My name is Katie and I was happily married to my husband of three years. I had the perfect life. he was a CEO of a big company and I worked in his building. We were both Vampires but no one knew but other vampires. He left early to day so I stayed my full eight hours and then headed home. When I arrived home I put my things and headed up to our room to change. I got in front of the door and pushed it open to find my husband in bed with my best friend.
"What the fuck Jack?" I scream
He jumps up and Alley looks at me and smirks.
"I only cheated on you cause you cheated on me" He says throwing pictures at me
I looked at them and you could tell they were fake. I dropped them and walked in the closet packing all my things. I took them down to my car and went back inside to crab my purse. He slammed divorce papers down in front of me and a tear slipped down my face. I picked up the pen and signed them. I slipped them back in the folder and closed my eyes and sighed.
"I will turn these into Mason myself. I will watch him finalize them myself. So when you realize those pictures are fake and that bitch faked them you can run back to me and say we are still married. I would have never cheated on you. We were looking into adopting Bella for fuck sake. Oh and we got approved" I say laughing
He looks at me stunned and then grows angry and stomps over to me. He grabbed my arm and squeezed tight and I fight something pop.
"Get the fuck out you whore and don't come back. You disgust me." He shouts in my face
I sniffle and walk out and drive straight to Mason's office. I want in and to his office and I hand the papers over. He reads them over and his eyes grow huge.
"katie what the hell?" He asks
"He cheated on me. Alley made fake pictures of me cheating with you. I found him in bed with her." I tell him
"Oh Katie i'm so sorry. I can sign off on these right now. But sweetheart you signed a prenup what are you gonna do?" he asks
"I'm headed to New York. I'm gonna start over away from everything." I tell him shrugging
"What about money?" He asks
"I'll figure it out" I tell him
"Let me lend you some. Just enough til you get on your feet" He tells me
"No Mas" I tell him
"Yes. Now i'm giving you 300,000 to find a place and some to live on til you get another job." He tells me
I sniffle and his assistant comes in and rushes the papers to the judge. Mason comes around and hugs me and we stand like that for a good twenty minutes.
"Katie" Jacey says poking her head in
"Yeah?" I say turning around
"the judge signed off. Your officially divorced honey" She tells me
"Jacey clear my schedule for a week. I'm going with katie to help her get settled" Mason says
"OF course Sir. I'm coming along with if your not gonna be here." She says walking out
He kisses my forehead and we head out. We get in my car and we all take turns driving til we make it to New York. Mason checked us into a pent house with separate bedrooms til I found a place.
"I have connections here. I called a buddy of mine and he is looking for a Co CEO in his company. Same thing you did before. Also I bought a penthouse for you. Katie start your life over. Fall in love get married and having babies" Mason tells me
I start crying and he and Jacey hug me tight.
"Don't cry sweets. It's gonna be ok. Just promise me you will be happy" Jacey says
"I promise. And you two have to promise to come visit" I tell her
"Of course. Now we have a week here. Let's get you unpacked and tomorrow we will go shopping and we will decorate your new home. Maybe even get a dog" Jacey says smiling
I smile and her and think how I always wanted one but never got the chance to get one.
"I kinda want a pit bull" I tell her
"Well I know a breeder." Mason says
I nod and lay back and we all snuggle up and I finally dose off.
3 year time skip
It's been three years since I got divorced and Mason helped me so much. I started working for Blake and we hit it off great. We actually started dating a year ago and I was so in love with him that it hurt. I got my pitbull and his name was Leo. He was a rednose pit bull and I was thinking about getting him a friend soon. I walked towards Blake's office and walked in to see him talking to Mason. I squealed and ran over and Mason opened his arms and hugged me tightly spinning me around.
"I missed you" I tell him
"I missed you to cupcake." he says chuckling
"How's Jacey?" I ask
"Why don't you ask her yourself?" he says
I spin around to see a very pregnant Jacey standing there. I squeal and run over to her hugging her and bending down to kiss her belly.
"I'm so happy for you two." I tell her
She smiles and hugs me again.
"So we are all going to the ball tonight." Blake says
I walk over and kiss him and he wraps his arms around me.
"Ooh that means shopping" Jacey says
"Finally. I miss my shopping partner" I say smiling
She laughs and i kiss Blake again and Jacey kisses Mason and we head to the mall. We go in and finally find dresses after two hours and I sighed when we made it back to the penthouse. the guys were waiting on us and I smiled when Leo barked and met me with a wet kiss. I smiled and kissed his nose and walked over sitting down.
"alright we need to start getting ready" Blake says
I nod and head to my room with Jacey and we finally get ready after three hours. I walk down with my heels clacking on the hardwood floor and Mason grins at me and offers me his hand. I place my in his and he spins me.
"Beautiful. I'm very proud of you cupcake" He tells me
I smile and lean up kissing his cheek.
"Thank you Mas for everything" I tell him
"You never have to thank me cupcake" He says
I smile and Jacey walks in and Mason's eyes light up seeing her. I move away and over to Blake who offers me his arm. we walk down to the limo and head to the ball. When we arrive camera's were flashing everywhere and i smiled. We finally made it inside and got a drink and took our seats.
"May I please have your attention" I hear Blake say through the Mic
Everyone shuts up and turns their attention to him.
"Thank you all for coming tonight. Katie please join me" He says looking at me
I nod and stand and walk up to him. I stand beside him and scan the crowd and I see Jack after three years and I tense.
"This beautiful amazing woman came into my life three years ago. She became my CO CEO and is damn good at her job. She keeps us on our toes but brightens that dull place with her amazing smile. As most of you know Katie and I have grown close and have been together for the past year. We have fallen in love and had our fights but it doesn't make me love her any less. So before I get into this boring speech Katie my love with you please do me the honor of marrying me?" He ask getting down on one knee
I gasp and a tear slips down my face and I nod my head fast. He slips the ring on my finger and stands up kissing me. Everyone starts cheering and clapping and I grin into our kiss. He pulls back and grins down at me. He pulls back and turns to the MIc.
"Do yall really need that speech or would you rather just party?" He shouts
"Let's party" Jacey shouts
He chuckles and nods and leads me to the dance floor and spins me around and back to his chest. I lay my head on his chest and dance slowly with him.
"Can I cut in?" I hear
I look up and see Mason. Blake nods and goes to dance with Jacey. Mason pulls me in his arms and I sigh and grin at him.
"I'm happy for you cupcake. Blake talked to me last week so that's why I told you we were gonna visit. I wouldn't have missed this for anything." He says
"Jack is here" i tell him
"Katie be strong. Don't let him get to you" He tells me
"I'm fine Mas. Now let's go find your wife and my finace" I say smirking
"What? how?" He asks
"Oh please. I know you two. You went to the courthouse because of her parents." I tell him
"You know us to well" He says
"Mas I need a favor?" I tell him
"What's up?" He asks
"Will you give me away?" I ask him
He stops walking and looks at me shocked but he grins and bends down spinning me around hugging me tight.
"I would be honored cupcake" He says sitting me down
I smile and we walk over to Blake and Jacey.
"I'm so happy for you" Jacey says
"There is one more surprise" Blake says
Leo comes trotting in dressed in a doggy tux and I giggle and bend down to him.
"Look at you my handsome man" I say petting him
I pull the paper from his back and it's adoption papers. I gasp and look at Blake.
"Really?" I say shocked
"Yes. I know you said you couldn't have kids. I figured we could start the process and maybe start with a teenager and then a baby later on" He says
I grin and lean up kissing him.
"I love you" I tell him
"i love you too and there is one last surprise" He tells me
I look at him shocked and Mason comes walking over with a blanket. I frown a little slightly confused and I pull the blanket back to see a bluenose pibull puppy. I squeal and lift the tiny thing in my arms.
"She is so cute. Thank you" I tell Blake
"Anything for you baby" He says
"Katie" I hear behind me
I turn around to see Jack. I scowl and he frowns. I hand the pup to Blake and they walk away to give me a few minutes.
"What?" I say
"Can we please talk?" He asks
"No Jack. I have nothing to say to you. You hurt me. You believed that whore over your wife. Stay the fuck away from me and my family" I tell him harshly
"Please I fucked up. I know I did. I should have believed you. I want you back" He say grabbing my arm
The next thing I knew Leo was barking and growling harshly and Jack. Jack jumped back and looked scared.
"Down" I command
"Stay the fuck away from me. Am i understood?" I snap at him
"No I can't do that." he says
"Jack you believed some whore over your wife. You kicked me out and told me I disgusted you and you never wanted to see me again. I love Blake and i'm getting married to him and having the family you wouldn't and couldn't give me. I will have a restraining order out on you by tomorrow. If you come near me again I will not stop my enforcer next time" I snarl at him loudly
Everyone had stopped to watch and listen and Jack turned red as a firetruck. He stepped back and walked away and Leo licked my hand. I bent down and kissed his nose and stood back up. Blake walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and I sighed.
"I'm so proud of you cupcake" Mason says
I smile at him and close my eyes.
"Come on let's go home." Blake says
I nod and we leave and drive home. When we get home we all change clothes and head off to bed.
Jack refused to leave me alone and Jacey and Mason moved closer to me. I was in the middle of wedding dress shopping with Jacey when my phone rang. I ignored it determined to find a dress today.
"So your dress is the last thing on the list?" Jacey asks
"Yes. We planned everything else. I can't believe I'm getting married again next week" I tell her smiling
Soon her phone rang and she answered it. I zipped up the dress and turned to look in the mirror. I gasped and I heard a gasp behind me. I spun around to see Jacey looking at me with teary eyes.
"It's perfect" She whispers
"I was thinking the same thing." I tell her
"Well Katie are you saying Yes to the Dress?" Amy asks
"Yes I'm say Yes to the Dress" I say smiling
Everyone in the store started cheering and I grinned. I changed back into my normal clothes.
"It will be ready and delivered Thursday" Amy tells me
"Thank you for your help today" I tell her
"your most welcome sweetie" She says
I pay for the dress and walk out with Jacey. I dropped Jacey off and headed home. I walked in and Leo greeted me as always and Bella can running over all hyped up. There was a knock on my door and I walked over and opened the door to see Jack standing there.
"Go away" I say trying to shut the door
"No. We are going to talk." He says walking in
"Jack leave or I will call the cops" I snap at him
He growls and walks over pushing me against the wall and getting in my face.
"get off me" I scream
He slaps me and I scream out.
"Leo attack" I scream
Leo barks and growls and bites down on Jack's leg. I run away and into my room locking the door. I grab my phone and call the cops and I stay hiding in my closet for ten minutes. There was a knock a on my door and I didn't move.
"ma'am it's the police. Come out please" A woman says
I walk over and open the door peeking out and she looks at me. I open the door and she walks me down stairs. There was blood everywhere and Leo was still growling at Jack and a cop had a gun pointed at Leo.
"What the hell are you doing? Get the gun away from my baby now" I shout
I rush over and drop to my knees petting a bloody Leo. Blake runs in and sees me running over hugging me. I was covered in blood from hugging Leo and started crying.
"Is he okay?" I ask
"Ma'am the man will be fine" a cop says
"I don't give a fuck about him. Is my dog fine?" I snap
"I don't know" He says
"then call a vet" I screech
"baby. Leo is fine. He did his job in protecting you. He is antsy cause they are still working on the bastard in the hall. Come on let's get you to the house" he tells me lifting me up
"Leo and Bella" I mumble
"I'll bring them down miss" The woman from earlier says
Blake nods and carries me down. The woman brings down my babies and Blake talks to her for two minutes. He gets in and drives us to his house and I sigh when we get inside. I look down at my hands covered in blood and start shaking. I look down at Leo and I lead him to the bathroom. I start the water in the huge shower and I place Leo in and I strip and step in as well. I sit in the bottom of the shower and I wash Leo. Tears slip down my face and leo licks my face.
"Thank you baby" I say kissing his nose
He licks my face again and I smile at him.
We just said our I do's and now the speeches were going on. Leo barked and I giggled at him. Of course Blake surprised me by having both my babies there for our moment. I rubbed the top of his head and he laid down by my chair. Once we mingled some we headed off for our honeymoon. The honeymoon passed with so much passion and love that I cried the first night. Months had passed and Jack was charged with stalking and violence and I was issued a restraining order. Blake and I were as happy as ever and I got my second chance at becoming a mother.