Vlad's pov
I was way too angry. I might have drained about a score of blood bags to calm myself down. My entire room was in a mess. I'd never been this angry before. How dare he! I was viciously pacing to and forth my room. I had this desperate urge to kill Isaac and his sister, Tiffany for harassing Deborah. I looked up at the broken mirror on the wall that I had punched so hard on. I smirked evilly on the thought that crossed my mind. I sat down on my destroyed bed and rubbed my hands delight. Tonight was definitely going to be a fun night.
I had been in my semi vampiric form since the moment I reached home in the afternoon. I was sitting on my throne room with my courtiers eyeing each and every one of them maliciously. They knew not even to whisper when I was pissed off. The clock struck one and I started to get impatient. I took one last sip of fresh blood from my owl glass when the corners of my lips twitched up in malicious smirk when I heard screams from the hallways.
I could see Andrei, one of my courtiers of military rank yanking both the siblings by their hair and threw them on the carpet in the centre of the court. " Well well well...look who's here", I said chuckling darkly. Isaac and Tiffany looked at me with confusion. " Y..you?! What do you want from us?!", Isaac yelled at me. Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes. He was pretending to act all brave but I knew that from the Inside, he was quaking with fear. I walked down from the elevated platform to them. I appeared near Isaac in my lightening speed and whispered in his ears, circling around him, " what is it that I smell? Is it fear?," I asked as I chuckled in dark humour. I went near the crying Tiffany. " Awww...tsk tsk tsk...is the little sister crying?". I asked as I yanked her hair. The mere sight of them made my blood boil in anger and fury.
" Leave my sister alone!", Isaac yelled. " What if I chose not to?", I grinned evilly as I yanked her hair out with one hand and grabbed her neck so hard that I punctured her jugular. She was desperately crying and screaming, trying to break free from the chains around her wrists and so was her brother. But they knew that the attempts would never come out to be successful.
" What do you want Vlad?! Why are you doing this to us??", He screamed at me. I slapped him hard and I heard a nasty crack and saw him fall down dead. " Leave me alone you bastard!", Tiffany screamed. " I don't let my offenders get away with whatever they want." " Why are you doing this to us??" She asked helplessly. "You mess with Deborah, you deal with me. But unfortunately, you broke that poor girl again, so now, you have to deal with the consequences."is what I stated. " Who is she to you?! You're taking our lives for that pathetic waste of space, you bloody vampire???!!",she snapped at me. Everybody in the court was watching us in horror and fear and truth to be told, I loved dealing with ungrateful people like these. I yanked her hair again, " Don't you dare disregard her in front of me, you little bitch!!." Enough was enough. I couldn't tolerate anymore. Before I could lose control again, I ordered Isaac's dead body and Tiffany to be lifted and taken to the royal animal house. I opened the cage of wild wolves and ordered them to be thrown in to them. " Enjoy your feast lovelies", I smirked when when I saw the hungry wolves dragging away their bodies. My heart finally satiated when I heard the painful cries and screams coming out from the cage.
I dismissed the court and moved into my room after the execution. Everything had been arranged in order and replaced. Too lazy to even walk anymore, I plopped down on my bed in my robes and stared at the stars outside till I fell asleep.
Deborah's pov
I was walking down the school corridors. The entire day had been very strange and weird. There were talks everywhere about the Anderson siblings gone missing. Last time they had been at their home. How the heck can they disappear Into thin air? And their phones were disconnected. I heard that the cops traced their phones and found them in their rooms itself. And that the investigation was still on.
I grabbed a plate and stood in the queue for lunch. I sat down lonely as usual at a table, munching on a fry, thinking about what happened yesterday. I wanted to thank Vlad but had no idea how to. And what happened to the Anderson siblings? And about the weird behavior of Vlad the other day in art class. My mind was in an utter mess. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize when the bell rang for my next class. I dumped the tray and wiped my hands off, getting up and made my way to English.
Time passed and as everyday, school got over. I rushed to home and freshened up a bit. I made my way to the last house of my street to the Smith's to babysit their four year old son Michael. I pressed the doorbell and a cheerful Mrs. Smith opened the door. Seemed like she was in an extreme hurry. " Please take care of him honey. I love you sweetie", she pecked my cheek and went for her car." I removed the maroon lipstick stain that she gave me with the back of my hand and laughed. "And Im expecting my younger cousin in order you need help!", She yelled from her car and and started her ignition and drove off. I picked little Michael up in my my arms and asked him, " You know who's coming?". He answered in his giggly voice ," uncle!"
I honestly didn't know who the uncle was. I just hoped he wasn't some annoying jerk at least. I sat Michael on the couch and ask him if he wanted something to eat. He asked for a chocolate cake. So I was heading towards the kitchen to check if the ingredients were available in the kitchen when I saw a familiar car pulling up the driveway. I couldn't remember exactly but my brains blew up when I opened the door. It was none other than Vlad.