Symbol: ♠️
Beyør resident. His home is a metal shack. It’s made of thick sheet metal in the shape of a child’s drawing of a house and chimney, with a lockless door and glassless windows with metal shutters. The inside has a plain fireplace that provides the only light. It is a single room with a black sofa in the center, facing the fireplace, and piles of neatly folded knitted and crocheted blankets beside the door on either side. The walls are covered in metal shelves which are absolutely filled with hand-carved wooden figurines, statues, and toys in the form of animals and fantastical creatures. Some have joints, some have wheels, but most are plain carved statues. Behind the house, there’s a tombstone with a shooting star carved into it, and the name “Quasarinova.” Flowers are regularly placed on top of it. On the right side of the house is an old stone well with a metal roof but no bucket or rope.
Typically appears as a human with very pale skin and short messy wavy black hair. His right eye has a black iris and pupil that are indistinguishable from each other. Three large claw scars cover his left eye, which is in an eternal squint. The eye itself has a reddish pink gash across it in the same direction as the scar. The pupil is covered by the gash, but the iris is a foggy yellowish pale grey. Wears a large black sweater and loose worn black jeans. Has black sneakers. Can shift any part of his body into blades. Has silver teeth and nails and black blood. Wears little silver hoop earrings.
Protects other alters from being hurt emotionally by guarding them in headspace or front. He wants everyone to feel loved, safe, and cared for. Coghlan appears cold and uncaring, but he cares deeply. He has a flat affect, making him appear heartless, and his humor tends to be sarcasm or playing the “straight man” comedy role. Coghlan tends to be stiff and cold in front, not talking to anyone or avoiding people altogether. When he speaks, it’s typically monotone and overly polite. Coghlan is a living knife and his sexuality is on the basis of bleeding, cutting, and penetrating, making him very sadistic sexually. He, however, strongly values the emotional well-being of his partner and greatly desires them to feel loved. He’s attracted to kindness and warmth. Coghlan was formed solely to love an alter that doesn’t exist anymore, and feels a strong sense of loss for them. He loves all members of the system, but misses who he lost. He believes that the way to heal through our trauma is not by shutting ourselves out from others, but by opening up and forming healthy relationships. Coghlan wants to grow and become the kind of person he saw in the Quasi he lost. He wants the system to grow, heal, and move on from our unhealthy relationships of the past. Currently, Coghlan wants to help the other members of the system feel loved. He also has an interest in psychology and thinks it would be interesting to go back to learning it.
Animals: crow