Hi my name is Justin and I have a twin brother Jason. We are vampires and we own three pets. Nekos to be exact. They were all boys considering Jason and I are gay. Lately we were getting bored of our pets. I walked in our room and plopped down on our bed next to Jason. Yes we slept together. We did everything together. I leaned over and kissed his cheek and he grinned at me.
"I think it's time for a new pet. I heard they had a new virgin neko at the auction tonight. Maybe can get him and ruin him." Jason say crawling on top of me
"Sure love. Maybe we can both mount him." I whisper
He growls and kisses me hard. I kiss him back just as hard and then he rolls off of me. He gets dressed as do i. After getting dressed we walked down stairs.
"Hello pets" I say
"Master" they says bowing their heads
"Jason and I have somewhere to go. Jennie is in charge til we get back. Do not misbehave" I say
They nod and Jason and I leave. We arrive at the auction and take a seat. Jason holds my hand and I kiss the back of it. He smiles and a man drags a shaking neko on stage.
"Here we have a rare male neko. He is a virgin, 16, brown hair, green eyes, and is only 4 ft 8 inches tall. He is very small." He says
"700,000" Jason says standing up
"Sold" The man yells
Jason walks up and pays and then throws the tiny neko over his shoulder and we head back to the house. When we arrive we walk in the living room and Jason drops him to the floor. The boy let's out a yelp and i smirk.
"First off you will call us Master. You will follow our rules or you will be punished. We own three other pets or sex slaves." Jason says
the boy whimpers and curls into himself more. The other pets run in and gasp.
"Pets this is Luke our new pet. You will behave and treat him as you do each other. Now Dylan take him and show him the positions and prep him for the both of us" I say standing up
"Master can Charlie and I go play?" Phil asks
"No pet. You know the rules." I tell him
He looks at Charlie with teary eyes and whimpers. Charlie hugs him tight and Phil pushes him off and runs out of the room. Charlie looks at us with hate and anger and I look at Jason.
"Want to tell us what that was about?" I ask
"Phil and I fell in love. Of course we haven't done anything about it because of the rules." Charlie whispers
"One time Charlie. One time to show him how much you care. If you want to make it special talk to Jennie and she will help you." I tell him
He looks at me with teary eyes and launches himself at me and hugs me tight. I look at Jason and he smiles and nods. I wrap my arms around him and hug him back.
"Thank you Justy" He whispers
I smile and kiss the top of his head.
"Go get em tiger" I whisper
he pulls back and runs over hugging Jason who scoops him up hugging him tightly.
"If you want him to stay then give him this" Jason says
He hands him something and Charlie nods and runs off. I turn and walk over to Jason and yank him to me. Just as I was about to kiss him Dylan walks in with a shaking Luke.
"He is ready Master" He says angrily
"Go to your room Dylan. I will deal with you and your attitude after we take care of Luke" I spit at him
He whimpers and runs off to his room.
I walk over and throw Luke over my shoulder and we walk to our room. Jason shuts and locks the door and comes over ripping the clothes from Luke. Jason grabs the lube and I get under Luke. I pull out the huge butt plug and toss it to the floor. Jason pours lube over my cock and I shove it into Luke in one go. I can still feel the looseness in him. Jason lubed up and shoved in with me. Luke screamed out and Jason bit down onto his neck. We pulled back and shoved back in hard. Before we knew it we were pounding into him hard and fast. We were drinking from him and I look at Jason and he nodded and we released at the same time. we pulled back and could see our mixed cum dripping out of his abused hole. He was so stretched we could see in him. I smirked and smacked his ass and he yelled out.
"Jason take him to his room and i'll go deal with Dylan." I tell him
He nods and lifts Luke up gently being nice since it was his first time and carried him to his room.
Things have been good except that Luke kept getting sick so we called in a friend of ours that was a doctor. I walked in Luke's room and seen him fiddling with his fingers.
"Luke" I say
He whimpers and his ears lower in his head.
"Yes?" He whispers
"Come on the doctor is here" I tell him
"PLease don't make me" he whimpers
"You have to" I tell him
"I know what's wrong" He whispers
"And that is?" I ask
"I'm pregnant" I hear him say
"What?" I ask
"I'm pregnant." he says
He stands and lifts his shirt and I see his round belly. I walk over and grab his arm and drag him to Jason and Tyler (the doctor). I force him to sit and I start pacing.
"What's wrong?" Jason asks
I walk over to Luke and jerk him up and lift his shirt.
"He's fucking pregnant" I snap
"What? How?" Jason asks
"I can explain that. Some male nekos can get pregnant. They are born with boy part but when you fuck him your basically fucking a pussy. He has all the parts to get pregnant. I have a ultrasound machine in my car. I'll go get it and we can check on everything and decide what your going to do" Tyler says and walks out
"So what do we do?" Jason asks
"Well we make him get rid of it of course" I snap
"No. this is my baby to. If you don't want it that's fine. I'll raise this baby but you won't kill a innocent child." Jason snaps at me
I sigh nod knowing he is right. Tyler walks back in and makes Luke lay down and lift his shirt. He gets to work and Tyler looks closely.
"Well as far as I can tell he is almost 3 months along. There is only one baby. He needs to eat more healthy and exercise more. He may need to drink blood cause the baby may be vampire and neko. If the baby is both he will reject his own baby. After the baby is born I would keep luke away if he starts acting odd around his own child. I know nekos are slaves but if this baby is both vampire and neko then the baby will be considered normal. it has happened before. he will have a natural birth. He will need to take these pills to give extra nutrients." Tyler says
We nod and he leaves. I turn to look to see all our pets standing there.
"Well Luke here is pregnant with our baby. He is going to need a lot of attention so you probably won't get any attention from us for a while." i tell them
"That's not fucking fair. We all deserve your attention" Dylan shouts
I walk over to him and back hand him sending him to the floor. The other two jump and look scared.
"Go on to your room loves. Your not in trouble. I have something for you two but it will have to wait til i'm done now" I tell them
"Yes master" they say
"Boys" Jason says
"Yes Sir?" They say shaking
"calm down. It is fine. I think you will like what we got you" He tells them smiling and kisses their foreheads
They smile and nod and walk over together.
"Luke go to your room" Jason says
Luke whimpers but nods and runs off. Jason leans down and yanks Dylan up by his hair and he screams out. He drags him to the basement which is the punishment room and dylan starts struggling, Jason gets tired and throws him over his shoulder.
"Make the call" Jason says
I nod and whip out my phone calling some people. About ten minutes later a bunch of guys walk in and smirk.
"Dylan these are some friends of ours. The are sadists and they are going to deliverer your punishment. Boys I want a cock cage on him. We will back back in two hours" I tell them
Jason's POV
We walk out and leave them to do as they please. We walk to the boys room and smile when we walk in. they were laying on the bed watching cartoons.
"Boys" I say
They jump up bowing their head and I chuckle.
"Follow us" I tell them
They nod and follow me and Jason to a bigger room and we stop in front of the door. I open it and push it open and step aside and motion for them to go it. When they step in a pug puppy barks and Phil squeals and scoops it up. Justin and i took a seat and looked at them.
"This is going to your room from now on. You two still belong to us but your going to be servants and will make money to pay for the things this little guy needs." I tell them
They look about ready to cry and Jason and I open our arms and they leap into them. They pull back and thank us over and over again. We tell them they are welcome and walk off to find Dylan. When we reach the basement Dylan was bleeding and sobbing horribly.
"From now own you will be our slut. You will do as we say or we will sell you to a sadist. And if we find you around Luke you will die right then and there" Justin says
We walk out and go to Luke's room to find him reading the the baby. We sit down and wait til he finishes and smile.
"We have decided that once you have the baby you will be moved to the servants quarters. You will pump and place it in the fridge. You won't be aloud around the baby" I tell him
He sucks in a breath and his bottom lip quiver and he rubs his tummy but nods non the less. A tear slips down his face and we sigh.
"Come on we are horny. Hands and knees" Justin says
Luke whimpers but does as told and turns over.I get to work stretching him and Justin slathered me in lube and I shoved in full force. Luke didn't make any sound so we kept going.
He shoved in and it hurt like a bitch but I didn't make a sound. I felt Justin slam into me with Jason but I still didn't move or make any sound. I didn't even cry. I just laid there and let them use me. When the came they got up and started getting dressed. I rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom and got a shower. Once done I went back and changed my sheets and climbed back in bed for the night. Once they told me they were taking my baby I kinda just shut down.
Two week's later
I haven't spoken a word to anyone and the doc was coming any minute to check on the baby. I was laying in bed when all three of the guys walked in. I laid flat and lifted my shirt. Doc started the sonogram but I turned my head away not wanting to see what I would never see again.
"So as of right now he has about three months to go. Hybrids give birth faster and develop faster. He will be having a baby girl. Now do you have any questions?" Doc asks
"Luke?" Doc says
I look at him and sigh.
"Questions?" He asks
I shake my head once and he looks at me curiously.
"Alright then. See you in two weeks." He says and leaves
"Have you noticed anything wrong with Luke?" Doc asks when we walk out
"No not really" Jason says
"Boys he is depressed bad. He didn't even look at the sonogram the entire time" He says
"why would he be depressed?" I ask
"Have you two told him anything to upset him?" Doc asks
"Just that once the baby was born he wouldn't be aloud around the baby" I say
"You stupid idiots. Telling a mother hybrid they can't see their infant causing them to shut down. And this baby will be a hybrid so you can't keep her from it's mother. Hybrid law 101. I wonder why i'm friends with you two idiots sometimes. If he keeps shutting down he will eventually lose your child and he will die" He snaps at us
He walks away and we look at each other. We sigh and walk back to his room and see him laying there staring at the wall.
"Luke" Jason calls
Luke looks at him with no emotion at all and just stares.
"We are going shopping for the baby. We would like you to come with us to help pick stuff for her nursery" He tells Luke
Luke shakes his head no and rolls back over.
"Do you just not want to go out? I ask sitting by him
He looks up at me and does nothing. I reach out and scratch his kitty ear and he hides them in his hair. I sigh and look at Jason.
"What if we went and got in our bed and we can get the lap tops and IPad for you and we can shop online. That away you don't have to leave the house. You can be comfy and can eat and shop" Jason suggests
Luke looks between us and shrugs slightly. We grin and I pick him up and we start to our room. When we reach charlie and Phil's room Luke holds up a finger and I stop. He reaches over and knocks and Phil opens the door.
"HI Luke, what can I get cha?" He asks
Luke rubs his tummy and Phil chuckles.
"Watermelon again?" Phil asks
Luke nods fast and Phil giggles.
"Of course. Chocolate milk?" Phil asks
Luke shakes his head and thinks.
"Apple juice?" Charlie asks
Again Luke shakes his head.
"coke?" Phil asks
Luke tilts his head and looks confused.
"I'll bring you a glass you will love it." He says
He starts to walk away and Luke grabs his shoulder and Phil looks at him. Luke nods and Phil grins and says a welcome. I continue to our room and sit him in the middle of the bed.
"Do you talk to Phil and charlie often?" Jason asks
Luke shrugs.
"Have they been the ones feeding you?" I ask
Luke nods sadly and bows his head.
"Baby i'm glad you made friends don't be sad. And we are very sorry. We want you in the baby's life. Your her mom. we are very sorry for being assholes" Jason says
Charlie and Phil walk in and sit everything down. Phil crawls on the bed and sits a plate of watermelon in between them and he picks up a piece popping it in his mouth. Luke does the same and moans.
"They do this often?" I ask Charlie
"Yes every day actually. They have become best friends. Phil talks to his belly every night before bed and has been taking care of him. what you two did was stupid. We love you both as our masters and we are family but come on you two. You broke that poor boy. He hasn't spoke in three weeks. he will whisper to Phil but that's it." Charlie says
Jason and I look at each other and sigh.
"Alright take Phil and go feed Dylan and then enjoy your day." I tell him
He nods and takes Phil and we turn to see Luke happily eating his food and drinking his coke. He burped and giggled and I chuckled. We walked over and climbed in the bed. We pulled everything out we needed and set Luke up on a baby website. Everything he liked he clicked on. After three hours he had over 300 things in the shopping cart.
"OK baby you need to go from 300 to 200 items. So let's go through them and get rid of some" Jason says
Luke looks scared like he messed up and I kissed his temple assuring him he did nothing wrong. Another 45 minutes later and Luke dropped the number to 150.
"You picked out some good stuff baby. Now we got big stuff ordered tomorrow we will go out and get the little things and start painting her nursery.
"purple" Luke whispers
"What baby?" I ask
"Purple" He says a little louder
"You wanna paint it purple?" Jason asks
Luke nods and I grin.
"I think that's a great idea." I tell him
"Monkeys" He says
"You wanna do it in monkeys?" Jason asks
Luke nods and sighs leaning back.
"Tomorrow when we go out tomorrow yo will be our neko submissive. If you act out in any way we will punish you right then and there in front of everywhere. We are well known and we can't have you acting out in any way." I tell him
He whimpers and nods. Jason nods and I place everything on the bedside table and turn off the lights.