One where a kitty boy is a sex slave he just doesn't know it. He innocent all around and loves to color and have stuffies but what happens when he is finally bought and all he knew is stripped away from him and he's turned into master's slut?
My name is Oli and I love my stuffies and color books. I have lived in this room my entire life. I never have to leave and Sir takes care of me. I was laying on my bed naked when Sir stepped in and sighed. I sat up and looked at him and he was frowning.
"I'm sorry" Was all he said
A few more men came in and cuffed my hands and placed something over my eyes and pulled me out of my room.
"Stay here and don't move or you will be punished" A man hisses in my ear
I whimper and then I hear the scary voice.
"He is innocent. Never been touched. Was raised in isolation. Doesn't know anything about sex and sometimes speaks in third person. He can feed himself and is potty trained. He is more of a little I guess" The scary voice says
"100,000" Another voice says
"Sir he isn't worth it. I'll sell him to you for 20,000" Scary voice says
"Done. Cuff his hands in front of him and place him in the back" The other voice says
I was then shoved and then lifted and tossed. I landed with a thud and a door slammed. A few minutes later a door opened and closed again. The thing over my eyes was removed and I looked up to see a handsome man staring at me.
"what is your name pet?" He asks
"Oli" I whimper
"Well you will call me Master. We will go over rules when we get home" He says
I nod and look down at my feet and sigh. About a hour later we stopped and Master pulled me from the car and into a huge house. He took a seat and made me kneel by his feet.
"Rule time.
1- you will always call me Master
2- Always kneel at my feet
3- never speak unless spoken to
4- never touch yourself or let anyone but me touch you
5- never go outside without me
6- always ask to eat
7- no cussing
8- no back talking
9- do as I say the first time I tell you to do it
10- never ever lie to me.
Punishments can vary on what you done to deserve the punishments. You will also never sleep with me" Master says
I was so tense and was shaking that I couldn't speak.
"Do you have questions?" He asks
"I need to potty first" I whisper
"Speak up when talking to me" He roars
"I need to potty" I say clearly
"Down the hall first door on the right" He says
I get up and run down the hall and into the bathroom. I do my business and wash my hands and walk back to him. I kneel back in the floor and look up at him.
"Now do you have questions?" he asks again
"Could I eat? I'm starving?" I ask shyly
"When were you last fed?" He asks
"3 days ago" I say bowing my head
"Let's feed you" He says
I nod and go to stand but look at him and he nods. I stand and follow him into the kitchen and he starts cooking.
"You may sit on the stool" He says
I try to get up but can't I was to short. He comes around and lifts me up on the stool and goes back to cooking. I sit there looking around and notice a cat clock on the wall. I giggle when it meows and my eyes snap to Master. He was chuckling at me and I bowed my head.
"My brother bought that damn clock as a joke but I like it" He tells me
"I like it. It's cute" I say
He nods and places some food on a plate and slides it over to me.
"may I eat?" I ask
He nods and I start eating. I only get half of it down before I look at Master.
"I'm full" I say
"I will put the rest up and you can have it for dinner" He says
I nod and slide it to him and he places it in the fridge.
"Follow me" He says
I nod and jump down and we walk down a long hall. He stops at a room and pushes the door open. It was all white walls and a twin bed and dresser and that was it.
"This is your room. You will sleep here. Now come along" He says
I follow and he unlocks a door and steps in and I follow and he closes the door and locks it. He flips on the light an I gasp.
"This is my play room. You are my sex slave. Tonight I will place a plug in you and you will wear it all night and tomorrow I will fuck you" He says
"What does that mean?" I ask
"Get on your hands and knees. Ass in the air" He tells me
I jump but do as I'm told. I can hear him walk around and then come back. I felt something cold and wet press against my no no spot so I tries to crawl away. Master grabbed my tail and yanked me back and I screamed so loud my throat hurt. He shoved something in me and I screamed again. He smacked my butt and I started crying.
"Go to your room and sleep" He tells me
I whimper and stand up and the thing inside me moves and I cry out.
"If you take it out you won't like what I do to you." He snarls in my ear
I whimper and he grabs my kitty ear and drags me to my room and shoves me in. The door is shut and I hear a click. I was so scared so I went over and laid down on my bed. The next morning my door was thrown open and in walked a wolf hybrid. I whimpered and he smirked. He unlocked a door and walked in and came back out carrying some things and then locked the door again. He walked into another door and then he walked back out and looked at me.
"come with me I have to get you ready for the day" He says
I whimper and he glares and points to inside the little room. I scamper over and run in and see a bathroom. He was filling the tub and I whimpered again. He took off what I was wearing and pushed me into the tub. He washed me roughly and then rinsed me.
"Get out and lay on the towel." He commands
I get out and lay down. He kneels next to me and put something sticky on my legs. He places paper on it and then rips it off. I scream and he smirks.
"Shut up and let me finish or master will punish us both" He snarls at me
I cry and he does my legs. Now spread your legs so I can do your dick" He commands
I whimper and he glares so I follow his command and spread my legs. He does the same like he did to my legs and it hurt so bad. I sobbed and he told me to roll over and put my ass in the ass. I did it and then he ripped all the hair from around my hole. I screamed and cried and scampered away from him. He smirked and stood up and held out clothes for me. I sniffled and took them and looked at them. They were for a girl and I looked at him and he shrugged. I got dressed and he lead me down to the kitchen. Master was there eating so the wolf forced me to my knees by Master.
"It's done Master." He tells Master
"Thank you Josh. You may watch tv today." Master tells him
"Thank you Master" He says and walks out
"Eat slave" Master commands and I whimper and eat my mush
Once I was done Master stood and the wolf walked back in and cleaned up master's plates.
"Josh you will be working today instead showing him the ropes and then you will have the next two days off" Master says
"Of course Master. Can I see Lil today?" he asks
"yeah we can stop by" Master says
I sigh and the wolf clips on a thick leather leash and hands it to Master. Master tugs hard and I scramble after him. Master opens a door and shoves me in and the wolf gets in as well. Master drives us somewhere and when arrive I get slightly scared. Master steps out and we head inside and I start shaking.
"Slave listen to Josh or I will punish you" He says and walks away
"Come with me." Josh says
I follow him to a room and once we are inside he shoves me over and tells me to strip. i do as told and he throws some lingerie at me and I slip it on.
"Now Master owns this club. He owns several hybrids. I'm his most prized hybrid. You will be performing lap dances and if you get bought for a private show then they will be aloud to do anything they please to you. don't fight cause that will get you a beating.
"No" I shout
He growls and walks over and grabs a hand full of my hair and drags me out and to another room. He knocks and then walks in and tosses me at Master's feet. Master looks down at me and I know i'm in so much trouble.
"He told me no he wouldn't do it" Josh says
'Go visit Lil I got this" Master says looking at him
Master grins and stalks towards me and I scramble back. He grabs me and flips me onto my tummy and yanks my shorts from me. Before I knew what was happening Master put something in my bum and I screamed out. He held my head down and held my arms so I couldn't get away from the torture. When Master was finished doing whatever he was doing he stood up and let go of me. I sobbed into the floor and I could hear his chuckle. I got brave and stood up and looked at him.
"I hate you" I scream
He back hands me and walks over picking up his phone. A few minutes later a few men walk in.
"I want him trained and a shock collar put on him now. I want him ready in two weeks." Master says
They nod and drag me away and I scream and cry. I was thrown in a cage and left there and I didn' know when I would be let out again.