more value in exchanging Hoseok's blood for someone he can actually use. And it looks like he may want someone in real estate under his control." He shook his head in deep thought. "The guy really is planning on building up an empire here."
"And you're gonna help him..." My knees gave in and I ended up plopping ungracefully on the swinging bench, my shoulders slumped toward the floor. This whole situation was a newly cut wound and I just knew trouble was inevitable. "You shouldn't have done this. At least then Hoseok could still be safe on the run and you..." My voice broke, "You would've been safe and free. You could have walked away completely clean from all this." Yoongi sat next to me before tenderly peeling away the hair that had been plastered to my face by my tears and tucked them behind my ears.
"You and your family would've been used to get to him. I had to," Yoongi brought my shaking frame into his chest, albeit with a sharp but subtle breath due to the sting. I snuggled up against him as carefully as I could. His warmth even now could tempt me to forget all my worries. We stayed like that until the salty streaks on my cheeks had dried.
"What would you have done if I didn't wear the bracelet?" I looked up at him. "You made the deal not even knowing what I'd say." Yoongi showed a half amused, half confused look.
"That's because the deal wasn't dependent on your answer. In fact, you were mad at me at the time, if I remember correctly," He raised a brow at me.
"That's... half true." I winced. "I thought I was mad at you but I was just angry at how things turned out. And angry that I had fallen for someone who had abandoned me once already. Or so I thought. I'm sorry." I laced our fingers together. Yoongi appeared relieved, though I wasn't sure if it was due to the fact that I hadn't actually been mad at him or the admittance that I liked him even then.
"Anyway... friend, girlfriend, enemy - it didn't matter. I made that deal so you'd be safe - and happy with the people you wanted by your side." Shy, he avoided looking at me while he said this. Touched, I caressed his hand with my thumb.
Protecting me from Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook, ever since middle school. Then from Woobin's gang on more occasions than one. Not to mention that just like Hoseok, he'd been protecting me while I had my eyes on Jin. And he still looked out for me when I myself had chased him away.
I sat up and led his chin into a gentle kiss.
"Just be careful," I said earnestly then nuzzled into the curve of his neck. In turn he held me tight, rubbing warmth into my arms in the cold night.
"I will. Everything will be okay." The low fruity tone of his voice tempted me to sleep right there in his arms and at the beginning of an unknown path.
I don't know what was going to happen from here on out. And I didn't doubt there were complications ahead. I was scared, there was no denying that. But I wanted Yoongi. I wanted to trust him and earn the love he'd shown me this whole time. Even if I was too blind to see it before. I wanted him to be happy - to never be alone, especially for what came next in his life.245Please respect copyright.PENANAcyJvpWLp4J
And I damn well wasn't going to lay down and let those mob bastards interfere with that.
"Yeah." I replied with determination. "It will be."
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