I was sitting in my office trying to work when my best friend stomps in smiling.
"What do you want?" i ask
"Come on now Zan don't be mean" Tessa says pouting
I smirk at her pout and I wink at her.
"What is is?" I ask her sitting back
"Well I think I found the solution to your problems?" She says
"You mean your gonna sit on my desk and let me fuck you?" I ask her grinning
"Never again Zander Mason" She snarls
"Come on cupcake you know you liked it" I tell her standing up
I stalk her and back her towards the door pushing it shut and locking it. I run my nose down her neck and she shutters. She pushes on my chest and I lean back and look into her eyes.
"I found out about a auction that sells hybrids for cheap. I know you swing both ways so I put a male on the side for you to look at and if you like him purchase him and they will deliver him to you" She says softly
"A hybrid huh?" I say
"Yeah. You can fuck out your frustrations on him. You can get in trouble even if you kill it since it's a hybrid" She say
"Why are you doing this? I'm ok with one night stands" I tell her
"Zan you need a constant in your life that doesn't include me" She says
"Are you saying your tired of me?" I ask
"No but I can't always be there when you call. And I started dating someone" She says not looking at me
"Oh." I say
"Look Zan" She says
"Purchase the hybrid and have it sent to my house. I need to get back to work. You know your way out" I say
I get back to my emails and other work when I hear her sigh.
"Zander" She says
"Have a nice day Tessa" I say not looking up
She sighs and walks out shutting my door. I worked through the day and when I got ready to leave my maid called me letting me know the hybrid arrived. I drove home and when I went to enter the gate I told the guard not to let Tessa in til I told him otherwise. He nodded and I drove up and parked. i walked in and the maid nodded to the crate over in the corner.
"I sent Frank out for some hybrid things. He should be back soon. I also set up the little closet for it as well" She says
I nod and she walks away. I walk over to the crate and open it. The hybrid didn't move so I reached in and yanked it out. He whimpered and I smirk.
"I am your new master. you will call me Master. Do as I say and you will be fine" I tell him
He nods and whispers a yes master. Frank walks in and I tell him where to put everything. Patty my maid runs in and I see her panic.
"I need to leave. My husband was in a accident" she says
"of course Patty. Frank can drive you. And take the next few weeks off. Make sure he is ok and come back when your ready. Your job will be here" I tell her
She sniffles and walks over and kisses my cheek. She places her hand on the side of my face and smiles.
"Now I can give your momma a good word" She says smiling
I chuckle and she walks out the door with Frank. I lead the hybrid to his closet and I shut the door and lock it. I walk to my room and shower and then i slip on my club clothes and I slip on my favorite watch. I grab my phone and wallet and walk to the garage. I grab my keys and I head to the club. When I arrived I walked right in and straight to the bar. I ordered my drink and walked to my VIP section and took a seat drinking my drink. I looked around the club and found my prey for the night when I spotted Tessa and a guy. I downed my drink and walked up to the blonde. I got a conversation started and bought her a drink. We went back to my section and I got her tipsy and she stood up and sat down in my lap and started giving me a lap dance. I look around and Tessa spots me. I frown and she looks surprised. I grab the girls him that's on my lap and I pull her into me.
"Wanna get out of here?" I whisper in her ear
she moans and nods. Just as I look up Tessa is standing there with her hands on her hips. The girl stands and I stand with her.
"Can I help you?" i ask
"We need to talk. Zan stop with all the one night stands" She hisses
"My personal life is none of your business. go back to your boyfriend and leave me alone. And from now on do not show up at my office without a appointment" I tell her
I pull the girl away and walk up to the bar to close my tab. When I turn I see Tessa with hurt written on her face. I ignore it and drag the girl away. I drive us to a hotel and pay for the night. When we get into the room and instantly get her naked. I toss her on the bed and shred my clothes. I grab a condom and roll it on my dick and I crawl on top of the girl. I kiss her and thrust into her hard and she screams out. I fuck into her hard and fast and she pants in my ear. She finally cums and I follow her. I get up and ditch the condom. I quickly get dressed and she looks at me.
"The room is yours for the night." I tell her
She looks shocked and I leave closing the door behind me. I drive home and I go in and shower again. My phone rings and it's Tessa.
"What?" I say answering
"the guard won't let me in" she says
"i know. what do you want?" I ask
"We need to talk Zander. What the hell was that tonight?" She asks
"That was me being honest. I told the guard not to let you in. I think we need to end this friendship" I say
I hear her gasp and I hang up on her. I place my phone on the charger and crawl in bed. when I wake up the next morning my assistant was calling me.
"Yes Tally" I say
"Sir I know it's your off day. But you need to come in. Your gonna wanna see this" She says
"Alright." I say and hang up
I get dressed in some jeans and a polo and slip on my yeezys and I grab my phone and wallet. I walk to the hybrid's closet and I open it. I toss some shorts at him and he puts them on. I lead him to the door and slip on his collar and clip on a leash. I drag him to the car and we get in and I drive to the office. When I get there I was in with my hybrid on a leash and Tally takes the leash and I walk in my office and groan. Tessa was curled up on my couch with tear stained cheeks and she was sleeping.
"Tessa" I shout
I close the door and she jumps up. Her eyes were puffy and they were red.
"What are you doing here?" I snap at her
"We need to talk" She says
"No I said what I had to say and you need to leave." I tell her sternly
"Why are you doing this?" She asks
"I'm not doing anything. I just realized it was stupid to have a girl best friend" I tell her
She sucks in a breath and looks at me with tear filled eyes.
"Get out" I tell her
"Zander" She says
"Tessa get the fuck out" I yell at her
She jumps and stands and walks out closing the door softly. I sigh and run my hands over my face.
Tessa's POV
I don't know what I did but it hurt so much to see the anger in his eyes. I love Zander more than anything but I knew how he was. I cried silently and got in my car. I drove to my moms and when she answered the door I broke down and sobbed into her chest. She let me cry it out and i told her what happened. she called Zander's mom and I knew he would hate me more. it caused Zander to fight with his mom and he stopped talking to her all together. I felt awful so I took his advice and stayed away from him.
It has been 2 years and I was still seeing Robbie. Things were not great at all and I was scared to leave though. My mom knew something was wrong but I made her think I was happy. We were currently out having dinner when the waiter asked me if I wanted anything and Robbie thought I was flirting with him. I wasn't I just politely told him no I didn't need anything. I felt Robbie grip my leg under the table and I tensed.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I tell him
He nods and lets me go. I walk to the bathroom and I sigh and wash my hands. When coming out I bump into a solid chest.
"Oh i'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going" I say not looking up
"Tessa" I hear
My head snaps up and I see Zander in front of me.
"Oh hi" I mumble
"How are you?" He asks
"Never better" I say smiling
"I see it happened. How is the lucky guy?" He asks
"Robbie" I mumble
"good for you. I must get back to my fiance" He says
"Fiance?" I ask shocked
"Yes. We have been together a little over a year and I love her" he says smiling
"Good for you" I say giving him a fake smile
"That smile is so fake" He says
"No it's not" I tell him
"You forget that I know you like the back of my hand" He says
"actually you don't Zander. You never did" I say
I walk past him and he grips my arm and I hiss and pull back.
"Sorry. I didn't think I grabbed you that hard" He says
I shake my head and walk back to Robbie.
"Who was that?" he asks angrily
"A family friend. He was telling me he just got engaged to his long time girlfriend" I say to him
"is that Zander?" He asks
"yes it is." I say
"Oh ok" He says
I notice he was scared and I smirked to myself.
"You ready?" he asks
I nod and he pays and we leave. When we make it back to his apartment he shuts the door and locks it and I feel a sting on my cheek. He slapped me and I hit the floor. He continued to beat me til I couldn't move and I laid on the floor. When I knew he went to bed I call the number i know by heart.
"Hello" He says
"Help" I whisper
"tessa?" he says
"Help me please" I cry into the phone
"Where are you?" He asks
I give him the address and he tells me to stay on the phone with him. I managed to crawl over and unlock the door and open it. I laid in the floor and didn't move. The door opened and Zander stepped in and gasps.
"Sweetheart are you okay?" he asks
I shake my head and let the tears flow.
"Come on we are going to the hospital" he says lifting me up
He rushed me to the hospital and they took me away. When i woke up Zander was asleep in a chair by my bed. I run my fingers through his hair and he jumped up.
"Oh thank god. Are you okay?" He asks
"I'm fine" I say not looking in his eyes
"your lying" He says
"I'm fine" I say again
"No your not. Your not looking me in the eye. I always know you do that when you lie. Now what the fuck happened?" He asks
Before I could answer the doctor walks in.
"Hi Tessa. I'm Dr. Campbell. Now you have three broke ribs and a concussion. You always have a broke wrist. And I'm sorry to inform you but you also had a miscarriage" He says
I suck in a breath and nod silently.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" He asks
"Call the cops" I tell the doctor
He nods and walks away and I refuse to look at Zander. When the cops arrive I kick Zander out and tell the cops what happened and that I want to press charges. When the cops leave Zander comes back in and so does the doctor.
"I got your transfer from the other hospital. Tessa this isn't the first time your miscarried is it?" He asks
I shake my head and look out the window. Soon my mom burst in the room and rushes over to me. She hugs me tightly and when she sees Zander she reaches over and smacks him silly. He hisses and I pull her over to me.
"Get out Zander Mason and do not come near my daughter again" She hisses at him
"What did I do? I saved her and brought her here" He says sternly
"This is not gonna make up for what you did to her two years ago you asshole" She hisses
"Jessica let's stop outside" he says
She goes to protest and he glares and I giggle when she agrees. I groan and grab my ribs and they look at me.
"I'll get the doc to bring you some pain meds." Zander says and walks out with my mom
Twenty minutes later they come back in and my mom looks at me.
"Your going to stay with Zander cause I have to go out of town with your father and I do not want you alone" She tells me
"Mom no" I say
"yes missy" She hisses at me
I roll my eyes and sigh. Now I have to be in the same house as the man that hates me and his fiance. I groan and roll over putting my back to them.
Finally Friday came and I could leave this place. Zander showed up and took me back to his place. When he walked in with me Patty hugged me.
"I missed you. Now let's get you in bed and then I will make your favorite while Zander deals with the princess" She says
I nod and Patty takes Tessa to the guest room and I walk in my room to see Ashley there packing her stuff.
"What are you doing?" I ask her
"Leaving. I will not live her while you have another woman here" She snaps
"Then fucking leave. I will not abandon her when she has no one right now." I snap back
She gasps and zips her suit case. She picks it up and goes to leave and i grab her arm. I lift up her left hand and take off her ring.
"Don't bother coming back. I will call you a cab" I tell her
"but" She says
"No the car is mine. I bought it. leave ashley since that is what you want" I snap
I call a cab and it picks her up at the front gate. I tell the guard not to let her back in for any reason at all. I walk back to the house and shut the door. I walk to the guest room to see Tessa sitting there on her phone. I knock and she looks up at me.
"Look i'm only here for a week and then you can get back to your life. go to work and stay away from me and we will be fine" She says
She goes back to her phone and I walk over and snatch her phone from her.
"give it back Zander" She growls
"Not til we talk" I say
"I do not want to talk to you. Just leave me alone" She screams
She gets up and then doubles over grabbing her ribs. I touch her and she flinches away from me. She snatches her phone from me and sits back down. Her phone rings and she smiles.
"Hello my love" She says
I just stand there and stare at her while she talks.
"Of course. I'll send you the address." She says
She hangs up and sends the address and gets up. She walks to the kitchen and sees Patty and Frank.
"Franky can you tell the guard I have a friend coming over and to let him in" She says
"Of course Lovely" He says and walks away
"Now you missy why are you out of bed?" Patty asks
"I had unwated company and your better company so here I am" She says smiling
Patty smiles and pats her cheek and gets back to cooking.
"Smells good" Tessa says
"It will be done soon. Are you on pain meds?" Patty asks
"No." Tessa says
"Then let's get you a glass of wine" she says
Tessa nods and the door bell rings. she walks over and opens the door and a guy stands there smiling with flowers.
"Hi love. Are you okay?" he asks looking her over
"I'm fine Nate" She says
"What the hell are you doing outta bed?" he hisses at her
"I'm not spending all my time in that bed when I can walk fine" She tells him
"fine. But at least sit down" He says
She nods and he hands her the Lilies and she smiles and smells them.
"My favorite" she says
"Of course" He says
they walk to the kitchen and I just watch.
"Patty this is Nate. Nate and i work together." She says
"Nice to meet you sweetie. Would you like to stay for dinner? I am making Tessy's favorite" Patty says
"Aw she calls you Tessy as well." Nate says
"yes. She always has" Tessa says
"So what are you doing here?" Nate asks
"My mom is out of town with my dad and I couldn't be left alone so she made me stay here" Tessa says pouting
"you should have called me. you know you can stay with me" He tells her
"Really?" She asks excitedly
"Of course. You know you already stay there a lot anyways" He tells her
I walk in and take a seat and just watch her.
"You are not leaving. your mom left you in my care" I tell her
"We will see about that" Tessa says picking up her phone
She calls her mom and smiles.
"hi mom" She says
"Hi baby" She says
Tessa's POV
"I wanted to run something by you" I say
"What is it?" She asks
"How would you feel if I spent my week with Nate instead?" I ask her
"I have no problem with that. But Nate I know your listening and she is not aloud to work for the whole week. Doctor's orders. And I know she won't stay in bed but do not be partying. She needs to rest" Mom tells him
"Of course. I will make sure she behaves" Nate says smirking
"Alright. You two have fun and call me if you need me" She says
"Ok we love you" Nate says
"Love you too" She says and hangs up
"Nate I don't have anything to wear" I tell him
"so we will get you a wheel chair and go shopping. and you will go in a wheel chair or you will online shop and wear my clothes" He tells me
"Fine. dinner first and then we will leave" I say
He nods and kisses my temple. I sip my wine and I see how angry Zander is and I smirk behind my glass.
"So Tessa you never told me what you did for work" Patty says
"Oh I'm a fashion photographer." I tell her smiling
"And you like what you do?" She asks
"I love it. I have met some amazing people. Nate here has been a stand in model but he is the editor as well" I say smiling
"You model?" Patty asks
"I use to when I was younger. Not much anymore. But I can be a stand in if need be" He tells her
"You should see this man work out. I mean abs for days" I say smirking
"So that's the only reason you go to the gym with us" He says
"uh duh." I say smiling
"Haha. Now you know Sammy would eat you up for that" He tells me
"Oh I know. Sammy takes working out to the next level. I just how he will gets all sweaty and then want to love me" I say cringing
"He does it cause he knows it irks you" He says smiling
"Alright you three let's eat" Patty says
I smile and take my seat and she serves us. I gobble mine down and grin while eating.
"I need you in my life more. I have been starving" I say to Patty
"Well call me anytime and i will feed you sweetie" She tells me
I nod and finish eating. I help Patty clear the table and then I hug her and I go to grab my bag from my room. When I turn around Zander was standing there and I ran into him.
"Tessa don't leave" He says
"I have to." I say
I walk around him and he grabs my arm and I hiss. He drops my arm and I feel Nate behind me.
"What the hell" Nate snarls
"nate it was a accident. I'm fine. he didn't hurt me on purpose. He grabbed a bruise is all" I tell him
"Let's go" He says not looking at me
I nod and we leave. By time we get to his house sammy wrapped me in his arms.
"Oh my baby. Are you Okay?" He asks
"I'm Okay Sammy. I just need to sit for a bit. My ribs are hurting" I tell him
He nods and leads me inside and sits me on the couch.
"Now explain" Nate says
"Robbie has been abusing me for the past year" I whisper
"What was that?" Sammy says
"He has been abusing me for the last year. I hid it" I say bowing my head
"Baby why?" Sammy says
"I was scared to leave. last night was the last straw. I called the cops and pressed charges" I tell them
"You are insane. why didn't you say anything?" Nate says
"I was scared. I didn't wanna believe he would go this far" I say shrugging and then I hissed
"sammy and I are going over there to get your things" Nate says
"I want to go. I want to call the cops and have them go with me. I need to show him i'm not afraid of him anymore" i say
"Fine I will call them" Nate says
I nod and we get up and leave to head over there. The apartment manager meets us as well.
"I want to take my name off the lease." I tell him
"You would be breaking the contract" He says
"no I wouldn't. Robbie and I are no longer together and he is staying here not me. I want it removed now" I snap
"Sir. She is pressing charges against the man. Remove her name right now and leave it alone" A cop says
the manager now and walks away and comes back saying it's done. I walk to the apartment and unlock the door. I step in and Robbie comes at me. The cops step in and Robbie stops in his tracks with huge eyes. I smirk and stare at him.
"Miss please gather your things." A officer says
i nod and start gathering my things. Sammy and Nate take it downstairs and the cops serve Robbie with his papers. He looks at me and glares at me. I smirk and take off my ring throwing it at him.
"My name has been removed from your lease so good luck paying it you asshole" I say and walk out smiling
I stop at the end of the hall and take a deep breath. I fill a hand on my should and I jump.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" he asks
"Never better. Thank you for you help" I say
"anytime. I'm just happy to see one woman leave before it's to late" he says
I nod and he walks me down to the guys. I smile at them and they drive me back to their house. Once inside they carried my things in and put them away and I sat down on the couch.
"Why don't you try to sleep some" Sammy says
I nod and he helps me up and walks me to the bedroom. I lay down and he covers me and kisses my forehead. I smile and roll over getting comfy.
Zander's POV
I sat there shocked that her mom agreed.
"You know you have to tell her at some point" Patty says
"I don't know if I can" I tell her
"you have to. Sweetie it's already been two years" She tells me
I nod and call Tessa's mom and ask for Nate's address. I get in the car and I drive to his house and sigh. I walk up and knock on the door and Nate answers.
"What are you doing here?" he asks
"I need to talk to Tessa" I say
He steps back and let's me in and Tessa walks out wrapped in a towel and another guy walks out wrapped in a towel as well. I grew man instantly and when she sees me she stops in her tracks and the guy bumps into her.
"What the hell" I say
"What are you doing here?" She asks
"What is this?" I ask
"this is sammy" She says
"You were just engaged and now your fucking another guy" I snarl at her
She steps back from me and looks hurt. Next thing I know I was on the floor and nate was standing over me fuming.
"That is my boyfriend you stupid jackass." Nate snarls
I look at him shocked and I look over to Tessa and she was gone and so was Sammy. I pick myself up and sit down confused.
"Get out" Nate says
"I need to talk to her" I say
"Get out Zander" Tessa says stepping in the living room
"Tessa just five minutes" I say
She looks at Nate who shrugs and she motions for me to follow her. We step in a room and I close the door. She sits down and won't look at me.
"Look Tess I'm sorry. I know I haven't been in your life for two years and you don't have to believe me. I have been in love with your since we were 16." I tell her
"You love me. Your a joke. if you loved me you wouldn't have kicked me out of your life. You wouldn't have been engaged to someone else. Zander you have made me hate you. I want nothing to do with you" She snarls at me
"tess" I say
"Don't. Just get out and stay the fuck away from me" She snaps
The door swings open and someone grabs me and drags me to the front door and tosses me out and shuts the front door in my face.
I sat on the bed and stared at the floor when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Nate standing there and looking at me with worry. Tears flowed down my face and I started sobbing. Nate wrapped his arms around me and then I felt Sammy cuddle me as well.
"I don't understand"I say sniffling
"Understand what love?" Sammy asks
"I've been in love with him for years and I started seeing someone cause I didn't think he would ever love me back. He kicked me out of his life cause he loves me apparently. I'm confused and mad" I say sniffling86Please respect copyright.PENANAf43Pe3WV4o
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"You have every right to be mad and upset. But love I think you should actually talk to him" Sammy says
"Maybe next week. Right now I just want to heal and feel better. Think you could take Franko into coming to me to do my hair and nails? I haven't gotten them done in a while?" I ask
"Sure love. I'll give him a call." Nate says
I nod and snuggle into my sheets. He gets up and I sigh.
"You know what take me to him? I can't see here feeling sorry for myself. Take me so I can relax and enjoy getting my head scratched" I say getting up
Nate nods and I get dressed and meet him and Sam at the door. We drive downtown and when we arrive he had clients.
"Franko we have a emergency" Nate says walking in
"What is wrong with my girl?" Franko ask in his french accent
"A lot. We need a wash, color and her nails done" Sam says
"Mila reschedule everyone" Franko calls
He pulls me over and sits me down and pulls my hair into the washing bowl.
"Now close those baby blues and talk to Franko. What has me girl so upset?" He says
"Robbie was beating me. I ended up in the hospital pressed charges and here I am. I'm with Nate and Sammy til i'm better. Franko make me not me" I say looking up at him
"Close your eyes and don't open them til I say so" He tells me
"Yes sir and Franko?" I say
"Yes me love" He says
"A little extra scratching today" I tell him
"As you wish" He says and gets to work
After four hours of coloring and prepping and having my nails down Franko spins me around.
"Open them beautiful" He says
I open them and gasp. My long hair was blonde and curled. I turned and looked at Franko and stood and hugged him tight.
"I love it" I tell him
"I'm glad love. Now boys take her shopping. get her out of these sweats. Now don't over due it but clear your mind" He tells us
I nod and kiss his cheek and we head out. Nate takes me into a store and we get to shopping quickly. Once I was done my ribs hurt so we headed home. I walked over and laid down on the couch and held my side.
"I knew we shouldn't have went out" Nate says coming over to me
"No Nate. I'm glad we did. It made me think some about my life. My pain meds wore off a hour ago but I was fine til now. and i'm a little tired." i tell him smiling
"You sure your ok?" He asks
"Yeah sweets i'm fine. Could I get a drink and my pain meds please?" I ask him
He nods and stands and walks away and comes back with everything. I sit up a bit to drink and take a pill and then I lay back down.
"Alright cinderella let's get you in bed." Sammy says lifting me up
I hiss a bit but tell him i'm ok. Once I was tucked in he kissed my forehead and walks out closing the door.
When I woke up I jumped and hissed. Zander was sitting across from me in a chair holding a glass. I could tell it had whisky in it and I sighed and groaned.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him
"well I have been sitting here since midnight. I'm drank four glasses. Nate and Sam let me in. I have been watching you sleep and groan. See but the thing is i'm confused as hell. Everyone and their mother knows how much I care about you. But you fail to see it." He says drinking whats left in his glass
"Zan all I ever was a drunken mistake. I watched the women come and go. Hell i got rid of half of them for you. I know how you are. I know you will never change from all the one night stands to being married and having kids. Your house has a separate room for your fuck buddies for fucks sake" I snarl at him
I hiss and grip my ribs and whimper.
"Yes my house has that. But come on Tess you had to have some clue. We had sex in my bed for christ sake. Didn't that tell you anything?" He asks
"Of course. We are friends I have slept in your bed before and we were both drunk" I snap back at him
He sighs and pull out a envelope and lays it beside me.
"Read this" he says and walks out closing the door
I sigh and lay back opening up the letter inside. It was dated the night after we slept together. I read it and gasped and then read it again just to be sure. a tear slipped down my face and I quickly slid out of bed forgetting about my ribs. I run out of the room and down the hall. I found him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.
"Is this true?" I whisper
"I meant every word of it. Tess come on you must have had some clue" He says
"I never thought about it. I always thought I was one of the many" I tell him
He sighs and comes over to me and offers me his hand. I place my tiny hand in his and he leads me to his car. I get in and he drives to his house. When we arrive he leads me to his room and pushes me to sit on the bed. I take a seat and he walks in the closet and comes back with abow and hands it to me. He sits by me and I open it. There was pictures of us and some of the tickets from where we had done things together and I look up at him.
"You were always it" He tells me
I lean over and kiss him hard and then rest was history.