Symbol: 🪩
Amaziña resident. Their home is a post-modern mansion with huge glass windows that open to flowery gardens. They have indoor dance floors.
Typically appears as a skinny but muscular tanned tall human with small breasts. Has straight black hair in an inverted bob with bangs. Their irises are black and there’s a gap between their two top front teeth. Has red lipstick but no mascara. Wears holographic fabric bikini bottoms with a fringe skirt of dangling kandi in hot pink, red, silver, glow in the dark, white, and pastel pink, with black yarn. Wears pink fluffy arm warmers and leg warmers. Has a holographic fabric chest strap with dangling kandi in the same pattern as the skirt. Also has a necklace of rainbow glow sticks.
Boppie’s role is to care for the physical body, maintain our social status, and ensure we have fun. Boppie has shallow emotions and tends to only feel joy and discomfort without much other depth that they can label. They dance and sing in front, typically with very feminine gestures. They see sex as nothing more than a fun activity and only engage with it for pleasure. They feel no romantic interest. Boppie has a positive view on the other members of the system and wants them to have fun and be happy. They enjoy having friends because they love throwing parties, but the connection is shallow and superficial. Boppie wants to look good and have fun. Boppie wants the system to look good and have fun. Get muscular, get beautiful, throw huge parties, have lots of friends to go to said huge parties.
Animals: peacock, butterfly