Symbol: 🔥
Isle of Crưxal. His island is a volcanic island of jagged black mountains, lava flows, hotspring swamps, dunes of black sand, and twisted black trees.
Typically appears as a giant black partially skeletal dragon with four wings, four front legs, and huge raptor hind legs. He has many black horns in different shapes on his head, decorated with blue, pink, red, and green bands. He has three eyes that glow with the light of a thousand suns. Xe has long box braids behind xis horns, black hair with pink, blue, red, and green beads. His ears are wolf-like. His chest is almost humanoid, but with a huge cavity and bare black ribs. It constantly leaks red lava. His frontmost legs are more like human arms, but entirely skeletal and blackened, held together by blue electricity. The other pair of front legs are raccoon-like, still skeletal. There are massive red spikes going down his back, their highest peaks being where they begin on his shoulders and his haunches, tapering off and ending mid tail. His top wings are feathery and vulture-like, with the top ridges being a black layer, then a dark acidic green layer, then a vibrant neon green layer, then a pale cyan blue layer, ending with a white layer at the bottom. The bottom wings are mostly black bat wings, with sparkles of other colors like stars. His waist is also humanoid and he has a belly button, but his haunches are covered in black fur with layers of grey and tips of white. His legs are huge t-rex legs. They are skeletal where his fur ends. The fur continues partially onto his tail, making the illusion of a wolf tail, but bone continues underneath that like a t-rex tail. The tail is much longer than a t-rex tail, however, and continues on to be similar to a cat tail, finally ending in a red three-pronged tip.
Xray views himself as the system’s leader and therefore views his role as commanding the system and making final decisions and plans. He intends to gather all facts and then take decisive action. Xray doesn’t feel many strong emotions, but feels it necessary to express them when he does feel them. He is typically very calculated in his expression and can easily describe what he is feeling most of the time. When in front, Xray is cheerful but decisive. Xe usually tries to take command of the situation. Xe also can be very curious, asking a multitude of questions, often probing and uncomfortable ones. He views sex as a power dynamic and enjoys it as a means of gaining control over a situation. He does feel romantic love, but is extremely aware of the power dynamics in every relationship he has, and is very cautious about giving up any of his agency. Xray views relationships within the system as necessary for maintaining order. Xe enjoys having friends outside of the system, but is cautious to let them get too close. Xe loves learning about other people’s experiences and perspectives, however. Xray wants to be seen as a confident and trustworthy authority figure, and he is determined to help the system by creating order. He wants the system to thrive and be confident, brave, and secure. Xis goal is to push the system into being the best version of ourselves as we can.