Vlad's pov,
I was sitting on the balcony extending out from my room. Obvious it was since I occupied the master bedroom on the second floor.
I was randomly flipping through the pages of my grammar book and tossed it to the nearby table as II coul not show any desire or self interest for learning such stuff because my mind was occupied in the stars and the moon in the night sky. And in all the beautiful fairy lights decorating the gazebo of the balcony. I found Romanian a lot more easier as it was my mother tongue. English was kind of boring and I just had to go to school to kill time.
But to say, it was really worth it. If I hadnt listened to Byni, I would have been stuck here with my duties and could've never found her again.
A smile crept upto my lips at her thought. She was a lot more different than her past self though. Dark, mysterious...a lot more quiet and introvert. To be honest, I missed the older Danielle. All those beautiful and crazy romantic stuff we used to do.
I closed my eyes and tried remembering all those moments. I still remember how lovely her hair used to smell. And how soft it used to feel when I ran my hands through them. And how calm I used to feel when she used to rest her head on my chest. It seemed as if the world vanished leaving only two of us behind..
Earlier, Danielle used to be full of colour and vigour, full of energy. It was because of her that I used to feel alive in my dead and cold soul and heart. She had managed to pump life into my limp, boring life. But since that night she passed away...I wouldn't bother about anything but killing to satiate my bloodlust. And then I saw her again at school and then everything just changed since that late evening from the cemetery.
I was staring at the sky smiling goofily like a lost lover when my thoughts travelled to the night I saw her at the cemetery. I felt nostalgic about that house. Scrunching my eyebrows in between my eyes I strained my brains real hard to try remember if I'd ever had any experience with that house before.
I remembered now. I'd been there before. About fifteen years I suppose. My entire self froze and heart dropped. My eyes went wide with self realization...' Deborah Johnson'...and her parents Daniel and Lilliana Johnson.
I hurried back to my office pulling out a huge pile of really old file records. Dust flew everywhere leaving me behind in a fit of cough. But I was too clouded in my thoughts and eagerness to even think about anything else.
I scattered them all in order to find that specific file.
Got it. File 1754
" Are you fine, master Vlad?", Byni popped her small head into the creak of the office door. " You look quite pale and frightened."
I raised my hand up in dismissal. She got the cue and left me alone.
I dusted off the file with my hands and opened the file to reveal the the two most notorious people whom I hated more than any enemy in the world.
Name: The Johnson's
Death: 4 ( two adults, two children)
Survivor: none
Cause: treason
There were the pictures of her parents and the miniature picture of the giant family portrait in the hall of her house.
Deborah Johnson...the member of the family who betrayed me...
I was furious and anger clouded my eyes and mind. I stepped into the hallway and all I heard were screams and splashes of blood on the walls.