Symbol: 🌲
Isle of Beyør. Its island is a forest of evergreen conifers and towering mountains with snowy peaks.
Typically appears as a very long serpentine creature with massive moth wings and a scorpion tailtip, covered in vines. Its head is that of a swan, draped in overgrown white hair like a mustache and beard. It has a dark brown beak that almost appears wooden, and three reflective eyes. The eyes are surrounded by wooden branches and green vines securing it to the face. On top of the head are long antennae with feathery tips. The white swan neck is long and elegant, attaching to a large chest with dark brown bird-like legs beneath it. On top of the chest are massive, lengthy pale luna moth wings. Between the wings is a turtle-like shell, beginning the back armor. The very long body begins seemingly like a tail, with pale grey centipede-like back armor in segments. The first ten segments are snake-like, with brown scales between the underbelly and back armor. The underbelly is two large scales per segment, alternating between pale green and pale yellow. The second ten segments are centipede-like, with hard brown shell between the top armor and underbelly, a single insect leg emerging from the bottom of each shell. The legs have three segments, beginning dark brown, then pale brown, then gold. The next ten segments are snake-like again. The final ten segments wrap around the body and get smaller, similar to a scorpion, with six final legs similar to the first ten centipede legs but larger, and the rest of the tail curling up into a golden tip that is part rattlesnake and part scorpion stinger.
Yarrow’s role is to reflect our desires back to ourselves so that we may see ourselves with more clarity. It is very deeply emotional, but doesn’t tend to express its emotions. It doesn’t intentionally hide them, however, it’s merely reserved. Yarrow tends to be very quiet and contemplative in front. They think very long about what to say and only speak when they have something important to say. Yey view sex as a means to bond and build a greater connection with someone. Yey feel immense levels of love for everyone and is always willing to engage in sex for a closer bond, but don’t intentionally seek it out. It believes relationships within the system are beneficial to alters to get to know ourselves better. They believe relationships outside the system are beneficial because they help us see ourselves from outside perspectives. Yarrow wants to be reflective and observant and show people parts of themselves that they didn’t consider before. Yeir intent for the system is for us all to understand ourselves and the other alters better. It wants to show alters parts of themselves that they weren’t aware of.