Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Piper and I'm 26 years old and I'm a Dominatrix. I was currently looking to buy a slave but one hadn't caught my eye. I was on my way to a auction house to look at some young boys. Slaves could be bought once they turned 14 but I was looking for one that was between 16 and 18. I pulled up to the building and stepped out and walked inside.
"Ms. Anderson thank you for choosing our boys. They are chained up on stage waiting for you" A big man says
i nod and walk up on stage and it was completely dark.
"Lights" I command
The lights turn on and there were five boys chained up naked and looking scared. I see one that has blonde hair that is caked with mud and looked like he could use a bath and he had blue eyes.
"He's cute. I'll take him" I tell the man
He nods and I pay for him. The boy is unchained and falls to the floor.
"Follow me slave" I command
I walk out the door and I don't look back to see if he is even following me. When we arrive to my car I open the door and force the boy in buckling him in. He tenses and I roll my eyes and walk around getting in the driver seat. I buckle up and I see him itching to touch the buttons and nobs.
"Do not touch anything. We are going to my brother's house so I can watch his kids while he is out of town tonight and tomorrow. You will be on your best behavior and follow all the slave rules or you will be punished." I say
"Yes Master" He says
"Call me Miss" I say
He nods slightly and I tell him he can sleep on the way there. When we arrive at my brothers I tell slave to get out and I walk to the front door where Jacob meets me with Callen in his arms. Callen was screaming and Jacob looked so tired.
"I got him J. Go have a shower and rest" I tell him
"Thank you Auntie Piper." he says
"Go on now." I tell him
He nods and kisses my cheek and heads up to his room. I take a screaming Callen in the living room and sit down and started rocking him when slave knelt at my feet.
"Kevin sit here and hold Callen while I go make him a bottle." I tell him
He looks scared but slides onto the couch and I hand over Callen. I run in the kitchen and can still hear Callen screaming. I quickly make the bottle and walk back in the kitchen to see a smiling Kevin empty handed. I looked over to see he put Callen under the couch cushion and it muffled Callen's cries.
"What the fuck" I scream
I quickly pull Callen out and pop the bottle in his mouth and he quietens down instantly.
"Your in so much trouble slave" I snap at him
He whimpers and looks up at me innocently.
"He was screaming it hurt my ears. It made him quiet" He whispers
"That could have killed him your stupid pest" I spit at him
He flinches but doesn't say anything else. Once Kevin was quiet I walked him to his room and went and knocked on Jacob's door. His slave answered it and she bowed her head at me.
"Miss Piper. He will be with you in a moment" She says
"Of course. How are you LIly?" I ask her
"I'm great Miss Piper. Jacob has been teaching me how to read and write" She says happily
"I'm happy for you kitten. Tell me is he good to you?" I ask her
"Of course Miss Piper. I love him" She whispers
"I'm happy for you kitten. Any babies in the near future?" I ask
"Not anytime soon Auntie Piper" Jacob says walking over
He kisses the top of Lily's head and I smile at them.
"SO reading and writing huh?" I ask
"Yeah. She wanted to learn I see no harm in it. She will need to know for when we do have kids" Jacob tells me
"I'm happy for you baby. Now tell Auntie Piper the goods" I say smiling
He opens the door and let's me in and I take a seat.
"As you know we have been together a year. I have taught her everything about being a good slave but now she is my submissive and slave is not used in our life anymore. She is my girlfriend/submissive" He tells me
"aw i'm happy for you both" I say smiling
"Thank you Miss Piper" Lily says
"Lily your his girlfriend you may call me Piper from now on" I tell her
"Alright" She says eyeing Jacob who nods
She smiles and I return the smile.
"So when are you moving out?" I ask
"Not anytime soon. Dad needs me to help with Callen. Ever since mom he hasn't been the same. We all miss her but I will never forgive her for just leaving us the way she did. Dad is breaking his neck to make sure everything is taken care of but it's not enough. I had to get a second job" Jacob tells me
"I'll take care of it. Sweetheart I love you and I will make sure you three are okay. Now get some sleep cause tomorrow we have a big day planned before your dad returns home and I need all the help I can get" i tell him
He nods and kisses my cheek and I kiss Lily's who blushes and I giggle at her. I walk down stairs to see Kevin still waiting on me. I motion for him to follow me and he does. I lead him to my room and I toss a pillow and blanket in the corner and point to it and he whimpers but goes over and lays down. I strip and crawl in bed and I was out like a light in no time. I woke up the next morning to a quiet house and I got up and walked down stairs to see lily feeding Callen. I smiled at them and fixed myself some hot tea.
"Ok what's on the agenda for today?" Jacob asks
"First I need everyone dressed and ready to go in ten minutes." I tell them
they all nod and get dressed and we head into town. I stop at the furniture store and Jacob looks at me.
"I want you to go in there and pick out new furniture and have it rushed to be there today. I need to go do something. So Lily can you handle Callen til I get back?" I ask
"Of course" She says taking him
I nod and I walk across the street to the bank with my very naked slave following behind me. I walk into the bank and the manager comes right up to me.
"Piper sweetheart how you been?" He asks
"Great. I need to take care of something though" I tell him
"Alright let's go to my office"He says
I nod and we walk in his office closing the door. I take a seat and slave kneels at my feet.
"what can I help you with?" He asks
"I want to pay off my brother's house today" I tell him
He looks at me with wide eyes but nods.
"Alright here are the papers you need to sign. Since the bank took it over and your paying it off it will go in your name. Once your ready you can have Tommy come down and put it in his name" He tells me
I smirk and nod and sign the papers and pay off the house. He hands me the papers I need and I get up and shake his hand and leave. I get back to the furniture store and jacob was talking to a woman behind the counter that was openly flirting with him and I could see the sadness on Lily's face. I walked up and pushed my nephew out of the way and glared at her.
"Get me your manager" I snap at her
Her eyes grow huge and she scurries off and comes back with Justin.
"Piper" He says surprised
"Justin oh my god. How are you?" I ask walking around the counter
I hug him tight and he hugs me back just as tight.
"I'm great. Now what seems to be the problem?" He asks
"You girl over there was openly flirting with my nephew while his girlfriend stood there" i say glaring at the girl who gulps
"I'll handle it. Now what are you here for" He asks
"I already put in what I want and I need it there today" Jacob says
"done. Anything else I can help with?" Justin asks
"Not at all. I'm here all week. So call me and let's do lunch" I tell him
"Of course Pip" He says smirking and I roll my eyes at him
I nod and kiss his cheek and we head back to the car. When we get to the house I look around.
"Lily can you handle Callen? I'm going to need jacob for a while" I tell her
"Of course. We will be in our room watching a movie. Call if you need me. I'll see if I can get him to nap" she says heading upstairs
"Okay J call the orphanage and see if they would like this furniture, the washer and dryer and dishwasher" I tell him
He nods and starts calling and comes back saying they will be here in a hour to get it all. Once all that was moved out of the way the new stuff arrived and was put into place. We cleaned the house and sat down just as my brother pulled into the driveway. He walked in and stopped dead in his tracks and looked around wide eyed. I stood and walked over to him and hugged him tight.
"What is all this?" He asks
"Me helping. Tommy you should have told me. So i took it upon myself to replace everything and give you guys a fresh start." I tell him
He sighed and looked down at me and hugged me tight. He kissed my forehead and I sighed.
"You know your the best right" he whispers
"Of course I do. Now little brother tell me what's really been going on?" I say making him sit
He sighed and leaned back on the couch and sighed again.
"When she left she left with everything. We had nothing. J took on a second job just to help more." He tells me
"Well now you can slow down. I paid all the bills up for six months and the house is paid off. there is money in a private account for you to file for divorce. She can't take the house cause it's in my name. You can get her for abandonment on Callen and you will get full custody of him. I also hired a nanny for Callen for when you both work." I tell him
He looks at me with tears in his eyes.
" Baby brother please don't cry. You know I'm here for you always. Your my other half" I tell him
He smiles and pulls me into his side and kisses the top of my head.
"Ride or die" he whispers
"always" I tell him grinning
"Auntie Piper" Jacob screams
I jump up and run to see Jacob banging on the nursery door.
"What's wrong?" I ask panting
"Your fucking pest is locked in there with Callen. He stole him from the bassinet and locked them in here" He says banging on the door
"What?" I scream
"Help me" he says pushing on the door
"Kick it down now. I'll replace it" I tell him
He steps backs and kicks the door open. Kevin had a pillow over Callen's face and I walked over and gripped his hair and yanked him off slapping him across the face. He hit the ground and I rushed over to Callen and lifted him up and made sure he was ok. He was completely fine and I sighed.
"Jacob call to have this fixed. My card is in my bag you know where. Lily take Callen to Tommy and stay with with him til Jacob is done. I am going to the basement I don't want to be disturbed" I tell her
"Yes Ma'am" She says taking Callen while shaking
I raised my hand and laid it on the side of her face.
"Lil it's ok. You know I would never hurt you" I tell her
"I know Piper. I was scared for Callen. I had to pee and left him sleeping thinking he would be fine" She said crying slightly
"It's not your fault. He is fine." I tell her
"Come on Lil it's ok. Let's go eat some cookies before dinner" Tommy says behind her
"No Sir. I'll order dinner but no cookies before" I tell him
"Come Lil she won't know" Tommy says smirking
"Okay" She says smiling at me
"Go on" I tell her
She nods and walks out with Tommy and Callen. I look down at Kevin and I reach down and yank him up by his hair and drag him kicking and screaming to the basement. I toss him down the stairs and he lands with a loud thud and he screams out. I stomp down the stairs and I yank him up by his hair. I drag him over and chain him to the wall with his back facing me. I walk over and pick up a vibrator and I walk back to him shoving in him without any prep. He screams out and i pick up a whip. I start whipping him and he screams out and after thirty slashes I drop it. I slip a cock cage on him and then I unchain him and he hits the ground.
"Get up slave" I snap
I walk upstairs and he follows me and I sit down by Tommy. Slave kneels by my feet and I take Callen putting him in my lap.
"How's my favorite man doing?" I ask Callen
"Aw Aunt Piper I thought I was your favorite" Jacob says pouting
" J you will always be my first love but your to big for me to hold" I say laughing at his pout
"Oh come on I want my tummy rubbed to" he says sadly
"If your a big boy for me I'll cook your favorite tomorrow" I say smirking
"You got a deal" He says chuckling
"Your such a goofball" I say smiling
"I see you tore him up good" Jacob says
"I did and his punishment isn't over. After it is fed you will chain it up outside to sleep" I tell jacob
He looks at me with wide eyes and Lily tenses.
"Piper I love you but I can't do that. That is cruel and i wouldn't even do that to Lil" Jacob says
"I'll do it" Tommy says
I nod and play with Callen some more. After dinner was done I cleaned up and Tommy drug the slave outside and left him there. I sighed and headed up for bed and before i knew it I was out like a light.