3rd person Pov
Deborah grabbed her books and walked down the street to her home. She had her day off today so she walked straight to home. She walked slowly, dragging her feet with her head hung low. The rain drenching her clothes and her entire self. Her tears undistinguishable from the droplets of water flowing down her cheeks. Yes....She was crying. She had not been yelled at since a long time. Last time that had happened when she was five by her dad, when he screamed at her to run and hide somewhere where she would stay safe and not get killed. Luckily, she was not killed that night. Sometimes she wished that she would've had gotten murdered that night along with her family.
She missed little Ellie, her mother, her father, and Jason. Unable to hold her rushing emotions, she ran. She ran and ran and ran 'till her home came into view. The water on the road splashing, sending the droplets of water all around beneath her feet colliding against the ground. She opened the door of her home and closed the door shut abruptly. Unable to hold back anymore she broke down horribly and slid down the door crying. She clutched her chest from the non-existent physical pain, but emotional pain and howled out in grief, sorrow, fury, rage and anguish.
"WHY?!" She yelled looking at the Grand family portrait where stood a man, his wife smiling holding a baby in her arms. And a little girl with pigtails standing in front of a boy two years older than her. His hands on her shoulders. Deborah's eyes welled up with more tears and fell off like a streaming waterfall. "Why?! Mom why?! Dad?? Jason?? Why did you all leave me like this??" She whispered. Unable to take in anymore. She crouched in one corner and and cried 'till sleep enveloped the broken girl into her arms...