Symbol: ✏️
Amaziña resident. Their home is a two-story house on top of a hill with a stone path up to it. The house looks like a standard suburban house, with everything colored in greens, blues, purples, and silvers, with patterns like stars and leaves. The hill is a grassy dirt hill but overlooks a beach.
Typically appears as a small and lanky white human tween with long wavy sideswept brown hair and hazel eyes with green flecks. Wears a loose striped light blue and dark purple sweater with dark blue shorts, black tights underneath, and brown boots. Has a black wolf mitten hat and a purple and black backpack.
Indigo holds our childhood hopes and dreams, as well as much of our fandom obsessions. Indigo is usually very positive and cheerful, and extremely excitable, but can fall into states of melancholy. They don’t usually cry or voice their feelings, but it is typically clear when they are upset. When in front, Indigo will talk a lot about our fandom interests, as well as boast about our dreams and fantasies of becoming a world famous book author, game designer, or artist. Indigo has no interest in sex or romance. They are equally friendly towards members of the system and people outside the system. Indigo likes making friends and enjoys people’s company sometimes, but doesn’t mind working alone. They mostly like having someone to bounce ideas off of. They want to become a better storyteller. Indigo wants the system to pursue our dreams of becoming a world famous novelist. To fulfill our fantasies of writing the best stories ever is Indigo’s dream.
Animals: gecko