Vampires had taken over the world and humans were mostly gone. Some were kept and raised and then later on turned but now what was left was used for pets and breeding. Now let's start off with introducing myself. My name is Blake and i'm 569 years old and I never once had a human pet. Yes they are considered pets to us. There are several stages of pets. There are breeders, sex slaves, work slaves, pets as in acts like a pet or babies. Breeders were tested on a lot so it was altered so males could bare children as well. Now males giving birth was a unlikely thing but it did happen. I was currently at work when my sister walked in my office.
"Blake are you ever going to date anyone? a nice girl would be great for you" She says once again
She was always on me about being with someone and I was getting rather pissed off.
"Hate to break it to you baby sister but your big brother is GAY" I snap at her
She gasps and looks at me wide eyed and then frowns.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks
"Cause your so fucking pushy. You don't know when to stop. i'm happy being single. And I just came out of a relationship I don't need you butting in my love life" I tell her still working
"Blake i'm sorry. I didn't know" She says
"It's whatever just leave me alone" I tell her
"Ok i get it. I'm sorry. But will you please come to this dinner. I already had it set up. I will tell her the truth but please say you will come. I promise i won't say another word about your love life just let me feed you" She says with a small smile
"Fine but the first time you say something i'm gone and done" I tell her
She crosses her heart and smiles and walks out closing my door. The rest of my day went by rather fast and now it was time to head to Lizzie's. When I arrived I walked in as always and went straight to the kitchen to see Lizzie talking to another female.
"Ah Harper this is Blake my big brother." Lizzie says
"Nice to meet you. Liz can I barrow a shirt from Jack? Some girl bumped into me and I spilled coffee all down me" I say
"Of course help yourself" She says
I nod and walk out and change and go right back. When I enter there was a tiny boy on the other woman's lap.
"Blake this is tanner. He is Harper's pet human" Lizzie says
"Human pet?" I ask
"Yes. I bought tanner from a human pet shop. He is my toddler baby. His midset is only 5 and won't go any higher. He is full grown at the age of eighteen" Harper says
"and how is it having a pet?" I ask
"It's a handful. You need flexible work hours and you will need a nanny or a day care that can handle your type of pet. There is a long list of laws you have to follow and they have doctors but they are called vets for humans." Harper tells me
"Maybe I should look into it" I say
"You should. they don't get any taller than 4'6 to 5 ft even. they never weigh more than 100 lbs so easy to carry as well" She says
"Is there a shop around?" I ask
"Yeah right down the street." She says
"I'm going to have a look. Lizzie you good for a hour?" I ask
"Of course. And make sure to get his info but just buying a pet" She says sternly
I nod and kiss her forehead and look at Harper.
"Lizzie could you watch him for a hour? I would like to go with Blake" Harper says
"of course. I have watched him before." Lizzie says
Harper nods and tells Tanner to be good and we leave. When we pull up to the building it looked all run down.
"They don't have the best holding places for pets" She says
I nod and we walk in and a bell dings.
"Hello how may I help you?" a man asks
"i'm looking for a pet" I say
"Male or female?" He asks
"male" I tell him
"Ok go through the left door and you will find them" he says
I nod and we walk through the door and there were cages lined up everywhere.
"they just got new ones in" Harper says
i look around and then I spot on in the very back and I walk over and lift up the chart.
"Was a stray. Was recently caught and has had some training. Doesn't really talk and is a baby pet. Can bare children and has been used once before. Mindset is 3 to 5" I read out loud
"Nice choice. and he is cheap" Harper says
"Did you find one?" the man asks
"yes I'll take this one." I tell him
"Alright. I'll get him ready. There is a shop next door that sells baby things if you wish to go over and start shopping. It will take a hour for me to get him ready. Make sure to get a half body harness and leash. It's law that they have to be on one at all times in public. I will chip him in here as well" The man says
I nod and we walk out of the shop and into the one next door. Harper helps me alot and makes me buy diapers, sippy cups, bottles, dummy's, wipes, onesies, shoes, pants, shirts, hats, grooming kits, pet shampoo, and so many other things. Once we were done we loaded everything in my car and walked back in the pet shop. When we entered my pet was in a small carrying kennel and was crying.
"He was been groomed and chipped. Fill out this paperwork and name him and then you pay and he is yours" the man tells me
I read over everything and then I name him Riley and then I pay the man.
"Oh. He is rather disobedient he will need a firm hand." He says
I nod and grab the kennel and we get in the car and drive to my house. Harper helps me get everything out and into the house and then we sit down and look around.
"I would put his kennel over there in the corner. You can set up the baby monitors all over the house." Harper says
I nod and we get to work on setting up the huge kennel. Once it was done I walk over and pull the pet out of the small carrying kennel.
"He will need a bath and then you need to sit down and go over all the rules with him." Harper tells me
"thanks for everything. you can take my car back to Lizzie's and I can get it tomorrow. I need to get him settled before anything" I tell her
She nods and picks up my keys and heads out the door.
"Ok Riley let's go over rules." I tell him
He tilts his head looking at me and I sigh.
"First you will call me daddy. Two no talking back. No biting. No yelling. Do as daddy tells you and you won't be punished. do you understand?" I ask
"Wes" He whispers
"Speak up when talking to me. I want to hear you. Now let's get you in a diaper and some jammies and in bed" I tell him
I lift him up and carry him to his room and I quickly change him and lay him down in his bed.
"Now you go to sleep and i'll come get you in the morning" I tell him
He nods and I pop a dummy in his mouth and I walk out closing and locking the door so he can't escape.
When I woke up the next morning I could hear crying so I got up and walked to his room and opened the door. when I opened the door I gasped. It was completely trashed.
"What have you done?" I yell
He whimpers and hides in the corner and I growl. I stalk over to him and yank him up.
"Your getting your first punishment now" I tell him
I drag him to the hall and push open the punishment room door and push him in. I turn and close the door and I walk over and pick up a paddle. I stalk over to him and yank him up. I pull him over and strap him face down to a table and I yank off his pajamas and nappy.
"you are getting 30 with the paddle. You will count and thank me when i'm done. If you don't count I will start over" I snap at him
He whimpers and i bring the paddle down on his ass. He screams out but counts. When he got to ten her started over at one again. I couldn't figure out why but let it go since he counted 30 just in tens. Once I was done I put the paddle back and dressed him. I ran and got dressed and packed his bag. I placed him in the car and drove to my sisters. when I got there Harper and her little boy was there still.
"Hello Liz. Harper" I say placing my boy down on his bruised ass
He whimpers and Harper raises a brow at me.
"I woke up and he destroyed his room so he got a paddling" I say
"Gonna use him?" Harper asks
"Yeah I am. Maybe take him to the club and go from there" I say
"May wanna introduce him to to pain first. Get him use to it" Liz says
"Good idea" I say
I can hear him whimper and I smirk and glare down at the small hybrid.