First my name is Matthew. But my friends call me Matt. I'm a Dom. I had recently let my sub go so I was looking for a new one so I was headed to the club. My friend Eric happened to own it so it helped me out in the end. I walked in the club doors and a few people nodded at me. I walked to Eric's office and walked in without knocking like I always did but he was having a interview. I stopped dead in my tracks when the girl snapped around and looked at me with wide eyes. I instantly knew I wanted her. I stepped all the way in and walked around the desk.
"Lily this is Matt a friend of mine. He is a Dom." Eric says
"Nice to meet you sir" Lily says to me
"Likewise. So Lily how long have you been a sub?" I ask her
"Um since I turned 18. I'm 25 now" She says
"Oh wow. How many doms have you had?" I ask
"Um three." She says
"Matthew let me finish this then you two can talk. I need to finish her paperwork and then she is all yours" Eric tells me
"Of course. Lily come find me when your done" I tell her
She nods and I walk out the door and to the bar. I sat there for twenty minutes before she walked up to me with her head high.
"You do know it's disrespectful not to bow your head to a Dom" i tell her
"Only when it's my dom and your not my dom. I have just as my respect and power you do. If it wasn't for the sub then you would have nothing" She says with confidence
"Test one passed. Now let's go some where quiet and talk" I tell her
She nods and I lead her to my playroom here. I unlock the door and we walk in and she stops dead in her tracks.
"Relax we are only talking that's it." I tell her
She nods and takes a seat on the couch and I sit beside her.
"so what happened with your other doms?" I ask
"The first one ended our contract. I was ok with that. My second found another sub and wanted a three way and I wasn't ok with that so I left. And my last one I ran from before the contract was up. He was a sadist and pain isn't something I'm good with" She tells me not looking at me
"Did he abuse you?" I ask
"I don't want to talk about it" She tells me
I nod respecting her secrets.
"well I would very much like to start a contract with you. You would live with me and have your own room. Just some basics. during the week I may want to play and may not. Usually I want you available all weekend. During the week you can do as you please. If you work it needs to be day shift so we are both home at night." I tell her
"I'm a nurse. I work day shift anyways. I'm not ok with doing scenes in front of anyone. That's a red for me. Our pleasure is our business not everyone's. I'm not against sucking you off in front of your buddies but you will not have sex with me in front of anyone. Scolding punishments are ok in front of anyone but contact punishments are a no go in front of people. Humiliation is a no go for me. You embarrass me and I will get you back a lot worse." She says
"Understood. We can sit down and go over everything tonight. let's go get your things and go back to my place. I assume you have your own place so I will pay your rent so when and if our contract ends you will have a place to go home to" I say
She nods and I offer her my arm and we walk out to my car. I drive to her building and to the penthouse. I'm shocked she lives in a penthouse.
"What is your last name?" I ask her
"Waters" She says smirking
"As in Donald Waters?" I ask
"Yes i'm daddy's princess. His one and only" she says smiling
"So that's how you afford this?" I ask
"No I make my own money. I don't need daddy to pay for my things." she snaps
I step back holding my hands up in surrender. Just as I go to speak her phone rings. She smiles and answers it.
"Jacob?" She says into the phone
"Woah wait what? Yeah yeah of course. I'm on my way. Stay calm ok." She says and hangs up
"This is going to have to wait. I have to go somewhere" She says and grabs her keys
I follow her out and to her car. She gets in and I jump in and she drives crazily through all the traffic. She parks outside a house and hops out. She runs up to the door with me following and she walks in without knocking. I close the door when I enter and she runs up the stairs and bust in a room. When I walk in I see her punching a guy in the face. I look at her shocked.
"If you ever come near him again I will end you." She hisses in his face
She walks over and helps up a guy.
"Jacob baby can you hear me?" she says
"Lil" He whispers
"i'm here baby. Let's get your things. You can stay in my apartment" She tells him
She sits him down and go over packing his things. She takes them down and comes back. She must have forgot I was there cause when she looked up and tensed.
"Um can you help me get him down to the car?" She asks nervously
I nod and help her lift him and get him down to her car. She was shaking and I grabbed her hands and she sighed.
"I'm ok. I need to get him back and in bed." She tells me
I nod and she drives back to her penthouse. I help him up while she brings up his things. She takes us to a spare room and I place him on the bed. She walks over and pulls our some cream and some cotton balls and other things to clean him up. She walks over to the bed and pulls off his shoes and pants. She strips him to his boxers and she tenses and sighs. She gets to work cleaning him up. when she is done pulls the covers over him. She leans down and kisses his forehead. She walks out closing his door and looks at me.
"Come with me and i'll explain" She says
I nod and we head to the kitchen and she pours us a glass of wine. She takes a seat on the couch and curls up and sips her wine.
"Jacob was dating that man. Recently he got abusive and J tried to leave. Roger would only get more violent. Apparently tonight he got to his phone and called me. Roger knows who I am. he won't fuck with me. he knows if he comes here I will put a bullet in his head" She tells me
"Let me help you forget" I tell her
"But contract" She says
"Don't worry about that. Just tell me stop and i will." I say running my hands up her legs
She sighs into my touch and I take her glass and place both our glasses on the table. I leaned over to kiss her and she pulled back. she leaned over grabbing her glass and downing her wine and placing it back on the table. She stood up and offered me her hand and I took it and stood. She pulled me to her room and closed the door. She walked over opening her a few drawers and she showed me what was inside. I smirked and told her to strip and lay down on the bed. I pulled out a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold and walked over to her. I cuffed her hands to the bed and slipped the blindfold on her. i stripped from my clothes and crawled on the end of the bed. I kissed her left ankle and kissed my way up her leg. I stopped right above her knee and repeated it on the right side. This time I didn't stop til I got to the spot between her legs.
"Spread your legs pet" I tell her
she slowly spreads her legs and I dive straight into her pussy sucking on her clit hard. She moaned loudly and started panting.
"Don't cum" I tell her
she whimpers and I start kissing my way her her stomach bypassing her breasts. She kissed up her neck and then planted my lips on hers. She kissed me back just as forcefully and a groan rumbled up from my throat. While she was all into the kiss I thrust into her hard. She broke the kiss screaming out. I paused to let her adjust and when she nodded at me I pulled back and push back into her hard and fast. I didn't let up I just kept hammering into her til she was begging.
"Please let me cum please" She begged
"Cum" i commanded
she let out a loud moan and came hard around me and when he pussy clenched I came hard in her. she went limp and I smiled down at her. I took off the blindfold and the cuffs. I rubbed her red wrists and stood up. I walked in her bathroom and started the water and walked back lifting her up. I lowered us in the warm water and she sighed in content.
"Thank you" she whispers
I chuckle and whisper back a no problem smirking. I washed her down and lifted her out drying her off and placing her back in her bed.
"No other rooms. You can stay here or sleep on the couch" She says
I nod and lay down by her watching her drift off to sleep.
I woke up the next morning to Matt sound asleep. I got up and got dressed and went down to cook breakfast. I turned on my music and was swaying my hips and singing softly to the song. When I swung around Jacob and Matt were standing there smiling.
"What?" I ask
"Nothing. What are we having?" Jacob asks
"You mister are having pain meds and i will be looking you over when you are done. But we are having pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast and coffee is over there" I say to him sternly
"Yes ma'am. now feed me" J says
i smile at him and place his plate down in front of him. I place Matt's down and he takes a seat. Jacob groans and I move over to him fast.
"You ok?" I ask looking at him
"My ribs are soar" he says sadly
"Well eat and take these. I can fill my script later so take these last two." I tell him
"Not if they are your last two" Jacob says
"Jacob take them" I snap
He flinches but takes them and I kiss his forehead. He wraps his arms around my waist and leans his head on my chest. I rub my fingers through his hair.
"Eat of love" I say
He nods and pulls back and I smile at him.
"Well Matt this is Jacob my best friend. Jacob this is Matt. Matt here and I talked about a contract" I tell Jacob
"Already?" he asks
"Yes. It's time." I tell him
"As long as your sure." J says
I smile and we all eat in silence. Once we were done the guys cleaned up and I went and got dressed. I come down dressed in my good clothes.
"Going to see dad today?" Jacob asks
"Yes. It's my day off and I need to talk to him" i say
"alright well I have work" J says
"Alright call me if you need me" I tell him
he nods and kisses my cheek and then walks to the door. I chuckle and swipe up a set of keys and i turn and throw them at him. He catches them and leaves smiling. I turn to see Matt and he was looking at me.
"Ok I know you have work today Mr. Perry." I say smirking
"I took the day off." he says
"Alright well you can come with me to see daddy" I tell him
"Um I need to stop and change" He says
I roll my eyes and he smacks my ass telling me not to roll my eyes at him. I smirk and walk over picking up a pair of jeans and a v neck t shirt and new boxer briefs and throw them at him.
"I had my driver for pick them up" I tell him
He nods and walks off and comes back completely dressed. We walk down stairs and we slip into my car and I drive to daddy's office. I step out and walk in the building. I take the elevator to the top and I see Marley.
"Mar" I squeal
"Hi sweetie. How is my favorite girl?" she asks
"I'm great. How are you and Joe?" I ask
"We are still going strong. that old man drives me crazy tho" She says
"I would imagine so. Is daddy busy?" I ask
"No sweetie go on in" She tells me
I nod and walk to his door. I turn to Matt and look at him seriously.
"When we walk through this door you are my bf. My father doesn't need to know my business" I tell him sternly
He nods and I open the door and walk in.
"Daddy" I say smiling
"Hi princess." He says walking around his desk to hug me
"How are you? Still been eating right?" I ask
"Of course. I've stuck to my diet I promise. Now what is Mr. Perry doing here?" Dad asks
"We are dating" I tell him
"What?" Dad shouts
"Daddy calm down. It's my life" I tell him
"No Lily. This isn't happening" He shouts
"it is. It's my life. get use to it" I tell him calmly
"No this ends now" Dad says
"No it will not" I say
"I will cut you off" He snaps
"do it. I make my own money. i don't need yours" I say smirking
He stiffens and glares at me.
"get out" he snaps at me
"fine. I just hope you know mom would be very disappointed in you" I tell him
I grab Matt's hand and we leave his office.