My name is well I really don't have a name. You see I am a turned vampire. We are sold as sex slaves or pets. Humans or born Vampires could bye us. I had been here the longest so that means I was put in the back row of cages. I was 16 and had been here since I was 5. 'Since I was here the longest I wasn't fed often so my body weight was horrible. The store was about to open so I curled into a small ball and tried to get warm and went to sleep.
Alex's POV
I had just arrived to pet store and the bell jingled as I walked in.
"Hello Mr. Thatcher. what can I help you with today?" The shop keeper asks
"I'm looking for a vampire" I say not looking at him
"Well look around and if you see one you like just give a holler" He says and walks away
I walk around the rows of cages and then I see a tiny vampire boy in the back and smirk. I walk over and look inside and seen he was sleeping.
"Come" I shout
The shop keeper runs over and I point to the boy and the man looks shocked.
"I'll take him. Get him collared and stripped now" I say
the man nods and opens the cage and yanks the boy out who whimpers. He clips on a collar and rips the clothes from his body. I pull out a shirt from my pocket and hand it to the man. He slips it on the boy and I clip on a leash. I drag him to the front desk and sign the papers and pay for him and then we head home. When we arrive home and I drag the boy out and into the living room. I take a seat and he kneels in front of me.
"I am your Master and that is what you will call me at all times. First I want you to eat and then we will wash you and then get you into some clothes. Now can you read?" I ask
He doesn't look up and doesn't answer me but I can hear his mind running wild.
"Why would he want me? Why would he buy a pathetic vampire? I can't even read. I can't even talk right" His minds runs
"First off I bought you cause I can. Yes you may be pathetic but we can fix that. and reading is no a necessary thing. And it's ok if you can't speak properly we can work on that. Now what is your name?" I ask
"n-no n-name" He stutters out
"Alright. Well your name is gonna be Felix. Now let's get you some blood." I say
I stand and walk to the kitchen and come back with a small glass of blood and a syringe. I sit and dip the syringe in the blood and pull some into it.
"I will feed you this way so you don't drink so fast and get sick." I say
He nods softly and he scoots forward. I slip the tip between his lips and push the blood into his mouth. He grips my wrist and sucks hard. I reach down and pop his thigh hard.
"Don't do that or I will take it away" I snap harshly
He whimpers and stops sucking. I push the rest in his mouth and continue to feed him this way til the glass is gone. He leans back and sighs in content and I smirk.
"Now let's get you a bath" I tell him
He nods and I stand and we walk to the bathroom. I plug the tub and fill it with water. Once it was full I switched off the tap and turned to face the boy.
"Strip and get in" I tell him
He stiffens but does as told and once he is in I get to washing him up real good. Once he was cleaned I told him to step out and I dried him off. We didn't need to go shopping cause I had already bought things for him so that was something less i had to worry about. I tossed the towel in the laundry bin and walked to the bedroom and into the closet. I come out with some clothes and handed them to him and told him to put them on. he looked down at them and I could hear his mind start to run but he didn't question it instead he just slipped on the clothes.
"now we are going to go over your rules. If you fail to break any of these rules you will be punished how i see fit. Now you know to always call me master. Next you will have a list of chores to do before I get home from work. If they aren't done you will be punished for everyone you did not finish. Number three you are to be kneeling on a pillow by the front door when it is time for me to arrive home every day. Number four never remove your collar. Number five always show respect to other doms. number six never tell me no. Number seven always use your manners. Number eight Never leave the house without me. Number nine never touch yourself. Number ten always let me know where your going in the house. Do you understand?" I ask
He nods stiffly at me and I smirk.
"Come on I want to hear you speak" I tell him
"Ok Maswer" He says but cringes when it comes out wrong
"It's alright we can work on that. But for now my friend is coming over with his pet. So behave and maybe my friend will let his pet speak with you about some things" I tell him
He nods and I stand and he stands and follows me downstairs just as the doorbell rings. Janice opens the door and in come Hunter and his pet Tate. i take a seat and pull my pet into my lap knowing he will be scared around another dom. Hunter takes a seat and Tate kneels beside him.
"Ooh who is this fresh meat?" Hunter asks licking his lips
"Hunter knock it off. This is Felix and I just got him today. As you can tell his is under weight but we will fix that slowly. I'm gonna have Amber come by and take a good look at him for some extra health tips" I tell him
"Ah I see." Hunter says
"Pet why don't you and Tate for over there and have a chat" I tell him
He looks at me shyly but nods softly again. I pat his leg and send him on and Tate skips over with him.
Tate's POV
Master Alex and my master told us to go talk so that's what we did or I did I should says.
"So Felix how old are you?" I ask
"s-sixteen" he mumbles
"Oh your two years old than me. How long were you in the shop?" I ask
"since five" He says softly
"Oh my I'm very sorry. But Master Alex is a great Master. Your his first pet. Are you a virgin?" I ask
"What is?" He asks confused
"Oh um maybe Master Alex should explain that. Talk to him about it later. So what do you like to do?" I ask
"What mean?" He asks confused
"Do you like to do anything you enjoy?" I ask confused myself
"Not know" He says
I stand up and walk over and wait to speak to the Masters.
"Master Alex?" I say
"Yes Tate?" He says
"Could I have a coloring book and crayons? He doesn't seem to know anything I thought this could be a good start" I say timidly
"Of course. You know where they are. Grab you one" He tells me
I nod and skip off and come back sitting down by Felix. I open the book and pull out two pages and give one to him and one for myself. I open the crayons and dump them out and show him how to color. Once he was done he showed me and for him not to know what he was doing he did ok. He was all out of the lines but for his first time it was great.
"Why don't you show your master" I tell him
He nods softly and stands and walks over and waits like I did.
"Maswer" I hear him mutter
"Yes pet?" Master Alex answers
Felix hands over the paper and master alex looks it over and smiles slightly.
"You did great pet. We can put it on the fridge and when you start learning more we can start a scrap book" Master Alex tells him
"OK. Can drink?" He asks shyly
"Your thirsty?" Master Alex asks
Felix nods and Master Alex walks away and comes back with a glass of blood. He makes Felix sit down and hands him the cup. I guess he never drank out of a glass before because he started making a mess and I walked over to him and knelt beside him. I helped him drink from it and once he was finished I helped him clean his face. we went and sat back down and I looked at Felix and he looked sad.
"Are you ok?" I ask
"not know. Feel like baby. You help Felix" He says but i understood him
"It's ok to have help sometimes. Tell me Felix are you potty trained?" I ask
"What mean?" He asks
"Do you use the bathroom on yourself or do you know when to go to the bathroom when you gotta go?" I ask
"Not bathroom. Never use. On myself" He says
I nod and our Masters call us over.
"Master Alex" I say
"Yes Tate?" He says
"Um I spoke with Felix. He isn't potty trained. Also he struggled with a glass. Um I have a idea" I say shyly
"And?" he says
"Diapers and sippy cups or a bottle. Just til he gets the hang of it. From what I understood he was at the shop since he was five and judging from his weight and speech he may be a little" I tell him
"And how would you know?" Master alex asks
"I'm a little. But not all the time." I say honestly
"Alright thank you for letting me know. Looks like we have to go out shopping today anyways. Tate would you like to join us? You were a big help today and I want to say thank you" He asks me
"Can I daddy?" I ask my master
"I don't see why not. You have been well behaved and have helped out a lot with Felix" He tells me
I grin and nod at Master Alex.
Alex's POV
I stand and we all walk to my SUV and head to the ageplay shop. when we arrive Tate helps Felix out and we all enter together. I grab a cart and Tate tells me what is best and what Felix would probably like.
"What about a stuffie and blanket? I mean he is new to this and he is scared so it may help with his stress" Tate tells me
"Good idea. And when your done you pick you a new sippy and stuffie" I tell him
He grins and smiles happily and skips over grabbing some more things I may need. Once we were on the way out Tate skipped over and grabbed a booster seat and come back.
"He is tiny and a seat belt would kill him instantly" Tate says
I nod and pay for everything and we head back to the house. Once we were back Tate and Hunter said their goodbyes and left for the night. Once they were gone I got everything put away and got Felix into a diaper and some jammies.
"Alright time for bed. You will sleep with me" I tell him
He nods softly again and I groaned.
"i want you to give me a verbal answer from now on" I tell him harshly
"OK Maswer" He whispers
"I want to hear your voice so speak up no more whispering. If you whisper it will get you a punished" I tell him
"Ok Maswer" He says speaking up
"that's better." I say turning off the light
I crawl in the bed and I feel him stiffen and whimper and I sigh. I finally dose off and wake up to crying in the middle of the night. i sigh and groan and roll over and turn on the lamp and roll over and look at my pet.
"What's wrong?" I ask
"Scared" He whimpers
"Why?" I ask
"Dark" He whispers
"Well get use to it and go back to sleep" I tell him
I roll over and turn the light back out and close my eyes. I continue to hear him sniffle and i groan. I turn the lamp back on. I roll out of bed and walk over lifting him up. I walk to his isolation room and dump him on the bed. I walk out locking the door and head back to my bed. I crawl in and turn the light off and drift back off to sleep. When I finally wake up the next morning I was so tired and just wanted to go back to sleep but I knew I couldn't and had to go to work. I got up and showered and slipped on some boxers and sweats and headed to the isolation room. I unlocked the door and walked in. My pet was awake and looked tired but I didn't care. I walked over and picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. I stripped him down and placed him in the tub washing him up quickly. Once done I walked into the bedroom and laid him on the bed. I walked in his closet and grabbed some leggings and a long sweat. I grabbed a diaper and walked over dressing him. Once done I got dressed and packed his bag. I carried him down stairs and out the door and buckled him in the car. I got in and drove to the office.
"I am the owner of my own company. You will behave or I will punish you in front of everyone. Do you understand?" I ask
He didn't answer me and it pissed me off. So when we got to my building I got out and got him out and we walked inside and straight to my office. once settled I called my assistant in.
"Yes Mr. Thatcher?" Jacob says
"Can you bring me breakfast please?" I ask
"Of course Sir. Usual?" He ask
"Yes please. And make sure from now on the fridge is stocked with fresh blood. Also I need a microwave put in and I have a list of things I needs you to go get for the office" I tell him
"Of course sir. Let me get your breakfast first. You need to eat" He says and walks out
I shake my head cause he worries about me to much but it what makes him great at his job. I start reading over some paperwork when Jacob walks back in and places my food down and starts cleaning up my mess and laying my food out in front of me. Once he was done he handed me my fork and I started eating and walked away and got me a drink and come back sitting it down and handing me some vitamins. I roll my eyes and he gives me a stern look so I take them and smile at him.
"Now where is that list?" he asks
I nod at the end of my desk and he nods and walks out. About two hours later he comes back carrying many things and drops them and starts cleaning up my breakfast mess. He takes it away and comes back putting everything i asked for away. Once he was done he looked everything over and nodded to himself.
"Anything else sir?" He asks
"Can you change him?" I ask
"of course. Come with me slave" Jacob says
Felix follows him out and comes back crying and I look at Jacob.
"He tried biting me so I popped him in the mouth" He says
"thank you jacob. Can you fill a bottle with warm blood and then lay him in the pack n play and then go on with todays work" I say
He nods and gets the bottle and fills it warming it up as well and then walks over to Felix who flinches away from him. Jacob rolls his eyes and yanks him up and my pet let's out a whimper. He was placed in the play pen and laid down with the bottle.
"Drink slowly or you will get sick" I call over to him
"Ok maswer" He says
He starts drinking and Jacob walks over plopping down for a minute.
"You okay?" I ask
"I"m having to put my slave down" He mumbles
"What why?" I ask
"Bit by a werewolf while at the park. He is in the painful state now and I can't let him suffer" Jacob mumbles
"Why not put him down and get another one?" I ask
"I've had him so many years I wouldn't know what to do with a new one" He tells me
"What if I went with you to look today?" I ask
"You would do that?" Jacob asks
"Jacob you worry about me more than you should. You make sure I eat right and exercise and take care of my every need. Let me worry about you for one day" I tell him
"Thank you sir. I would love to go today" He says
"Jacob stop calling me sir. Just call me Alex." I tell him sternly
he smirks and stands and walks over to me and leans down.
"Sir bothers you. What about daddy?" Jacob says grinning
"Don't tease me pet." I growl at him
"Don't you wanna play daddy?" He purrs in my ear
"Jacob not now we both have work to do but if your a good pet for me I'll play with you tonight" I tell him
He sighs but nods and kisses my cheek and straightens up. He turns and I grab his wrist and yank him back to me and kiss him hard. He moans into my mouth and I smirk and bite his bottom lip.
"Now be good baby boy and get to work" I whisper against his lips
"Ok daddy" He whispers and walks out
I worked for a while and then felix started sniffling. I got up and walked over to him and picked him up and noticed he was wet. I sighed and laid out he changing mat and got to work changing him. Once he was dry I laid him back in the pack n play telling him to take a nap. I worked for a while and decided it was time to head home. So i gathered everything and my pet and headed home. when I got home I got my pet put in his cage and sighed when he started crying. I was so over this shit so I went to bed not caring that it was crying out in that damn cage.