Symbol: 🧤
Beyør resident. Their home is a small wooden treehouse with lots of rugs, a red brick fireplace, and a hot tub outside in the center of many tree branches on top of the tree trunk.
Typically appears as a humanoid in child form with short choppy shoulder-length light brown hair, light skin, brown eyes, freckles, and thin eyebrows. Wears white sweatpants with green grass stains and a hooded waterproof zip-up blue-grey coat over a white long-sleeve shirt with a sequined pink heart. Has Velcro-strapped pink and brown shoes that are worn down, cracked, and muddy. Always wears a green glove and a purple and pink striped glove.
Agate’s role is to express our emotions, encourage us to express our emotions, and hold trauma and sorrow from our childhood. Agate is a very emotional alter and likes to process those emotions in front. In front, Agate is often quiet and soft-voiced. They speak childishly, though they have a thorough vocabulary. Agate is sex repulsed and wants nothing to do with it. It is unclear whether they feel romantic feelings. Agate cares for the other alters and wants them to express themselves and work through their feelings. While Agate isn’t particularly interested in the world outside of the system, they aren’t opposed to making friends. Agate wants to work through their childhood trauma. Agate wants us to process our emotions and work through them by expressing them. Their only goal is for us to heal and grow.
Animals: owl, squirrel, dog