Maggie's POV
When master told me to get ready I was scared. I knew this day would come and he would start treating me like a real slave and I was terrified. I sighed but got dressed and walked down taking my spot at the table. My breakfast was placed in front of me and I waited on him to tell me I could eat. He nodded and I started and by time I finished it was time to leave. Master walked over to me and clipped a collar around my neck and I flinched from him.
"Sorry cold hands" I mumble
"It's alright. They are rather cold" He says
He clips on the leash and I tense.
"it will come off as soon as we make it to my office" He tells me
"Yes Sir" i say bowing my head
he nods and we get in the car and we drive to a huge building. When we arrive Master parks the car and we head inside. We make it to his office and he removes the leash like promised.
"The collar has to stay while we are here." He tells me
I nod and look around. I walk over to the huge window and I see the beach and I smile softly.
"It's pretty" I mumble
"It is a nice view. Would you like me to place a small table there so you can see out?" He asks
I look at him and nod softly and smile. Jessie walks in and I smile and run over to her and hug her. She giggles and hugs me back tightly.
"Jessie could you take Maggie to look for furniture for her corner? And get her a tablet and phone" Master says
"Of course. Come on sunshine. Let's go put a dent into that black card" she says taking my hand
I look at master and he nods and I leave with Jessie. By time we got back four hours had passed and we walked back in his office carrying so many bags. I put them down and pulled out a box for Master and walked over to him placing it on his desk. He looks up at me and opens the box and smiles. He pulls out a silver tie and chuckles.
"Thank you pet. I love it" He says
"Your welcome. and thank you for letting Jessie take me out. Could we go to the beach sometime? I asked Jessie but she said we didn't have time today" I say
"Maybe this weekend" He says
"Ok" I whisper
"Now what all did you buy?" He asks me
"Well Jessie is having some guys bring my desk and chair in now. I bought a tablet and phone and some drawing supplies and some stuff to make my corner my own. And Jessie made me buy clothes while we were out" I tell him hoping he wouldn't get mad for spending so much
"Ok good. I will send you with her again soon to actually buy clothes and things for your room"" He tells me
"could we paint my room purple?" I ask
"Sure" He says
He starts looking through the bags and pulls out cigs and I froze when he glared at me.
"What is this?" He asks
"They are Jessie's. She dropped them in cause our hands were full" I tell him
"Pet do not lie to me. Jessie doesn't smoke" He shouts at me
I whimper and step back and before I knew it I was being bent over the desk and he was spanking me hard.
"stop please" I begged
He continued and then we hear a gasp. I was sobbing and struggling to get away.
"What the hell?" Jessie snaps
"She lied says the cigs I found were yours" He hisses at my trembling figure
"Lucian your moron. They are mine. I started smoking months ago." She screeches
Lucian's POV
I look down at my pet in horror. Her trembling figure was struggling against my hold. I pulled back and she fell to the ground and she scrambled away from me quickly. Jessie picked her up and glared at me.
"You should have just asked Lucian. Now all the trust you have built up is gone. I'm taking her home with me for the week" Jessie says
"No Jessie you aren't. She is my slave and I will deal with it. Now place her down and you may leave" I say daring her to argue with me
She sighs and leaves and I walk over to Maggie and she scrambles away from me. I walk over and yank her up and I growl.
"Do not run from me slave. You belong to me" I snarl
She whimpers and hangs her head. I pack up for the day and slip a collar and leash on Maggie and we head home with all the bags.
I didn't understand why he was being so mean now. I was hurting and scared. When we got back home Master pulled me out and we went inside. He sat down and I kneeled by his feet.
"Go to bed" He snarls
I jump up and run to my room and close the door. I change clothes and slip in bed and closed my eyes. I don't know when i fell asleep but I was woke up by my door slamming open. Master walked up to me and yanked me out of bed. He bent down and sank his fangs in my neck and I screamed from the pain. I don't know how long her drank from me but when he was done he pushed me away and walked out closing the door. I cried and crawled in the bathroom starting the water in the tub. The bedroom door opened again and Master came in the bathroom dragging me to my bed. He pushed me down and tied me to the bed. Next thing I knew he was ripping my clothes from my body and he gagged me with my panties. He spread my legs and smirked and he slammed his cock in me. I screamed feeling my virginity being ripped from me. He fucked himself into me hard and fast til he was done and when he was done he untied me and smirked and left. I crawled into the bathroom and into the tub and cried. I seen my razor so i pulled out a blade and started cutting my arms, legs and my wrists. I sighed and laid back closing my eyes.
Master's POV
I sighed laying in bed. I couldn't believe i treated her like that. I felt so bad. I called Jessie and sighed when she answered.
"Jess I'm sorry" I tell her
"I know Lu. It's ok. Did you feed to help?" She asks
"i did but then i drank from Maggie. I over drank and I hurt her Jess. I really hurt her" I say crying into the phone
My door opens and Jess hangs up running over to me. She hugs me and I cry into her shoulder.
"Lu baby it's ok. She will forgive you. It was a accident. It's going to bed ok" She tells me
"I'm gonna check on her. Could you fix her some dinner?" I ask
She nods and leaves and I head to Maggie's room. When I open the door she isn't in bed so I walk in the bathroom and stop in my tracks.
"Jess" I roar
I scoop Maggie out of the rub and wrap her in a towel.
"Maggie baby come on breathe" I say
Jess runs in and gasps and gets to work helping me.
"I call John." Jess says
About ten minutes later John runs in and gasps. He gets to work and heals her right up and I carry her to my bed and I take a seat by the window. The next morning she wakes up she looks around and I walk over to her. She scrambles back and I sigh.
"Maggie. I'm sorry. I drank to much. I'm so sorry I hurt you" I tell her
She looks terrified and I sigh. Jess walks in and smiles seeing maggie. Maggie scrambles over to her and hides behind her and I groan and hang my head.
"Maggie go to your Master. I'm leaving" Jessie tells her
She whimpers and Jessie glares. Maggie comes over and kneels in front of me and Jessie winks and leaves.
"I'm sorry" Maggie whimpers
I sigh and lean down and pick her up placing her in my lap.
"It's ok baby. I'm sorry I hurt you." I tell her
"It's ok daddy" She says looking up shyly at me
I smirk and wink at her and she blushes bright pink.