Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Jamie. I'm 16 years old and i'm a sub. I got to school and i'm a straight A student. Most of my friends have been bought by other doms but I haven't been bought yet. I don't know why it just hasn't happened yet. I was on my way home from school when I noticed a truck parked in our driveway. I shrugged my shoulders cause I knew my dad was going to hire someone to help around the house fixing things. I walked in the house and put my bag down and walked in the kitchen to see my horrid mother making tea.
"Jamie, there is a man here to buy you as his sub today. You will meet him in your room in five minutes so you can go over what you will take with you and what will be thrown out when you leave. Make sure you leave your phone on the table so I can take it back to the store later this week." She says and shoos me to my room
(I don't know why the italics won't turn off guys. Sorry about that)
I entered my room and seen a man going through my things.
"You must be Jamie. My name is Sam. I have already went through most of your things and boxed up most. What is left you can go through and take one big box full. The rest will be left here. You have thirty minutes before we leave so get to it" He tells me and walks out
I start to panic but I quickly pack some of my favorite books, my lap top, ipad, some of my pictures of my friends, my favorite blanket, my fluffy pillow, and my teddy my dad got me the day I was born. I taped up the box and Sam walked back in and picked it up and carried it to his truck. I walked down stairs and grabbed my school bag and headed to his truck. I slid in the front seat and when Sam turned around he was stunned to see my in the truck already. He opened my door and looked at me.
"Do you not wish to say goodbye to your mother?" He asks
I shook my head and he looked at my face but nodded and closed the door. He got in and we headed down the road.
"We have a two hour drive. So let's go over rules.
1- Call me master
2-do as I say when I say
3- you will get up at 4 a.m. when i do and you will clean the house and any other chores I leave for you.
4- do not be disrespectful
5- have dinner cooked every night before i get home
If I think of anything else i'll let you know." he tells me
I don't answer him thought i'm still in shock that today of all days this happened to me. I must have feel asleep cause I little later I was being shook awake. I stepped out of the truck and Sam brought my boxes in. he placed him his room so I was guessing we would be sharing. I started unpacking my things and once I was done I walked back downstairs and seen Sam cooking at the stove.
"I'll cook tonight and tomorrow night to let you settle in but after that it's on you. Did you finish unpacking?" He asks me
I nod and he growls and slams the spoon down.
"when I speak to you I want a to hear a answer. Am I understood" he roars
"yes Sir" I whisper
"Good. Now after dinner you can either give me a blowjob or we can have sex" He tells me
I freeze and look at him.
"But I don't want to" I whisper
"Choose one if you don't I will and you will do both" He snaps
"No" I snap back
He spins around and stomps over to me and gets in my face.
"You belong to me. I paid a shit ton of money for you. So I will use you" He screams in my face
"i don't want to be raped" I scream back
"it's not rape when your my sub. There is a contract between us, nothing else. Get use to it. There is lube on the bathroom sink go up and open yourself up if you don't want it to hurt so bad" He tells me
"No" I snap
he stomps over and slaps me across the face and i fall to the flow. The tears start falling and he stomps off to the bedroom closing the door. I curled into a ball and stayed right where I was on the floor. I didn't move and I didn't sleep. I laid there staring across the room. The next morning I hear Sam come down the stairs and I still don't move. He stepped over me and fixed his breakfast and left for the day. Some time later I got up and took a shower and moved to a corner in the living room behind the couch. I decided right then and there that nothing would ever be the same and I could never love him. I stood up and went and cleaned the kitchen. The day went by quickly and I had started dinner. I heard his truck pull into the driveway so I fixed his plate and put it on the table and went upstairs. I walked in the bathroom and grabbed the lube and started prepping myself. Once I thought it was good enough and got on the bed and put my ass in the air. I heard him come up the stairs and into the room. I hear a gasp and he walks closer.
"Are you sure?" He asks
I nod not looking or speaking to him. He strips his clothes and then next things i know he's in me. It hurt so bad but I bit my lip and let the tears flow. I laid there and let him use my body and when he was done I got up and showered and went downstairs to my corner.
It had been the same routine for a month and I turned off my emotions. I didn't care anymore. the loneliness and depression had set in and I was just done with it all. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my razor blade and pulled my pants down and make a cut on the inside of my thigh. I sighed and then jumped when i heard the front door open. I quickly put everything away and went down stairs to my corner.
"Jamie come out" Sam says
I stand up and walk over to him.
"Jamie stop acting like this" He tells me
"Like what? I'm being your slave like you wanted. My opinion doesn't matter and you don't want it. I'm the perfect slave for you Master" I tell him with no emotion in my voice
"Jamie knock it off now." He screams
"I'm sorry master I didn't mean to upset you. I will go back to my corner now" I tell him
He yanks me back and bends me over the couch and pulls my pants down. I fill a paddle land on my ass but I don't make any noise and I don't cry. When he is done he stands me up and spins me around. He locks at my face and he looks at me shocked.
"anything else I can help you with Master?" I ask emotionless
"I'm sending you to a obedient school tomorrow morning. The masters there will put you in your place" he tells me
"yes master" I tell him
I was terrified but I wouldn't show it.
"Where did this lap top come from?" He asks
"It's mine master." I tell him
"You brought it from home?" He asks
"Yes Master. My dad bought it for me for school." I tell him
"and how much did he pay for this?" He asks
"3000$ I think" i say
"We have needed extra money and you were sitting on 3 grand this whole time." He spits
"Yes but it's mine you can't sell it" I tell him
"The hell i can't" He screams
I reach out and snatch it from him and he rares back and slaps me hard. I fall and he leans down and punches me and I bring my arms up to block the blows.
"Stop please" I whimper
"next time you will learn not to talk back" he says smirking
He takes the lap top and leaves. I get up and go to the bathroom and strip from my clothes. I grab my razor blade and I sink down in the shower. I knew nothing would change so I drug the blade across both my wrists and just sat there bleeding out.
When I walked out the door I was panicking. I never meant to abuse him like that. I sighed and drove around for a while and went back to the house. I heard the shower running so I walked to the bathroom and knocked. When he didn't answer I opened the door and walked in. what I didn't expect to find was jamie in the shower with slit wrist. I gasped and turned off the water. I wrapped his arms in towels and then I wrapped a towel around him. I rush down to the truck and drive to the hospital. They got him checked in and I sat by his bed. It took two days before he finally woke up. When he woke up he gasped and looked around the room. When his eyes landed on me he froze. I stood up and walked over to sit on the chair by the bed. I was about to speak when the doctor walked in.
"there are people here from the sub supervision. They wish to talk to Jamie now" he says and let's them in
"Mr. Cooper you need to step out so he can speak freely" A woman tells me
I nod and walk out and they close the door.
Jamie's POV
When the woman told Sam to leave she sat down by me.
"Jamie, my name is Angie. Can you tell me what happened?" She asks
"my mom sold me. She has always hated me. Sam bought me and I was scared at first cause I wasn't ready. The first night with him he told me that I had to choose between a blowjob or giving him my virginity and I didn't wanna do both. I talked back and he slapped me so hard I hit the floor and stayed in the same spot all night. I don't sleep with i sleep in a corner behind the couch. Yesterday he wanted to sell my lap top but i said no cause it was mine. My dad bought it for me. I talked back and he beat me. I had enough and wanted to die" I tell her
She was looking at me with sorrow in her eyes.
"we can take you from him. You would be labeled as a unwanted sub but you would be in a place with other subs and you would go back to school. Once you graduate there will jobs offered to you. You can get your own place. Sam will be labeled as a unwanted Dom and he won't receive another sub ever" She tells me
"I want to do that. If I go back I will kill myself and i will make sure it sticks" I tell her
She nods and calls Sam in.
"Sam I have talked to Jamie and he has decided to leave you. You both will be labeled unwanted as of today" She tells him
Sam looks not happy but looks depressed and hurt. I turn from him and he walks out slamming the door.