Symbol: ⚓️
Rides a massive sailboat around the islands, taking travelers from one to the other.
Typically appears as a plump and burly, short light-skinned humanoid with deep vibrant green eyes. Has long curly dark brown hair, and a long curly beard. Their body is covered in tattoos and body hair, and they have breasts as well. Huge pigeon wings stick out of their shirt, which is torn in the back to allow the wings to move. Has a black tricorn hat and matching breeches. Has a a blue shirt, brown belt with a saber, and wears corset. Has high brown working boots.
Maverick’s role is to explore unfamiliar situations, which are most of them. Maverick isn’t keen on showing emotions, but allows them to be felt. Maverick is generally quiet and observant, preferring not to interact with unfamiliar people until they’ve seen them from a distance for a while. Maverick has a mild interest in sex, but would be entirely satisfied with a sexless life. They begrudgingly do feel romantic emotions occasionally, but dislike the weakness of wanting someone’s love. Maverick sees himself as the captain of a ship, and all alters are crew-mates with specific roles and duties, and when they aren’t fulfilled then he gets irate. Relationships outside the system are seen as dangerous, but necessary alliances. Maverick warily permits them. Maverick wants to learn and explore. They are very interested in visiting all fifty states, as well as learning as much as they can about the world. He wants the system to have specific duties and goals. Maverick wants to accomplish as many goals of the system as they possibly can, but has a personal goal to go to all fifty states by age 69.
Animals: pigeon, ant, humpback whale