Deborah's pov
My eyes went as wide and big as saucers to see Vlad standing at the doorway. " Uncle!!", Michael yelled and ran towards him with open arms. Vlad smiled and picked him up. " So, how's my little buddy doing hm?", he asked,ruffling his hair a bit. Micheal pouted a bit and then giggled while I stood there in an awkward statue like position, unable to understand how to react. " Come on Dwebby! Let's hug together!!", he shouted in his childish voice, motioning me to come closer. But I stood still, unable to comprehend what's happening. Then Vlad gave a strange passionate look and came closer to me and snaked his arms around my neck giving us all a tight squeeze. The image of me having a family of my own flashed through my mind. I blushed a bright pink at the thought. I had never been so close to a guy before. The smell of his cologne wafted in through my nostrils. For some reason, I don't know why, I felt comfortable and safe for once. As if nobody can snatch me away from my safe haven. I pulled off and turned around like a robot walking towards the kitchen. I definitely didn't want him to see me blushing furiously. I walked to the kitchen and pulled the ingredients altogether for easy making of the cake.
Vlad walked into the kitchen with Michael in his arms. He placed him on the kitchen slab and started observing me carefully what I was doing. " Need some help?", he asked. I let out a no thanks for the reply. The tension around was heavy and perhaps Michael felt it too. Poor boy had stopped playing with his small toy car and was looking at us unnervingly. It was obvious. I had never been that serious around him before.
"Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you the other day. I didn't mean to. I was in a bad mood. And my personal problems make it worse. Please forgive me?", he pleaded. I was confused. My heart told me to forgive him while my mind refused. His personal life was his own problem and he had no right to vent it out on me like that. I kept quiet as I started mixing the egg, flour and milk together.
All of a sudden, I felt some powdery substance all around my hair and side of my face and saw Vlad laughing his butts off. I knew it was flour. I saw Michael giggling at the corner. I tried suppressing the urge to laugh and smile but I failed. The next moment I knew we were all food fighting. We were all laughing out loud and I was gasping and struggling to breathe with all that laughing. We were all covered in flour and the kitchen was in a mess. " This was so much fun", he remarked still laughing. I got up from the kitchen stool and mixed all the required things and put it in the preheated oven.
" I wan sleep", Michael said yawning. Vlad lifted him up and took the kid to his room. In the meanwhile I cleaned up the mess. I waited for like about like forty five minutes wondering where the hell did he go? I decided to check on them when. So I went inside the master bedroom where Michael usually sleeps to check out only to find the little kid snoring adorably and a recently showered Vlad standing by the bed with only a towel wrapped around his waist. " You checking me out now?," he smirked and winked at me. " Um...I don't think so? You should dress actually. Poor kid will be traumatized when he sees his uncle half naked", I said back and exited from the room. Guys can be so assuming. That's when I felt a wet towel on my head and shrieked," What are you doing?!" He laughed and ran away to another room.
I ran after him, chasing him around to hit him with the towel. " You can't win!!," he yelled when he ran to the living room with only his boxers on. " Try me!," I yelled back laughing. But by the time I entered the living room, I couldn't find him anywhere. " Vlad?? Vlad!! Where are you? Where did you go??", I yelled for him decently enough not to wake Michael up.
I looked all around for him but couldn't find him. Defeated I dragged my legs the kitchen to pull the cake out from the oven. I put on my baking gloves on and pulled out the tray, the heavenly smell of rich chocolate and cake wafting all around in the air. I put the cake tray to cool when I feel a pair of cold and fresh smelling arms snaking around my waist. " What do you think you're doing Vlad?!! Get off me!!", I tried squirming in his tight grip but blame his muscly arms, I couldn't move a bit. " Not until you forgive me sweetcake," he whispered huskily into my ears. My body shivered and tingled a bit. " Fine!! I forgive you! Now let me go before I suffocate and die," I said and laughed.
Why was Vlad being like this? And why on Earth did he call me that?! I was feeling weird and creepy. One day he is yelling at me, next day he is being a freak and being all lovey dovey and cheesy? I cut a slice and give it to him but he refused to eat. " It tastes really good, try it", I insisted. " I'm allergic to chocolates", he said. My face fell down in disappointment. I would have made something different for him if I had known. " You really don't have to make anything else for me", he said. Did he just read my mind or something? Lost in my thoughts of astonishment, confusion and wonder I snapped out of my thoughts when Vlad shook me. " Earth to Deborah!", he said laughing. " Oh sorry," I giggled. " So...about that tutor thing, I'm really failing in a few subjects and Im in need of dire help. Will you do me the honour of being my tutor?," he asked extending out his right hand. I laughed out hard, rolled my eyes and took his hand and gave a little bow of courtesy, " Ah...the honour is all mine kind sir." Then he gasped asked me something very creepy in a low voice, "You remember everything?" " Sorry? Remember what?" I asked laughing. " Oh nothing", he shoved off the topic " was just messing around with you", he chuckled. " Ohkaay?", I said more of a question in confusion. I pushed him inside the house " now go wear something other than your boxers doofus, " I said laughing. He chuckled and went inside to get dressed up.
Michael woke up shortly and I fed him some cake to which he relished way too much and kept on saying yummy and delicious such comments. I told him that I was too glad he liked it. And the next moment we all watched cartoons and comic stuff and I was laughing so hard that my stomach was aching. Michael was sitting between us and somewhere in the middle Vlad snaked his arms around my neck. I don't know why but I was melting inside. Everything felt so perfect for once. And I couldn't remember when I was this happy after my family got killed. Soon after Mrs. Peterson came back home and Vlad offered me a ride home but I denied. But he insisted. He drove me back home. " How do you know my address? I don't remember telling it to you", I asked nervous. " Don't be a scaredy cat Deborah. Mrs. Hansen gave it to me for tutoring purposes. ," he said and laughed. Relieved, I smiled and was about to get off the car when he asked me to stay for a while in it. I gave him a strange look. But then we chatted a bit about random stuff and discussed the timings for his lessons. He said he would come to my place. And everything was finalized. I thanked him for the ride which he said was welcome like a real gentleman. He didn't leave till I disappeared behind the door. I peeked him a small bye from the window to which he smiled. Minutes within, he revved up his car ignition and drove off.
Leaving him made me feel an unknown disappointment in my heart. Almost a bit of void and empty. I got ready for bed and got into my sheets. I closed my eyes, reminiscing the beautiful moments that Vlad and me had with Michael. I wondered why he never smiled or laughed. He looked so beautiful and angelic when he did. Yet, he was the polar opposite at school. With thoughts as these, I let my mind and body wander off to sleep.