Symbol: 🩵
Beyør resident. Her home is a stone cave on the highest peak of a snowy mountain. There’s a nest of her feathers and various sticks, bones, furs, and grasses at the back. There are torches throughout that burn blue flames.
Typically appears as a small dainty blue and black griffin. Also has blue phoenix properties, such as some flaming plumage in peacock-like patterns. Green leaves and small colorful flowers burst up between her blue feathers and fur.
Present holds the sorrow for the loss of our relationship with Enigma system. She is generally very mournful, quiet, and melancholy. She has no issue with expressing her feelings. When in front, Present is quiet and soft spoken. They don’t seek out people to talk to, but can have a lot to say once they start a conversation. Currently, Present is not interested in romantic or sexual relationships, but she might be someday. Present sees relationships inside the system as necessary to maintain and keep positive. They typically try to stay cordial and friendly with all alters. Its perspective on relationships outside the system is bittersweet. It thinks they’re important, but doubts they can last or be meaningful in a way that doesn’t end in sorrow. All Present wants for herself is to work through her feelings of loneliness and remorse. Present wants the system to learn how to love in a healthy and beneficial way. Their goal is to heal from their pain and learn from the mistakes that were made in the relationship with Enigma system.
Animals: peacock, lion, hawk, cat