3rd person Pov
Deborah woke up that evening with a headache, clogged nose, puffy red eyes and a sick feeling. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling for what seemed like an eternity. It was 6 p.m. by the time she woke up. Flashes of memories came rushing to her once again. A tear drop slipped from the corner of her eye and slid into the bedsheet on which she was sleeping. She had put herself on bed after changing earlier. She got up from the bed and washed her face and stared at herself in the mirror for a while. Then she walked up to the window and felt the cool breeze against her face.
The rain had stopped and everything smelled fresh and vibrant, but maybe not enough to brighten up her mood. But then she had an idea. 'Maybe I should just visit them and talk to them for a bit.' She thought grabbing her light sweater.
She locked the door of her home and started walking down the street to the cemetery.
Vlad's pov
I was randomly strolling across the cemetery, reading the epitaphs of the dead. It somewhat gave me a sense of comfort. It was around 7 pm at the time and was somewhat dark but you can't expect anything more from vampire. That's when I heard the cemetery gate creak open. It was impossible to detect me as I was in the absolutely darkest area of the cemetery. Nevertheless, to avoid any unnecessary occurrence, I ran to a tree stealthily and hid behind it. 'Who could be here at such an hour?' I thought. Then I see a beautiful young lady in a knee length white dress and a pink bunny light sweater walking in. I thought it was extremely weird. Why would such an innocent soul come to such a dark place at this time of the evening? She was definitely a human. I could tell that from the way she smelled. I used my enhanced vision to see who it was. I was taken aback in surprise and astonishment to find that it was none other than the girl who approached to tutor me earlier today. Why was she here? At this hour? Weren't humans afraid of dark and that too in a cemetery? And she was a girl above that all.
There were millions of questions and thoughts running through my mind when I noticed her kneeling in front of a tombstone.
I could see her hair tied in a messy bun. She had nothing on her face. Her eyes were red and puffy and she looked quite worn out and sad and it was obvious that she had been crying. I don't know why I felt a tug in my heart. She closed her eyes and sighed. She looked up at the tombstone and broke down real hard. "I...I'm sorry. I am so so sorry. You didn't deserve this Ellie...you were too young. You had a long life to live. I am a failure of a sister. I should have protected you. I failed...I'm so sorry Ellie....I promise when we meet in heaven, I'll try every possible way to make it up to you. And I'll scold Jason real hard for forcing me to hide in the closet that night....I shouldn't have left you alone..." She whispered the last part.
Then she moved to the tombstone right to the one she visited before. She stared intently at it for a moment. " I know you would never want me to get hurt. Remember the times you used to scold the kids who used to bully me? Be an overprotective caring and a loving older brother? Even if you were only nine... I wish you were here with me. Then we could have had so much fun ya know? You would have probably been in college now. I would have teased you and your girlfriend if you had one and be such an annoying ass. This is so pathetic Jase...I just wished we had more time to play and know each other, but fate as they say is cruel...You were snatched away from me...I couldn't see you grow up to be a nice handsome gentleman you could have become or see you marry or have kids and become an aunt myself someday. I still miss those Sundays when you tried your best to bake me a muffin, destroying the kitchen, grinning at me like a doofus while mom used to scold you." She smiled sadly as she said those words..." Just take care Jase...Of yourself and the family...Wherever you are.." She trailed off.
Then moves to the right again and smiles a bit again. "I miss you mom. I would have done anything to just earn a hug from you...but I guess you can't do anything to get a hug from your dead mom...You were a beautiful lady mom...I wished I inherited your blue eyes like Jason. I wish you were with me...Then you could have made me those delicious pancakes for breakfast. I basically burn em' all the time. Earlier, I used to cry my eyes out when you used to scold me...and now? I can't even get scolded by you even if I wanted to badly...Just hear to your calm motherly voice, sing me lullabies and read me stories as a kid." She said in a sad tone. "Love you mom..."
Then she moved to the right again. And this time, she looked a bit serious. "You know dad...That shouldn't have happened....And it's getting late, I should get going." She huffed and got up, fighting back her tears, not bothering about the wet dirt on her knees. She was about to leave when she stopped for a moment and looked back to the tree behind which I was hiding. She started walking towards me or rather to the tree with a curious expression on her face. I wanted to run away but I knew that would make the matters worse, but fortunately, she stopped for some reason, turned her back to me and walked away and I didn't get out of my hiding spot till the gate creaked again, announcing her departure.
For some reason she looked so much alike my Danny...And what surprised me the most was when I felt something sliding down my cheek. I felt it with my fingers only to find a smear of bloody tear on my fingers....I didn't know what to say or think. I felt something I that I used to feel a long time ago. I could feel her emotions. Her pain. And something told me that I was the reason behind this all. Why was I feeling like this? I was supposed to have lost it all when she had died. Then why now? Even though there was a lot of confusion....I had a strong gut feeling...She was back...