Symbol: 🍠
Central island. His island is a massive paradoxical contradiction of ever-shifting landscapes and shapes, only solid and static when perceived, shifting again once out of view.
Typically appears as a pink feathery dragon-like creature with magenta eyes and twisted black horns like a gazelle. He has a face similar to a goat or a cat and sheep ears, feather patterns like a flamingo, and front paws like a raccoon and otherwise cat-like legs. His tail ends with a flat black diamond surrounded by pink feathers in the shape of a heart. He has rainbow blood.
Kakxyl’s role is to break out of narratives and change the roles of other alters. He interrupts fights between alters and stops alters from harming the body. Kakxyl is often inexpressive. He doesn’t like to express or even feel his emotions. Kakxyl is stiff, formal, and polite in front. He only uses front to process himself. Kakxyl has no desire for sex, but does enjoy engaging in it, and will engage in it if it is beneficial to the situation. He very rarely feels romantic emotions. Kakxyl is protective and cares for all members of the system, though he is not emotionally close with many. Outside of the system, Kakxyl has little interest in relationships, but he does believe it is important for the system as a whole to maintain relationships. All Kakxyl wants is to explore himself and who he wants to be. Kakxyl wants the system to be our best selves, be safe, and comfortable. He wants us to thrive and always break out of the story we’re stuck in. His goal is to change the roles of other alters to allow them to grow.
Animals: goat, flamingo, raccoon, wolf, cat