We were walking down an empty street lined up with dogwood trees. She was holding on tight to my left arm and I could see her flashing her beautiful smile at me from that silk embroidered hood of hers. I smiled gently at her. I held her waist and pulled her closer to me smirking. She gasped and widened her eyes. Laughing, she slapped my arm playfully. I laughed. There were chilly gusts of wind that day and I could smell the rain in the air.
Suddenly there was lightning and thunder. The sound of thunder scared me. I shook and shivered when the thunder bellowed again. " You fine, Vlad?", She asked with her beautiful yet concerned voice. " I...I'm fine.", I said. " Are you sure, honey?", She asked. I stopped for a while and calming down my racing heart replied, " I.. I guess so.." She knew I was avoiding eye contact. She walked in front of me and tilted down my face to hers. " An emperor never avoids meeting the eye Vlad.", She said calmly. She removed her gloves and put her fragile and delicate palm over the left side of my chest. Maybe she felt it. Deep inside my empty emotionless heart, perhaps she sensed my fear of lightning and the love that I had for her. She hugged me, placing her ears near my heart smiling. " Beautiful rhythm, isn't it? A soft music plays when you're calm and now I hear the fast rhythm as if in the ending of an epic dramatic ballad." Pulling away she gazed into my eyes and said, " You might be an emperor Vlad. Emperor of the entire Romania. Managing thousands of people. Trying to keep so many people together and working. Going on wars and fighting...", trailing off at the end.
" But you still have a heart Vlad. You have your weaknesses and strengths. You have emotions. A life of your own. " " Please don't take me as weak", I pleaded her, tears clouding my vision. She giggled and shushed me ," hey...dont cry..I'm the most honored woman to have known your weakness. That's why I'm here right? To calm and soothe you down when you're afraid. To love you no matter what. To be someone to love you despite your imperfections...to be your greatest strength.", she said smiling at me.
I had killed so many people in my lifetime. Drained them of their blood. Drink it even. Danielle didn't know I was a vampire. If she came to know, she would probably leave me. I didn't know what good had I ever done to deserve someone as pure and serene as her. But she said she would love me no matter what right? " Scrunched eyebrows and gazing at empty spaces, you must be in deep thoughts", she stated.
There was thunder again. Scared of the terrible lightening I hugged her tight. She hugged be back in her frail arms. But it felt as if I was in the safest place ever . She whispered into my ears, " I'm here.. don't you worry. I oath that as long as I live, I'll never let you get hurt in any way. You may have to fend for yourself when you're in battle or alone, but as long as I'm here, I won't let anything hurt you Vlad..", she caressed my head and hair.
I could feel droplets of water falling on my face. We looked up and I finally realized that it was raining. In no matter of time there was a heavy downpour and we were getting drenched. I didn't see the need to run. I didn't feel like it. I wanted us to stay like that for eternity. I looked down to her short frame gazing at her beautiful hazel eyes. We were staring at each other which seemed to last like for an eternity. In moments I felt an urge. To hold her, and to kiss her..to never let her go..to never let the moment stop. I could hear her heart beat. It was racing a thousand miles per second. I leaned in closer to her lips. Her eyes were constantly flickering to my eyes and to my lips. I could feel her lifting her toes to reach up to my level. She closed her eyes and that's when I tasted her sweet lips on mine. I closed my eyes, lost in ecstasy. We were constantly sucking on each other's lips like a passionate couple. I lifted her up to my level kissing her more deeply. I bit her lower lip. She gasped and opened her mouth in surprise. Smirking, I slipped in my tongue into her mouth exploring her mouth. I could taste the rain water with her mouth due to the rain. She started sucking on my mouth with passion. I could feel her delicate beautiful fingers running through my wet hair and the other hand cupping my face as we kissed. Gasping for breath, we pulled away. I could see a dark pink tint to her cheeks. It was obvious she had been blushing.
I joined my forehead and nose with hers. I found it amusing when she looked away shyly from me avoiding my gaze. " First kiss, hm?", I asked smiling. " Yes..", she said nuzzling her face Into the crook of my neck. I laughed softly and by the time it was only drizzling. I held her close to me and walked her to her home. Being a real gentleman, I removed my fur coat and placed it on her. She opened the door to her home and walked in.
Me, being a desperate Romeo, waited for her to come to the balcony to bid her farewell for the day. She came out of to the balcony and blew me a kiss waving to me. I smiled like a hopeless lover and waved back at her. " Stay safe!", She yelled. " I will!", I yelled back from the ground. She smiled as she reluctantly and hesitantly closed her balcony door. And I walked back to the palace with a shy grin on my face.