My name is Dimitri. I am a vampire. I'm 469 years old and i've been around to see more than anyone should ever see. I was currently running through the woods when I finally found who I was looking for. I stayed hidden til she went to bed. When everything was quiet I entered her room and lifted her up gently. I got her to my home and woke her.
"Don't scream. Those people are your parents. They kidnapped you when you were 2. I was hired to take you back to your real parents. I promise not to hurt you." I tell her
"They are my parents take me back" she screams
"Don't make me knock you out. I'll show you the proof." I tell her
I walk over and dump a box of papers in front of her. She sits there reading them and a tear slips down her face. She angrily wipes it away and places her head in her hands.
"When do you take me to my parents?" She whispers
"I can't take you back for 6 more months. So for now your stuck with me. I won't lock you up if you behave" I tell her
"Well i'm not going to just sit here." She says
I sigh and motion for her to follow me. She gets up and I notice she is in barely any clothing. I walk over and grab one of my black robes and i walk towards her. I fling it out and around her and drape it over her shoulders.
"Thank you" She mumbles
I nod and we head down stairs.
"Cass can you go shopping for Dani here. She will be with us for 6 months" I ask
"Of course. Anything specific you want?" She asks Dani
"Can I just go with you?" she asks
"You can go but don't run. There are people after you. Cass can keep you safe" I tell her
She smirks and my eyes widen.
"I can take care of myself thank you very much" She sasses
Cass giggles and motions for me to follow her. I do and we make it to the mall. When we enter we enter a few stores and i buy mostly jeans and long sleeve shirts. I grab shorts and shirts and we move onto shoes. I get sandals, boots, heels, and some flats. We move on to Victoria's Secret and I go wild in there. Our last stop is dresses. I get ten and then we head back. When we get back to the house Dimitri was sitting in the living room watching tv. His eyes bug out at all the bags I have.
"Come i'll show you where to put everything." He says
I follow him back to the room we were in and I toss the bags on the bed and roll my shoulders. I start putting everything away and I get to the victoria secret bag and he raises a eyebrow at me. I tip it upside down and everything lands on the bed and he growls. I start putting it away and I pull the long robe off. I toss it on the end of the bed and I grab some clothes and I groan.
"Cass" I shout
she runs in looking frantic and I giggle.
"do you have some extra bathroom stuff?" I ask
"I bought you some when you were trying on clothes" she says handing me the bag
"Oh thank you. After i get ready wanna spar with me? I need to let some energy out" I ask
"Um sure" She says shrugging and leaves
I grab my bra and panties and head into the bathroom. I shower quickly and walk out in just my bra and panties. I here a growl and I whip around and see Dimitri eyeing me hard. I smirk and walk over slipping on some spandex shorts that are a little short but hug my ass nicely. I slip on a baggy workout shirt and then I slide my socks and tennis shoes on. I dry my hair and brush it out and pull it into a messy bun. I turn around and walk out the door and down to Cass.
"Ok where are we doing this?" I ask
She motions for me to follow her and we walk down to the basement. When the light flicked on I was like a kid in a candy store. Dimitri came in to watch as Cass and I started. I let her beat me and then Dimi rolled his eyes.
"come on Dimitri." I say waving him over
I walk over and grab a sword and swung it around a few times.
"Are you sure about that one?" He asks
I nod and he circles me. I close my eyes and listen. I feel him move and I spin and whip the sword the opposite way and I hear a tear and I open my eyes and spin again pinning him with the sword against his neck.
"Remember there love I can take care of myself. I took you down in 5 seconds. I let Cass win so I could challenge you. Now be a good boy and remove your cold hands from my ass" I tell him
His eyes widen and he moves them and I jump up. I spin and let go of the sword and it nails the dummy in the head. I walk past both of them and upstairs. When I entered the top door I was pinned to the wall.
"Dimitri" I scream
He was by me in seconds.
"Gage let her go" He tells the man
He releases me and I swing socking him in the eye.
"don't ever grab me like that again" I shout
I was panting and Dimitri slung me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs.
"put me down" I shout slapping his back
He slapped my ass and I moaned and I froze. He dumped me on the bed and pinned me down and I stiffened.
"You really shouldn't punch people without knowing who they are" He hisses at me
"And people shouldn't grab me without knowing who the fuck I am" I snap back at him
"Dani don't make me lock you up for 6 months. We both don't want that." He tells me
I go limp under him giving up. I don't even wanna leave my room.
"Get off" I whisper
He gets off me and I walk over grabbing some jammies and going in the bathroom and closing the door. I shoulder and get out. I wrap myself in a towel and walk out to the bedroom. Dimitri was gone so i let the towel slip from my body and I grab my lotion. I rub myself down and then slip on my bra and panties and then throw on my silk robe. I walk down stairs and grab me something to drink. I walk back upstairs and close my door. I sit my glass down and walk over closing the blinds. I go over pulling the covers back and I slip my robe off and slide in bed and I turn off the lamp. I sigh and close my eyes and let sleep take over my body.
I wake up to my door opening and I sigh.
"Go away" I mumble
My blinds are opened and I groan. I throw the covers back and walk over closing them and crawling back in bed.
"Get up Dani" Dimitri says
"No go away. I'll stay right here" I whisper
"What is wrong with you?" He asks
"nothing just leave me alone" I say
I hear him leave and Cass walks in.
"Dani sweetie you ok?" She asks
"I'm fine. I just wanna stay here" I mumble
"Alright well rest and i'll bring you some food" She says
She leaves and comes back twenty minutes later with breakfast. I sit up and start eating.
"are you not eating?" I ask
"I will later. My diet is a little different from yours" She says
"I forgot" I mumble
I finish up and I offer her my wrist.
"Dani I can't." She sasy
"i trust you" I tell her
She nods and bites my wrist and I scream. Dimitri comes in and growls. I hold up my hand and he stops and Cass pulls back and licks my wrist. The wound healed right up and I sighed and laid back suddenly exhausted.
"i made you sleepy so you could relax." Cass says
"feel better?" I ask her
"Yes thank you" She says
"Your welcome" I mumble and my eyes slip closed
"What was that?"? I hiss at Cass
"She offered. And I was starving" She hisses at me
"Cass you can't feed from her again" I say my eyes turning red
She looks at me stunned and gasps.
"She's your beloved" Cass squeals
"Shh Cassandra" I snap at her
she snaps her mouth shut and looks at me with wide eyes.
"You have to tel her" She tells me
"Cass she is human. A princess. How am I suppose to compete with that?" I ask
"You don't. You just love her and have babies" She says smiling
"Cass I can't" I say
"Don't give me that bullshit. I know what's it's like to not be wanted by the one person your suppose to be with. don't not reject that beautiful girl in there." She hisses at me flashing her eyes
I knew I fucked up and went to grab her.
"Don't touch me" she hisses and walks away
I sigh and peek in the room to find her sleeping. I collect the dishes and take them to the kitchen and I see Cass out the kitchen window and I see her shoulders shake. I sigh and walk out the door and wrap my arms around her. she cries into my chest and I sigh.
"I'm sorry" I tell her
"Why? Why didn't her want me?" She sobs
"I don't know love. But your to good for him" I tell her
A scream rips out and Cass is gone before I can move. I get to Dani's room to find her bleeding and crying. Cass had a guy pinned to the wall but she was just staring at him. I shoot over to Dani and check her over.
"Are you ok?" i ask wiping the blood away
she nods not looking at me and I sigh.
"Cass" I call
"I can't" She whispers
"Why?" I ask
"He is my beloved" She whispers
I hiss and run over to them grabbing him.
"Get out" I roar at him
"Cass" He says
"Get out" She says not looking at him
He sighs and leaves and she walks over to dani. She helps her up and back into bed. I walk over to them and go to push Dani's hair out of her face and she flinches. I sigh and walk out and Cass follows me.
"don't start you done it yourself. She feels the rejection." Cass says
"I didn't.. did i?" I ask shocked
"You haven't told her and you threatened to lock her up. she feels you don't want her. She doesn't understand. And she won't leave that room cause it's yours and smells like you. It's only going to get worse cause she's human." Cass says with tear filled eyes
"Cass I don't know what to do" I tell her
"You better figure it out or reject her and take her to her parents next week. I'm gonna go make her some soup and she will eat it" Cass says
"No I will" I say walking to the kitchen
I sigh as I warm up her soup. I placed it on a tray and got her a bottled water and walked it upstairs. When I entered the room she was laying there with her eyes closed.
"Dani love come on and eat something for me" I say sitting by her
"M'not hungry" She whispers
"Please just a little bit" I say
"fruit" she whispers
"Fruit? Ok um any specific kind?" I ask
"Watermelon" she says
"Ok I can run out. Want me to have Cass come sit with you?" I ask
she nods and I stand and lean down kissing her forehead. She sighs in content and I groan and walk down stairs.
"Can you go lay with her til I get back?" I ask
"sure. Where are you going?" She asks
"Dani wants watermelon so i'm gonna run and get some" I say
She nods and walks upstairs and I literally run to the store. I grab a watermelon and pay for it and run back. I cut it up and stick the rest in the fridge and head upstairs. When I entered Dani had her head in Cass' lap and she was running her finger's through Dani's hair. I smiled slightly and walked over to them.
"Dani sweetheart come on and eat for us" I say
she struggles but sits up and I place the bowl in her lap. she picked up a piece and popped it in her mouth and moaned. I stiffened and Cass giggled and i shot her a glare and she smirked. After a few minutes she was finished and he face and hands were sticky. I took the bowl and she went to the bathroom to wash her hands and comes back crawling in bed.
"I have some things in town to do. Do you two wanna come with me?" I ask eyeing Cass
"Sure why not" Cass says
"Alright. get dressed and meet me down stairs" I say
After twenty minutes they walk downstairs and we head to the car. I drive us into town and I tell the girls to stay close. I run my errands and when I turn around both girls are gone. I spin around and I see Dani playing over at the pet store with some puppies. she giggles when they lick her face and I walk silently over behind her.
"wanna take one home with you?" I whisper in her ear
she spins around and looks at me and stands and walks away. I sigh and follow her back to the car. When we get back to the house she gets out slamming the door. I growl and walk up behind her and grab her arm.
"what the hell is your problem?" I hiss at her
"Your my problem. I won't be here much longer." she snaps
"Why don't you stop acting like a spoiled brat" I roar
"Then take me to my parents. And well done my beloved you have officially made me not want anything to do with you" She roars back
I gasp and take a step back.
"how?" I ask
"You shouldn't have conversations right outside my door" She snaps and walks away
"Dani wait" Cass calls
"No. and you can stay away from me to. You knew and didn't say a word. I'm going to pack and I want to be taken to my parents today" She says with no emotion
She walks away and Cass whirls around and slaps me. She stomps off in the house and goes to her room. about thirty minutes later Dani comes down carrying her things and we go to the car. I drive her to the castle and when we get there her parents hug hr tight.
"Here is your money" Her father says
"How much am I worth?" Dani asks
"Dani I don't think" I start
"How much?" She shouts
"3 million." I say
"Was it worth it?" she asks
I don't answer her and she rolls her eyes and asks to be taken to her room. Once she was out of my sight I turn and leave.
My baby girl wouldn't leave her room and she wouldn't eat. she was beyond depressed and wouldn't leave her bed. I growled and stomped downstairs and picked up the phone. I dialed the familiar number and he answered.
"Get your ass to my house now" I snap and hang up
Two seconds later he was standing in front of me.
"What the hell is wrong with my daughter?" I snap
"I don't know" I say
"go look her" I tell him
We walk to her room and the minute he sees her he is by her side.
"Dani baby open your eyes for me" He tells her
Her eyes open and he sighs.
"Why are you her?" she croaks
"Well first i'm stupid and your mom called me." He tells her
"go away" she croaks
"No way. Not this time. Let's get you a bath and then i'll fix this" He says lifting her up
He takes her to the bathroom and gives her a bath and I smile. Once they were finished he dressed her and brushed her hair. He moved her hair to the side and sunk his fangs into her neck. He didn't drink from her but the life came back to the whole body. she gasped and pushed into him.
"What did you do?" she asks
"i marked you as mine. Now let's talk" He tells her
"I don't want to talk. I just want to sleep. so sleepy" She whispers
"Let her nap Dim she hasn't been sleeping at all. Lay with her for a bit" I tell him
What had I done to my poor baby. She was exhausted. She slept in my arms so peacefully and I kissed her forehead and she snuggled into my chest more. I watched her sleep for the longest time and before I knew it she was waking up.
"Sleep good?" I ask
she nods but refuses to look at me.
"so yes you are my beloved. And yes I should have told you but I didn't want this life for you sweetheart. Being a vampire isn't easy. The bloodlust just doesn't go away. If your willing to try then i'm willing to try" I tell her
She looks at me and slides out of bed and goes to grab clothes. She walks in the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on. I sit there thinking and before i know it the door opens to the bathroom. She walks out and goes to the bedroom door. She holds her hand out to me and I get up and take it and we walk downstairs.
"Can you call Cass?" She asks
I nod and pull out my phone and Cass comes walking in. Dani walks over to her and engulfs her in a huge hug. Cass stands there not hugging her back and then she melts.
"I'm so sorry" Dani cries
I step forward and Cass waves me off.
"i know. It's ok. I know what it's like so I didn't blame you at all. Dani remember i'm always your friend no matter what. Yeah it hurt to see the hatred you had but I knew where it was coming from." She says pulling back
"I'm still sorry" Dani says sadly
"I know your are sunshine. Now dry those pretty blues and let's go out." She says
Dani turns to me and walks over kissing me hard. I grip her hips and forget everything else.